Prayers for a friend


Poet Chick
Mar 11, 2002
Some of you here know BooMerengue, a poet and long-time member of our little poetry world here. Boo is in the hospital and not doing well. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers and take some time to read a poem or two of hers.



You fell out when the book opened
Well not you silly!
I had forgotten you were here!

One fish! Two fish!
Red fish! Blue fish!
I hear your giggle near my ear.

Let me count your freckles again!
Mommy won't care!
green marker dots...52, 53, 54!

So you have a note? An invite
to an overnight? Can I go? No!?!
It's just boys??

And you have money, too,
In your pocket; 27 cents- wow!
A lot of gum!

And then a scream of brakes, a thud.
Thats all. Not much. So fast.

And you've been hiding here ever since.
In my book. 28 years.
Still giggling near my ear.

I haven't really forgotten, you know.
You chose my favourite poem in all of Lit to honour Boo with. I have always been struck by the way so much "old south wisdom" I could find when reading her work. She always ties a lesson in with, what I read as, her somewhat autobiographical poems.

Blessings, dear Boo. Please find your way home, dear one.

In The Delta

The pale dusty gloom of
a sharecroppers shack.
Hot noon sweat shining
rings on clothes that hung on

meatless bones.
The only color the red newborn face;
fists raised in a circle
demanding the life that is due her.

Her mothers arms surrounding
and giving all she has.
His arms surround the mother
pulling her back into him

Holding her soothing her,
his body moving as if pulled by the tides
urging and reminding her;
while one life slips away

Another fights to be born.
For Boo,

These days of punished generosity
are only thunder clouds, dwarfs in the sky,
who sling darts to answer kind intention,
but soon scattered by the wind who bore them.
If you are to suffer for mercy's sake
cling to my chest. I hold my shield skyward.
Imagine the drum of arrows on bronze,
the marching cadence of my beating heart.
Errant missiles skirt our shadow and nip
ankles like yelping dogs too small to note.
Let arrows pepper my shield, if the weight
should rend my shoulder, I have the other.
Please accept my prayers for your friend, BooMerengue.

Loving Father, I ask that you show your infinite love and take her heart within yours; renew her mind, body and soul. Life is full of trials and tribulations and I ask that you give her family strength, peace, and patience as they take this journey. Guide the gifted medical staff so that they use their skill, knowledge and compassion to help your angel.

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen

Job 5:17-18 Behold, blessed is the one whom God reproves; therefore despise not the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds, but he binds up; he shatters, but his hands heal.
Sending good thoughts Boo's way, hoping things improve. Boo writes so well about sadness but, in picking a poem of hers, I was determined to pick a positive one and found this one from an earlier challenge.......



Go! Weave the starlight
in your hair hanging down.
Run through the forest
past rivers and streams.

Run through the forest
let the stars be your gown.
Gather an armful
of childhood dreams!

Gather an armful
don¡¦t let a one drop!
Bring all to the birch grove
weave them in the trees.

Bring all to the birch grove
hang them each; do not stop.
Weave them in the branches
let each dream hang free

Weave them in the branches
make sure they are tight
for these are your future
each one from the heart.

For these are your future
so starry and bright.
No hunger and illness
no souls torn apart.

No hunger and illness
no bullies or monsters.
No more broken hearts
no battle ground dead.

No more broken hearts
for these sleepy babes.
They weave a bright future
as they lay in their bed.

They weave a bright future
you must be their guides.
Their tomorrows come quickly
their sorrows too soon.

Their tomorrows come quickly
so store up their dreams.
Go! Weave the starlight
and dance down the moon!
Some of you here know BooMerengue, a poet and long-time member of our little poetry world here. Boo is in the hospital and not doing well. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers and take some time to read a poem or two of hers.
An agnostic doesn't pray, but he can hope things change for the better, and I sincerely hope things change for the better for Boo.

An agnostic can also be as depressed by sad news as any believer.

I like Boo. I would miss Boo, if it comes to that.

I hope it doesn't come to that.

Keeping BooMerengue in my thoughts,

An agnostic doesn't pray, but he can hope things change for the better, and I sincerely hope things change for the better for Boo.

An agnostic can also be as depressed by sad news as any believer.

I like Boo. I would miss Boo, if it comes to that.

I hope it doesn't come to that.



I haven't heard anything more, but I thank you all for celebrating Boo in this thread and keeping the prayers and good thoughts coming. She's a sweet lady and a gifted poet. She is one of the first friends I made here at Lit. I wish the best for her.

Moon Of My Mothers

In the fullsome month
fields obscene with their largesse
animals fat and lazy

Forests beginning to preen
carpeting their floor
with nuts and fruit

fish hardly able to jump
for the flies buzzing over
The Sun glowing golden all over the land

My Mother called me forth to witness.
boo, wherever you are, cling tight to joy and shiver the snow crystals with your happy shout! :kiss:
I wish I could share better news, but Boo is not doing great. Her family is taking good care of her though and keeping her comfortable.

Thank you, Old Scar

A shooting star glanced off of my life.
So carefully I looked where it had touched
And saw merely a dent.

Because it aimed unknowingly
And touched upon an old scar
And then on its merry way it went.

I smiled as the truth of it hit home;
That wishing on a star is silly!
And I gaily traveled on.
Thank you for the update, Angeline. I am sure everyone is sending wishes for peace and easement if recovery is not possible. I will add my prayers to those of others hoping for her health and strength for Boo's family.

I am very sorry to learn of this. I never know what to say about these situations, really, but I'll say a silent prayer, and hope it does some good.
Nothing to report, just a poem...

My dear girl, Boo
I think of you as days are
ticking loud, hours barely
when the trees are lace
and clouds weave grey
with smoky blue. I must
embrace my memory, gather
apples and give thanks.

You are with the orange
leaf, the cardinal, a clutch
of feathers, beads and every bit
bred in the land a bravery
of solitude and gratitude, a tender
helping hand.

Your stories live among the words.
The woods are singing, birds are
never quiet, even in the breaking
light of dawn their song goes on.
Boo died early this morning. If anyone needs more information, pm me and I will share what I know.
I am so very sorry to hear this sad news about your friend. Please accept my sincere condolences to the family.

I'm so sorry to hear this. I didn't know Boo, but I liked her poems. My sincere condolences to all her friends and family. Sigh....
This is weird.

We posted, exchanged a few keystrokes, laughed a bit, each on our own side of the screen, but for some reason, in spite of obvious evidence to the contrary, nobody is expected to die in cyberspace.

If there's a heaven ...

As I write this my tears form pathways of regret that I never had more opportunities to get to know the interesting and lovely lady that created so many moments of laughter, excitement, and sorrow. I remember her story about finding her brother a place in Potter's Field, the shared memories of her mandolin and all the music she helped create, and then the tales of how she pulled herself up and helped others in the aftermath of Katrina. So much living done by such a lively soul. Boo will be missed.
I didn't notice this thread at first having been away for awhile. I'm very sorry to find that Boo has passed. Such a wonderful spirited woman who wrote lovely poems. Her banter always had me smiling. Lots of healing love to her family.

:heart: Love ya doll, you will be missed greatly.