Second Sphinx Found

It isn't the second, third or even twelfth Sphinx found. This one is at Memphis (not Tennessee!).

I wish I'd noticed it was a Fox News article before I clicked...

That is one of the most terribly written and inaccurate archaeological articles I've ever seen.

Their videos, ads, and pop-ups, also almost crashed my browser. I had to close the tab before I could get past the "Is it cursed??" line of thinking in the third half-paragraph.

But thanks! I'll be researching this subject from other sources now that you've drawn my attention to it. :D It's my jive, but I want to know "how many?"
The British Museum has dozens of Sphinxes, including this late, Roman-era, female one:

This is one of a pair by Cleopatra's Needle in London:


From Wikipedia:

Cleopatra's Needle is flanked by two faux-Egyptian sphinxes, designed by the English architect George John Vulliamy. The sphinxes are cast in bronze and bear hieroglyphic inscriptions that say netjer nefer men-kheper-re di ankh, which translates as "the good god, Thuthmosis III given life". These sphinxes appear to be looking at the Needle rather than guarding it, due to the sphinxes' improper or backwards installation.
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The Sphinx asked:

“What is the thing which hath been attended by five in the morning, one in the afternoon, and none in the evening?”
Beautiful! :heart: The cast bronze modern pair are just lovely! Amusing installation story, though. :D

I think Luxor was the first thing I thought of when I raised a skeptical eyebrow and clicked on that link (sigh). I had heard there, a ton of sphinx statues.

Makes sense to me. You don't get something as big as "the" Sphinx without a few prototypes first, and when something is popular art, it makes sense a lot of people are going to try their hand at it for a long time following. Especially if Pharaoh #3 wants to honor his Grandfather twenty or thirty years later.

Thanks, Oggbashan!
I'll say one thing for them. At least every damn article doesn't have an automatically starting video + unskippable ad like they do at CNN. That frustrates me to no fucking end. On top of that, get anywhere near the top of the screen with the cursor, and it fills the whole fucking screen with an advertisement to sign up for a CNN newsletter.

CNN has really been pissing me off with their website.

The only way something would qualify as a "second sphinx" in my eyes would be for it to be found on the Giza plateau, or be of at least similar size to The Sphinx. As Ogg pointed out, there are oodles of sphinxes in Egypt, and elsewhere.

I wish I'd noticed it was a Fox News article before I clicked...
CNN has really been pissing me off with their website.
Yeah, I don't go to CNN, either. I've seen that, too. My coworker gets a little compulsive and sneaks a glance at the website now and then and then makes angry noises--as designed.

As his supervisor, I keep telling him to stop that--both on work time and because it's clearly not doing him any mental good.

They're both circuses. Question everything.
They have had a theory for the past couple of years that the Sphinx at Giza was one of pair. I saw that on the history channel. Ancient Aliens, I think.

They say it buried under the sand.
I'm fairly certain I read something where some reputable archaeologists did non-invasive exploration of the Giza plateau and found zero evidence of a second sphinx existing or ever having existed anywhere nearby.

The most logical places, especially along the causeways, have been excavated, anyway. Worker's dwellings, workshops, food and beer production, tombs, funerary structures. No sphinxes.

They have had a theory for the past couple of years that the Sphinx at Giza was one of pair. I saw that on the history channel. Ancient Aliens, I think.

They say it buried under the sand.
I remember reading that the second sphinx is living somewhere beneath the pyramids at Giza. Also that the head of the known statue isn't how it looked originally but its better for our sanity that it was altered.
I'm fairly certain I read something where some reputable archaeologists did non-invasive exploration of the Giza plateau and found zero evidence of a second sphinx existing or ever having existed anywhere nearby.

The most logical places, especially along the causeways, have been excavated, anyway. Worker's dwellings, workshops, food and beer production, tombs, funerary structures. No sphinxes.

I understand that...and I agree.