Sex & Shenanigans

Dude if your story is true, and people ate your cookies, you violated all of their consent.

Eat your own cookies, don’t feed them to others.
So I should put unpack this yogurt, bread and beer I made from my hooch sauce? I was going to take it to the church potluck !!!!
Adding an extra “i” (in its own extra syllable, no less) for no reason is just pretentious and weird 😜

Fucking truth! I can’t have coffee because caffeine blocks iron absorption and I have severe iron-deficiency anemia. I used to enjoy coffee and miss it so much, but even I’m not desperate enough to resort to decaf!

Thank you. I feel better now.

Tomorrow we can move on to the cities of Washington state that people completely butcher…

And I will leave out seeing “The Forensic Files” talk about “The Dales” … hmmm maybe he meant “The Dalles”? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Starting with Snoqualmie and Spokane! Actually, pretty much half the places in the US with indigenous names get those names butchered
I've had three burns that landed me in the hospital. Once, I ended up in the hospital in South America. Say whatever you want about America's health care, but I've never known fear like I did when that nurse came at me with a glass syringe!
I had burns in Bali the I probably should have gone to the Hospital for. But a friend of ours had gone a few months before us and gotten Dengue fever…their stories lead to me lying in our hotel room for three days instead. If I ever get skin cancer…I’ll know why.