Favorite quotes related to sex.

Going down on a woman gives me a stiff neck, going down on a man gives me lockjaw, and conventional sex gives me claustrophobia.

I'll come and make love to you at five o'clock. If I'm late, start without me.

--Tallulah Bankhead
Going down on a woman gives me a stiff neck, going down on a man gives me lockjaw, and conventional sex gives me claustrophobia.

I'll come and make love to you at five o'clock. If I'm late, start without me.

--Tallulah Bankhead
Maybe Tallulah, regarding the third option, should have gotten on top? I'm sure she knew about it, so I assume she is most mostly kidding here. The other two options have better alternatives as well, but I don't need to go into details at the moment.
“You're not the boss of me, Jack. You're not the king of Dirk. I'm the boss of me. I'm the king of me. I'm Dirk Diggler. I'm the star. It's my big dick and I say when we roll.”

-Boogie Nights
From the Queen of sexual innuendo:

"It's not what you can do, but the way you do it that counts." Mae West

"Sex is emotion in motion." Mae West

"A hard man is good to find." Mae West

And of course the most famous of them all:

"When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad I'm better." Mae West

"You must forgive my lips... they find pleasure in the most unusual places." From A Good Year
“How would you like to have a sexual encounter so intense it could conceivably change your political views?” — Gib (John Cusack), The Sure Thing
“How would you like to have a sexual encounter so intense it could conceivably change your political views?” — Gib (John Cusack), The Sure Thing

I love that film... my favourite dialogue - (totally non sexual and you have to see the film to understand)
"I have a credit card."
"That's no good, this is a totally different kind of lock"
"You don't understand, I have a credit card"
- scene cuts...
"The most fun you can have without laughing" - drummer in my old band
A frustrated man angrily shouts at the party: "If one more person asks me that question, I'll poke them in the ass!"

A woman nearby innocently replies: "You say that like it:s a bad thing."
I'm convinced that the late Valerie Solanas was mentally ill, and she disowned her own book (the only one she wrote) by saying that it was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. Or maybe disowning it was tongue-in-cheek in itself. The very brief text is weirdly funny although it doesn't seem to make much sense. So why was I inspired to write a four-part fictionalized (and poorly rated) series about her?

"SCUM gets around . . . and around and around . . . they’ve seen the whole show—every bit of it—the fucking scene, the sucking scene, the dick scene, the dyke scene—they’ve covered the whole waterfront, been under every dock and pier—the peter pier, the pussy pier . . . you’ve got to go through a lot of sex to get to anti-sex."
I'm convinced that the late Valerie Solanas was mentally ill...

So were others. From the Wikipedia page about her:

She was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia ... including treatment in a psychiatric hospital.

She was committed after trying to kill Andy Warhol and two others. I wasn't aware of her before your mention, but from what I read of her bio, this woman was apparently quite disturbed.
So were others. From the Wikipedia page about her:

She was committed after trying to kill Andy Warhol and two others. I wasn't aware of her before your mention, but from what I read of her bio, this woman was apparently quite disturbed.
Yes, I think the 1995 film version, and various commentators who should have known better, have overlooked that and have made her appear more insightful than she really was. She was released in about three years and wound up, I believe, working as a prostitute in San Francisco. She died there in 1988 at age 52.
“Sex between a man and a woman is wonderful, provided you can get between the right man and the right woman.”

With apologies to the LG(not B)TQ community.
This Jung quote might apply to the writing we do here (or try to, anyway).

“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.”

He might understand some of the forums and story comments here.

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”

This needs no further comment.

“Shame is a soul eating emotion.”
Richard Feynman: "Physics is like sex. Sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it."

From the Queen of sexual innuendo:

"It's not what you can do, but the way you do it that counts." Mae West

"Sex is emotion in motion." Mae West

"A hard man is good to find." Mae West

And of course the most famous of them all:

"When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad I'm better." Mae West


"I believe in censorship. After all, I made a fortune out of it."