Advice on Loving Wives

Divorce in real life is often messy, and sometimes it is the guy's fault, sometimes the wife's fault, sometimes both. I suppose the LW category has become an outlet for the bitterness of it, but seeing the readership-at least the vocal portion-is predominantly male we're going to get a lot of "evil women" type angles and the guy is just a poor victim.

I got divorced years ago, and over her cheating which I think she did on purpose because we'd been on the rocks for a while, sticking it out for the kids and she knew I'd never tolerate it so when I found out it was "see ya, you're his problem now". So I get some women can be pieces of work, but the whole undying hatred of every female out there that some of these guys display just isn't healthy.
Sharing, swapping, and swinging stories can and do get higher than 4s in LW. Even cuck stories can if it's clear that the scenario is consensual, that it's something the husband wants and not just something the wife is forcing on him, i.e., that it's ethical nonmonogamy. Cheating stories where the cheater gets away with it usually don't, although they can. But in each of these cases, their views are typically less than half of what a divorce drama story gets when published on the same day.
I also want to point out that you have personal experience with the negative commenters in LW. Your Kayfabe is full of negative comments about the characters' lack of masculinity and supposed lack of morality, even though they're all in agreement with the task at hand. Consent might be the make or break for you, but not for those people in the comments. They hate it anyway. Some of them hate it all the more. Some of them don't hate it per se, they just have absolutely no idea why anyone would want to do that.
No, not the woman as always being wrong. See Range Cold and a number of other stories in LW. It's the only place where the story is told where the CHEATING is wrong. It's just that the cheater is usually a woman here, and the fantasy... Well, you and I have disagreed about this before, but the fact of the matter is that in most states, the sole place in the American justice system where a guy is likely to get screwed (albeit because of other societal pressures, i.e., sexism and traditional gender-based roles), so it's normal that the fantasy for a guy who got screwed might be "divorce from my cheating wife, but I DIDN'T get screwed."
I read Range Cold. Liked it, but the nihilist in me wanted to see the MC kill the two, or have them kill each other.

It depends on what you mean by screwed. If you mean the mother usually gets custody, I'm not against that, I think they need their mother more when they're young. If you mean screwed in child support, they're yours, pay for them. If you mean they were denied custody or the mother is unfit and still gets the kids then that's a different story.

A fantasy of the guy wins in court is understandable. The fantasies of the wife being tortured and dismembered are a different story.

Like I said in my prior post, divorce is messy and in real life there is often not a clear cut winner, just broken lives.
I also want to point out that you have personal experience with the negative commenters in LW. Your Kayfabe is full of negative comments about the characters' lack of masculinity and supposed lack of morality, even though they're all in agreement with the task at hand. Consent might be the make or break for you, but not for those people in the comments. They hate it anyway. Some of them hate it all the more. Some of them don't hate it per se, they just have absolutely no idea why anyone would want to do that.
I get the lack of masculinity comments outside of LW. Basically because in my Milf stories-or mom son-the fact the 44 year old woman takes the lead sexually(and I don't mean femdom of anything demeaning) the guy isn't a man. You'll have to excuse me for feeling that rare is the 20 year old who has the sexual aggression and experience to take charge of a woman twice his age.

IN the stories the kid gets the ride of a life time, but seeing it wasn't "Bitch, on your knees" he's a wimp.

That's not exclusive to LW by any means.
Let me preface in saying I read your prior response to me in full. The crux of your point is that there's a difference between consensual extramarital sex and nonconsensual extramarital sex, right? I agree.

Where we may diverge is on what makes a good story. We may both strive for realism in emotions but differ on which emotional palette we're trying to hit and express. I think that love can be written even though it doesn't always come off as loving on the reader's end. There are different ways of loving, love takes different forms... I find the twisted forms more interesting and they're realer for me. I hope I don't have to elaborate... only because I think that's done better in the writing itself than conversation.
I don't disagree; hell look at In Vitro Veritas or Grace Restored. I got plenty of "this can't really be love" takes on those. The problem is that in LW, you're writing for an audience that doesn't necessarily agree with the "love can look abusive" take. They're very sexually conservative in general; anything more extreme than very light bondage and mmmmaybe anal are going to get negative comments. I literally led them through a cuckold's mindset in Kayfabe and got a lot of "thank you, I get it now; I still hate it, but I get it" comments on this site, along with a "holy shit, someone finally explained in a way that made sense to me why I am the way I am, thank you!" on another one. It's still at 3.86, because they find it icky here.

But I also think that that is empathetic in a sense. You have to remember, our hypothetical (albeit borne out by my discussions with my readers) engaged LW reader is a guy that got either blindsided by a cheating spouse or absolutely fucked in their divorce. They've BEEN abused by someone they love. They ARE being empathetic, but it's coming from their lived experience. they see a guy being cucked or cheated on, and they feel deeply for that guy. They want to see him win, because they didn't.

You remember when we had that discussion, way back when, about how I (and a lot of other folks in that thread) see your stories as NC/R, even though you didn't see them that way? This is the flipside of that. You didn't see them as NC/R, because the people involved are getting what they want, it's just not telegraphed in a way that all readers are going to understand, even though they often include an element of sexualized violence. You thought of NC/R, if I remember correctly, as purely male-on-female rape.

The LW readers on the other hand, no matter how much you tell them, "no, this is consensual, and they want this" are disinclined to see it as an enjoyable experience because they've been on the other end of the stick. They don't see it as "love, but different;" they see it as "the shit my ex did to me amped up to 11." And, in many case, "the shit I had to live with or be destroyed financially/never get to see my kids" turned up to 11. They can't see how it's loving, because the lesser version wasn't for them. And they can't live vicariously through the wife's experiences, because those are the villains in their personal stories.

Also? A shit ton of this is going into my Loving Loving Wives essay, so thank you for helping me get my thoughts on paper. LOL
The fantasies of the wife being tortured and dismembered are a different story.
I really can't remember stories where the woman was tortured. I vaguely remember one where the husband has her taken off to whore in a foreign country.
Divorce in real life is often messy, and sometimes it is the guy's fault, sometimes the wife's fault, sometimes both. I suppose the LW category has become an outlet for the bitterness of it, but seeing the readership-at least the vocal portion-is predominantly male we're going to get a lot of "evil women" type angles and the guy is just a poor victim.

I got divorced years ago, and over her cheating which I think she did on purpose because we'd been on the rocks for a while, sticking it out for the kids and she knew I'd never tolerate it so when I found out it was "see ya, you're his problem now". So I get some women can be pieces of work, but the whole undying hatred of every female out there that some of these guys display just isn't healthy.
Some, but not many. Not even most. What many DO have is an undying fiery hatred of cheating, and especially cheating women. That can be hard to tease apart sometimes.

There's a quirk about the stories, particularly the BTB and "moving on" stories, where a huge chunk of lots of them is the minutiae about "she got half the savings, we each kept our 401ks, she got the house, etc." Just a giant wall of text about who ended up with what and how it was decided, with no real reason for it to be there. In a professional story, it's stuff that would almost always get axed by an editor, or at least chopped down to 10% of its length.

Similarly, there are at least two guys in there that do/have written with "Stang" in their names that include loving descriptions of the muscle cars they own and how they managed to keep them (or how that "bitch made me sell them!") as part of their narrative, which is something else that gets done by other writers. High end alcohol shows up as well, successful businesses that the MMC managed to keep after the divorce, etc.

It's an oddity until you consider the idea that a big portion of the fantasy is "things turned out okay for the MMC, even financially." And for a lot of guys? Especially since if the kids are underage and the wife is judged to be the primary caregiver (as she is in most states, often without any reason other than patriarchal attitudes), they ended up paying their half (or more) of the mortgage so the kids could see less disruption, on top of spousal support and child support (which most the commenters in LW are in favor of), which leaves the guy living in a tiny apartment, etc.

That's a typical "this is why you should just let me have it" argument from the villainous wife in some of the cheating stories: "you're going to be paying for me to fuck around on you either way; at least this way, you still get to live here, see the kids, and sometimes have sex with me." And, honestly? I think that's a more uncomfortably common scenario than people would like to admit.
I really can't remember stories where the woman was tortured. I vaguely remember one where the husband has her taken off to whore in a foreign country.
Most of the ones where she's tortured get quickly reported and removed. there was one particularly distasteful one where... Jesus, I have no idea how it made it past laurel in the first place. but it didn't last even a whole 12 hours, I don't think.
But I also think that that is empathetic in a sense. You have to remember, our hypothetical (albeit borne out by my discussions with my readers) engaged LW reader is a guy that got either blindsided by a cheating spouse or absolutely fucked in their divorce. They've BEEN abused by someone they love.
I never really considered that.

They ARE being empathetic, but it's coming from their lived experience. they see a guy being cucked or cheated on, and they feel deeply for that guy. They want to see him win, because they didn't.
I guess that's why they find "getting cucked=winning" mindset to be unfathomable...

You remember when we had that discussion, way back when, about how I (and a lot of other folks in that thread) see your stories as NC/R, even though you didn't see them that way? This is the flipside of that. You didn't see them as NC/R, because the people involved are getting what they want, it's just not telegraphed in a way that all readers are going to understand, even though they often include an element of sexualized violence. You thought of NC/R, if I remember correctly, as purely male-on-female rape.

The LW readers on the other hand, no matter how much you tell them, "no, this is consensual, and they want this" are disinclined to see it as an enjoyable experience because they've been on the other end of the stick. They don't see it as "love, but different;" they see it as "the shit my ex did to me amped up to 11." And, in many case, "the shit I had to live with or be destroyed financially/never get to see my kids" turned up to 11. They can't see how it's loving, because the lesser version wasn't for them. And they can't live vicariously through the wife's experiences, because those are the villains in their personal stories.
This is eye-opening to me. I have my own callousness at times...

Also? A shit ton of this is going into my Loving Loving Wives essay, so thank you for helping me get my thoughts on paper. LOL
No problem.
I also want to point out that you have personal experience with the negative commenters in LW. Your Kayfabe is full of negative comments about the characters' lack of masculinity and supposed lack of morality, even though they're all in agreement with the task at hand. Consent might be the make or break for you, but not for those people in the comments. They hate it anyway. Some of them hate it all the more. Some of them don't hate it per se, they just have absolutely no idea why anyone would want to do that.
I mean, part of it is that I have a fairly thick skin when it comes to random people on the internet. The angry comments mostly glance off, and the stupid ones make me laugh. I picked a self-deprecating nickname for a reason; it's a filter to let the real knuckle draggers make the obvious joke so I can tune them out.

I know I'm not going to reach everyone, and I don't make it a goal. I just want to (especially with that story, but with most of the ones I publish over there) make people think about someone else's point of view. Maybe try to be a little more accepting of not just who the other guy is, but who they might be as well. The people you're never going to reach, even the really angry ones, are part of the package deal.
I never really considered that.

I guess that's why they find "getting cucked=winning" mindset to be unfathomable...


This is eye-opening to me. I have my own callousness at times...

No problem.
Everyone has their blind spots. I sure as hell do. But I try to spend a lot of time engaging with them when I find them; threads like this are a great way of doing that. It's part of why I like to be active in AH... admittedly to the detriment of my actually writing sometimes. :D
Yup, Cold Range by @Constories hit a lot of the same beats (admittedly very, very well) that “revenge on cheating wife” stories do, except it was a wife getting revenge on her husband and her best friend; it got a very solid 4.52 last I checked. They hate cheaters, not women. Well, no more than the rest of Literotica, anyways.
An excellent story told from a woman's point of view. At first the plot seems muddled (deliberately), then all becomes clear. An example of an excellent plot with a bit of angst introduced to spice it up.
Thank you both, very much!

I had heard that Burn the Bastard stories weren't common, and I'll be honest; I detest infidelity, regardless of which party member cheated, so Range Cold came pretty easily to me.

The score is up to 4.54 atm, 🤭
LW has a small but vocal misogynistic element, and they will hate on and down vote any story where the woman is not burnt at the stake. It doesn't matter whether she was innocent or not. If she goes on to live a happy life, the BTB crowd will down vote, and comment viciously...
I speak from experience. My stories mostly focus on reconciliation, which the BTB crowd hate....
If you like your story, then do it.

I have not spent enough time reading LW to know for sure, but a large number of LW readers seem to hate infidelity more than they hate women.

When I wrote Range Cold, (a burn the bastard story written from a woman's perspective) the massive majority of the readers were glad to see the husband get his comeuppance. I don't know for sure, but I doubt true misogynists would have enjoyed it much.

To be fair, a small handful of readers complained about the female POV, but the vast majority liked it
The story you wrote was far from a 'reasonable response to cheating', Cheating evokes an emotional response. That response is visceral, not reasonable. That is why the 'it was only sex' answer is NEVER accepted because it is FAR more than that. f you don't honestly see that, empathize with the characters, you will never understand LW readers. Just go somewhere else to write and be done with it.
One reason I still write in LW when I can is I have to cover my plot holes, answer for my character. Characterization is key, followed closely by plot. If the readers identify, they applaud.
Not long ago, I wrote a story in my 'slave' universe where judicial slavery was part of society. The story took 5 or 6 chapters and I guess I did a good enough job, I had people tell me how my character had to react to survive. I had a plan as to how to where it would end, but getting there was a problem. What pleased me was how my readers reacted to the story as it went along. I had that 'hook' I like to see in stories I read. That part of the story that draws you in.
In my experience, many people ASSume that everyone feels the say way they do, and that' "this is the way people SHOULD think and feel."

IF you read all of my stories, you might find where I've constructed my MMC and MFC as an emotionally dysfunctional couple who don't feel the way you or others you deem as "normal".

If you consider how might an actual prostitute or her pimp feel, or how might an escort feel, or a porn star, or maybe a male gigilo feel about their choices in life, .... there are many other ways to FEEL about sex. Think about how many people are finding out now (with genetic tests such as "23 & Me" and even Ancestry dot Com that they have siblings from their parents' extra-marital affairs ... And people CHANGE over the years after marriage!!!

Normal SEX is far more dysfunctional and NOT as normal as you might think!
To put in in another context:

Hit men in real life are usually kind of losers that live in shitty one-bedroom apartments and struggle to survive. ...
I think you believe in such a stereotype, but I doubt that's the reality.

A "hitman" is a job. It's not about killing for fun. It's not about killing for a psycho thrill. It's a job. It's a skill..

Study your target's life and routines. Pick the best time and place. Select the weapon with the proper cleaning of fingers prints and later disposal. Walk up behind the target to put a bullet into his brain. Continuing to walk away to dispose of the weapon. Then go to lunch, when the job's done!

The military in the past often dehumanized the enemy to HELP soldiers kill another human, ... and deal with that fact! It's a necessary job!

You're assuming too much emotion in other peoples' minds, and not recognizing that other people MIGHT feel differently.
Can’t speak for couples other than my characters but I’ve decided to do the following in the story based in part on comments from this thread-

1. The story contains discussion of cheating and ethical non-monogamy, but it’s done openly with certain rules that are championed in polyamory manuals such as The Ethical Slut. I’ll clue the readers in about these guidelines as much as I can.

2. Children are not part of the equation. MMC is childless and FMC’s children are grown up. She was staying with her husband for the sake of their family but now that the children are grown, they’re separated and trying to figure out what they have after ignoring their problems for years.

3. The above is a common situation at the resort. So are situations where spouses want to swap, have orgies and threesomes, relax while waiting for a divorce settlement in progress, or play around in other ways. The majority of what goes on is seen as positive and not outsiders’ business. It’s an extramarital spice thing. They discourage dishonest participation in the network when it’s discovered. If love or something else pesky develops, it is left to the individuals involved to figure out. The community expels troublemakers and moves on no matter what. They keep their swinging between informed consenting adults, private, and respectful as much as they can. There are doctors on staff and they’re plugged into adoption and pregnancy surrogate agencies also. Celebrities are involved in the community, but plausible deniability is maintained and if you talk to the tabloids, it’s a great way to get kicked out.

4. The resort is not just a swinging community. It also does more reputable business like corporate retreats and vacations. You just have to tell the staff or certain guests you’re interested in the “Game of Nobles” and they set you up with the local swingers after necessary vetting and non-disclosure forms. Outsiders, troublemakers, and those below a certain age are naturally excluded from the Game.

5. Terms with negative connotations like “whore” and “player” are not used in the community. They have more respectful terms that designate people’s interests- a knight/dame for a married heterosexual person with a hall pass, duke/duchess for married bisexuals, squire/damsel & dragon/unicorn for the unmarried equivalents, etc. Thinking of Spartan/Scythian for the unmarried gays & lesbians who fool around, count/countess for the married ones. Puritans are the couples only into each other- they’re aware of the swingers and hang out with them at parties but don’t swing themselves. Maybe they’re former swingers who have found someone and settled down but still want to be friends with those who swing. People also change labels on occasion as their interests change.

6. I’m moving up the timeline so we can drop the possible business relationship for the main characters. Knight MMC is married and has a hall pass to enjoy the Game at the resort he helps manage while his Duchess wife’s out of town on business. FMC is a newcomer dame who doesn’t know much about the place. Her husband works as a lawyer for the resort but does not indulge in its owners’ swinger lifestyle, yet he’s willing to let his wife stretch her legs there while she figures out whether she wants to keep her marriage going. The FMC has misconceptions about the place the MMC will straighten out for her. He’s my fictional celebrity Original Character, they happen to have a past connection as childhood crushes- it’s too good an opportunity to pass up for either of them. They know from the beginning it will probably be a fling, and they’re not wrong. He’s not leaving his wife, and she’s not at the resort looking to meet a new husband. Sex doesn’t always happen because of love, you know.

All of the above is based on my knowledge of how real swinging communities work, rather than stereotypes. I have featured this sort of thing in my stories previously. In particular see “Inside Out”, “Ruleskirter”, and “A Step Up.”
Yes, we are. Babies experience distress when they hear other infants crying. However, this innate behavior can be influenced by the external environment, especially through the imitation of their parents.

Isn't it just an innate fear response?

I'm not into child psychology but, back in the day, my professor called this phenomenon where infants cry when hearing another infant cry "emotional contagion". It's a predecessor to empathy that develops as the child grows up (if it doesn't grow up to be a psychopath that is incapable of the whole empathy thing).
You don't grow up to be a psychopath; you're born as one. Sociopathy, on the other hand, is acquired.

While psychology is not an exact science, our approach to it is often influenced by various agendas. People with limited emotional intelligence may tend to underestimate psychology.

Children possess innate empathy, just as they have innate cruelty. Both of these extremes evolved to be necessary for survival, and as a society, we aim to promote the former. It's hard to imagine a functioning society without empathy.

Even animals display innate empathy, as evidenced by numerous video clips of prey animals standing protectively in front of helpless puppies that refuse to flee. Their hunting instinct conflicts with their parental instinct.
If you think what this current society promotes is empathy let me know where you live because I'll move there.

10 minutes on any social media-or the lit political forum- and a few minutes of watching the "news" will tell you otherwise.

What this society promotes is hate and fear and the idea that cruelty is okay as long as you're being cruel to the right people.

Who are those people? Don't worry, they'll tell you.

What we live in is a nihilists dream.

If you believe in nurture over nature, the next generation are going to all be psychopaths and serial killers.
In my experience, many people ASSume that everyone feels the say way they do, and that' "this is the way people SHOULD think and feel."

Totally agree, and I think it's an impediment to the moral imagination.

For instance, most of us have a conscience. Some of us don't heed it as much as we should, but we still have it. But some people do not. Some people are sociopaths and it never occurs to them to take others' feelings into account. They just don't care. Those people are hard for most of us to comprehend, but they definitely exist. Most of us probably know people who have some degree of sociopathic disorder, although in some cases they may hide it effectively.

People who otherwise seem totally normal sometimes do completely insane things. For example, I knew a man who, unbeknownst to anyone who knew him, started robbing banks to support a gambling habit. You would never in a million years guess that he would be capable of that. If you read a story about it, you would call "Bullshit!" But it's a true story.

In the case of erotica, people, including people who contribute to this forum, have a surprisingly difficult time imagining that others have completely different erotic preferences and fantasies from the ones they have. The reality, which is well substantiated by interviews, studies, and psychological evidence, is that the range of sexual fantasies and proclivities is enormously broad, and attempts to make universal statements about people's erotic lives are usually misguided.
Can’t speak for couples other than my characters but I’ve decided to do the following in the story based in part on comments from this thread-

1. The story contains discussion of cheating and ethical non-monogamy, but it’s done openly with certain rules that are championed in polyamory manuals such as The Ethical Slut. I’ll clue the readers in about these guidelines as much as I can.

2. Children are not part of the equation. MMC is childless and FMC’s children are grown up. She was staying with her husband for the sake of their family but now that the children are grown, they’re separated and trying to figure out what they have after ignoring their problems for years.

3. The above is a common situation at the resort. So are situations where spouses want to swap, have orgies and threesomes, relax while waiting for a divorce settlement in progress, or play around in other ways. The majority of what goes on is seen as positive and not outsiders’ business. It’s an extramarital spice thing. They discourage dishonest participation in the network when it’s discovered. If love or something else pesky develops, it is left to the individuals involved to figure out. The community expels troublemakers and moves on no matter what. They keep their swinging between informed consenting adults, private, and respectful as much as they can. There are doctors on staff and they’re plugged into adoption and pregnancy surrogate agencies also. Celebrities are involved in the community, but plausible deniability is maintained and if you talk to the tabloids, it’s a great way to get kicked out.

4. The resort is not just a swinging community. It also does more reputable business like corporate retreats and vacations. You just have to tell the staff or certain guests you’re interested in the “Game of Nobles” and they set you up with the local swingers after necessary vetting and non-disclosure forms. Outsiders, troublemakers, and those below a certain age are naturally excluded from the Game.

5. Terms with negative connotations like “whore” and “player” are not used in the community. They have more respectful terms that designate people’s interests- a knight/dame for a married heterosexual person with a hall pass, duke/duchess for married bisexuals, squire/damsel & dragon/unicorn for the unmarried equivalents, etc. Thinking of Spartan/Scythian for the unmarried gays & lesbians who fool around, count/countess for the married ones. Puritans are the couples only into each other- they’re aware of the swingers and hang out with them at parties but don’t swing themselves. Maybe they’re former swingers who have found someone and settled down but still want to be friends with those who swing. People also change labels on occasion as their interests change.

6. I’m moving up the timeline so we can drop the possible business relationship for the main characters. Knight MMC is married and has a hall pass to enjoy the Game at the resort he helps manage while his Duchess wife’s out of town on business. FMC is a newcomer dame who doesn’t know much about the place. Her husband works as a lawyer for the resort but does not indulge in its owners’ swinger lifestyle, yet he’s willing to let his wife stretch her legs there while she figures out whether she wants to keep her marriage going. The FMC has misconceptions about the place the MMC will straighten out for her. He’s my fictional celebrity Original Character, they happen to have a past connection as childhood crushes- it’s too good an opportunity to pass up for either of them. They know from the beginning it will probably be a fling, and they’re not wrong. He’s not leaving his wife, and she’s not at the resort looking to meet a new husband. Sex doesn’t always happen because of love, you know.

All of the above is based on my knowledge of how real swinging communities work, rather than stereotypes. I have featured this sort of thing in my stories previously. In particular see “Inside Out”, “Ruleskirter”, and “A Step Up.”
That is the exact antithesis of what was discussed in this discussion. You've just described a typical romance story or one of open screwing. All you are doing is offering an idiot lawyer husband(who works for the resort?) letting his wife screw around while SHE figures out where the marriage is going? Sounds like HE is already cutting her loose. You are going to have a very hard time making this acceptable to LW. It is simply, she screws around. I don't care what she does.
In the case of erotica, people, including people who contribute to this forum, have a surprisingly difficult time imagining that others have completely different erotic preferences and fantasies from the ones they have. The reality, which is well substantiated by interviews, studies, and psychological evidence, is that the range of sexual fantasies and proclivities is enormously broad, and attempts to make universal statements about people's erotic lives are usually misguided.
Actually, i think people who contribute here are MORE agreeable to alternate views, especially regarding sexual activity. I'd bet most of the homophobes, or anyone who think anything other than male/female genital sex is wrong, are people who if they indulge in porn at at all, it is restricted to pictures of nudes or straight sex videos.
It's just most of us still have our ideas of what is acceptable to enjoy and how they think things should end up. Snuff scenes are not allowed for a reason. Not even the moderators are willing to go there.
Human nature does have some restrictions. Possessiveness may be cultural, but is almost universal to some degree. Even religious factions that deny it for themselves, (monks, priests, nuns) it is seen as something to overcome.
That is the exact antithesis of what was discussed in this discussion. You've just described a typical romance story or one of open screwing. All you are doing is offering an idiot lawyer husband(who works for the resort?) letting his wife screw around while SHE figures out where the marriage is going? Sounds like HE is already cutting her loose. You are going to have a very hard time making this acceptable to LW. It is simply, she screws around. I don't care what she does.
I don’t see my story the way you do. Please keep your opinions to yourself if all you can do is criticize and insult. I obviously have a lot to think about still. Maybe I should stay out of LW, maybe I will work on other projects. It’s my decision, thx for your concerns. Now leave me be please. Thx.
I don’t see my story the way you do. Please keep your opinions to yourself if all you can do is criticize and insult. I obviously have a lot to think about still. Maybe I should stay out of LW, maybe I will work on other projects. It’s my decision, thx for your concerns. Now leave me be please. Thx.
You don't need to stay out of LW. Any story about an established couple can work there. You just need to decide if you want high views and comments with a lower score (LW), or a higher score with fewer views and comments (anywhere else).