Sex & Shenanigans

If you could be in your dream career.. what would you be doing?

I’d either be an astronaut, a volcanologist, or a zookeeper
Ever read Volcano Cowboys by Dick Thompson? It is about the vulcanologists working Mount St. Helens in 1980 before the eruption. It is a fantastic book, and I heartily suggest it. The section on Dave Johnson and Coldwater II was stunning.
If you could be in your dream career.. what would you be doing?
One of them I’m kind of already doing. Photographer. I’m off to a slow start but hoping once I have a little more time I’ll do a bit more of it.
Another one I also kind of do but I don’t get paid for it. Baby snuggler. Would love to get paid for baby snuggling but I love it so much I suppose I’ll do it for free.

Would also love to be a librarian, preferably in the children’s section.

Sociological research would be cool, too.
If you could be in your dream career.. what would you be doing?

I’d either be an astronaut, a volcanologist, or a zookeeper
If I could make a reliable living at it? Game/book store proprietor.

I’d also love to run a dog rescue provided I had a large endowment and didn’t have to spend a lot of time sucking up to crusty rich people for donations.
One of them I’m kind of already doing. Photographer. I’m off to a slow start but hoping once I have a little more time I’ll do a bit more of it.
Another one I do also kind of do but I don’t get paid for it. Baby snuggler. Would love to get paid for baby snuggling but I love it so much I suppose I’ll do it for free.

Would also love to be a librarian, preferably in the children’s section.

Sociological research would be cool, too.
I am very pro the librarian option, by the by.
One of them I’m kind of already doing. Photographer. I’m off to a slow start but hoping once I have a little more time I’ll do a bit more of it.
Another one I also kind of do but I don’t get paid for it. Baby snuggler. Would love to get paid for baby snuggling but I love it so much I suppose I’ll do it for free.

Would also love to be a librarian, preferably in the children’s section.

Sociological research would be cool, too.
Do you know who mychal3ts is? He’s a librarian and my favorite social media follow.
I think this is an important component. It’s not the dream if you have to stress about making it work.
Owning a cozy book store or tabletop game shop (with areas for gaming, of course) would totally be on my list, too.
This is a big part of the "dream" part. I owned two businesses, one as a videographer/editor, the other as an IT consultant. The part I enjoy, unfortunately, is only a small part of the whole gig.