Bem Sex-Role Inventory - How masculine/feminine are you?


Literotica Guru
Jul 5, 2002
I scored androgynous with 110 masculinity and 113 femininity.

I would describe myself as a not particularly masculine male and sometimes consider myself more non-binary. Tall, skinny, relatively well endowed, but little body hair and patchy facial hair not capable of growing a full beard. Doctor has said likely low testosterone but not worth testing as there isn't anything to do about it that doesn't have nasty side effects. Like to occasionally shop for and wear things from women's clothing including shirts/pants/lounge wear because they are comfortable not just a lingerie kink. Enjoy doing both traditional masculine and feminine activities.
I am a cisgender man who has always been content to be a man. I always played sports. I was a rancher with cattle and horses for a long time. When I was a student I took care of my children while my wife worked.

Maybe we need a new definition of what it means to be a man? I scored Masculinity 77 and Femininity 122.
I am a cisgender man who has always been content to be a man. I always played sports. I was a rancher with cattle and horses for a long time. When I was a student I took care of my children while my wife worked.

Maybe we need a new definition of what it means to be a man? I scored Masculinity 77 and Femininity 122.

Yeah, a follow up question is how valid do you think this was? It's still well respected. But just looking at the questions you can tell, oh it's going to expect if I like tinkering/fire/guns I'm masculine and if I like decorating/smelling good/being empathetic I'm feminine.
I scored masculine 117 and feminine 103. I’m still unsure what that supposedly says about me, but there it is.
78 masculine / 106 feminine.

I think the questions are a little dated. Also, the scale doesn't really work for all of them. It's been proven to be pretty consistently valid though.
Yeah, a follow up question is how valid do you think this was? It's still well respected. But just looking at the questions you can tell, oh it's going to expect if I like tinkering/fire/guns I'm masculine and if I like decorating/smelling good/being empathetic I'm feminine.

That’s true and it would be easy to game the test looking at the questions. I tried to answer it honestly but I was still surprised by the results. OTOH one of my children called me Mommy for a couple of years when she was a toddler so maybe it’s not so surprising.
I scored 81 masculine and 108 feminine.

As you can probably see from my signature... I'm a transgender, or transsexual, man. Female-to-male. I inject testosterone weekly, have a full bushy beard, hairy body, yadda yadda. No need for more medical / physical details. But, I can also be very fem and I don't believe so much in gender "difference" so much as gender "diversity." Meaning, in short, the gender differences found within one group (like women) are equally as significant as the differences found between them and another group (like men).

I like to say fuck it some days and dress in feminine clothes, do away with the beard, and act like my fiancé's Mistress. I do not make a convincing "cisgender woman" when I do this, but I feel pretty when I do it and he likes it so who cares. Otherwise, I present myself as a guy, and I don't think I care too much if I'm "manly." What is gender if not my playground? That's some basic background on me.


I know it's asking questions based on oooh society's perceptions of masculine and feminine or whatever, but I guess that's the point? Some people say this is outdated, but any scale created with these intentions in mind will always become outdated eventually. Masculinity and femininity are relative concepts grounded in whatever time & place we are in, and the culture/ upbringing we have. Other countries, vastly different cultures, they often have different ideas of masc and fem that change over time, too.

Anyway, I got what I expected!

Your results are what you expected but were you happy with them? Did you wish that you had scored higher in masculinity or not?
I scored 125 masculine and 86 feminine. They didn't have any questions about how I feel when I'm horny, sucking, getting pegged by or riding one of my wife's cocks!
I'm fine with what I got. I'm neither happy nor sad. In my everyday life, people who don't know I am trans take me for a man (at my job, for example), but I don't try to be a Masculine Man outright. If I had scored higher in masculinity, I don't think I would've cared. Hell, I could score even lower in masculinity and I don't think it would matter...

That’s good that you feel that way. I knew that I had a lot of “femininity” in my personality but I was still surprised. I mean I’m a man but I scored like a woman?
On another forum a guy was giving me a hard time about my transgender girlfriend. He couldn’t believe that I am happy to be her bottom and that I have no desire to fuck her. He thought that she is a selfish bitch who uses me for her pleasure. He could not understand how I like it like that - I want her to use me. How her pleasure is my pleasure. It’s true my girlfriend approaches sex like a guy - she doesn’t take any female hormones - but I love to be her ideal partner and in that sense I can see the feminine part of my personality.
Do you and your girlfriend consider yourselves to be equal in regard to dom/sub, top/bottom roles, or do you both agree that she dominates you?

[SIZE="5”]She is the dominant person in bed. She is the top and she tells me what she wants and how she wants it. I love to be submissive to her and do what she wants. Why? Because when she cums and is happy, I am EUPHORIC. After sex I always cuddle with her and tell her how much I love her. Having her cum inside me is absolutely satisfying. So I too get what I want![/SIZE]
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On another forum a guy was giving me a hard time about my transgender girlfriend. He couldn’t believe that I am happy to be her bottom and that I have no desire to fuck her. He thought that she is a selfish bitch who uses me for her pleasure. He could not understand how I like it like that - I want her to use me. How her pleasure is my pleasure. It’s true my girlfriend approaches sex like a guy - she doesn’t take any female hormones - but I love to be her ideal partner and in that sense I can see the feminine part of my personality.

I think the other guy needs to mind his own business. What you and your girlfriend enjoy doing, if it's consensual and everyone is enjoying themselves, doesn't need to be judged or re-categorized. More power to both of you for having found each other.
i scored 84/84. I had no idea what I would show up as before I took the test. I'm not sure what "undifferentiated" means, but I knew I wasn't androgynous. As to masculine/feminine, I just don't buy into that religious view of gender... I simply do what I want to do. I'm happy to be a guy, and wear guy clothing -- it fits my 6'2" frame just fine.

I have to admit that I found so many of the questions so dated... Perhaps I would have had a different score if the questions were more modern. However, "undiffereneitated" seems like the right quadrant for me if I have to be in a quadrant.

I would say that having farm animals, I find the life of male animals to be less desirable. Just seeing two bucks banging horns gives me a headache. I also cannot appreciate the life of a cock with all that fighting and crowing at ungodly hours. Now the peacock has some flare, but their noise level is pretty bad.

Now watching the females, I like how they create family with their offspring. However, I have absolutely NO desire to get fucked, nor to have someone constantly wanting to suck my nipples to try to get milk!

I'm drawn to masculine looking males, but I have ZERO interest in being some complementary feminine partner. In fact, I ALWAYS wanted to make love, love, kiss, hug, (sexually toping) such masculine males.