How Much Is Enough?


Literotica Guru
Aug 22, 2015
The roar was deafening, and the room was beginning to steam up. That’s why she didn’t hear the door open, or note the sound of footsteps. And at first, when the shower curtains parted, the steam obscured the face. Then she did see it there— just a face, peering through the curtains, hanging in midair like a mask. A head-scarf concealed the hair and the glassy eyes stared inhumanly, but it wasn’t a mask, it couldn’t be. The skin had been powdered dead-white and two hectic spots of rouge centered on the cheekbones. It wasn’t a mask. It was the face of a crazy old woman. Mary started to scream, and then the curtains parted further and a hand appeared, holding a butcher’s knife. It was the knife that, a moment later, cut off her scream. And her head.

Bloch, Robert. Psycho: A Novel (p. 52). The Overlook Press. Kindle Edition.

Above is the shower scene from PSYCHO. The build up from the moment Mary gets to the Bates Motel is about 30pages. Its the best writing Bloch ever wrote. And the shower scene is brief.
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I am not quite sure what you mean here with the topic of this thread. You think the shower scene should have been longer? Maybe it was meant to be short for shock value because it's so brief. For me I actually couldn't help myself but read it slowly, and I am a fast reader. Knowing what happens in this scene, I could still feel that long tension rise up in me when I read it. And that last sentence . . . *shudders*

How Much Is Enough?

Enough is never enough. Some people want more than enough. Now close the damned shower curtain, I'm getting chilled and I'm out of the mood for my ejaculation.

We stayed in a motel near Montgomery that reminded us of the Bates joint. It had neon lites on the sign out front but we slept like babies.
Depends on if you think of it as "enuf" or "enuff." :D

(there's actually a joke that goes with that.) lol
Depends on if you think of it as "enuf" or "enuff." :D

(there's actually a joke that goes with that.) lol

Is it the one that starts "So, the redneck set down his beer and said 'Hey, y'all! Watch this shit!'"...

'Cause I wuz thare. :p