
Good morning! in my book too!

MrRon...awesome! Glad someone was able to help you with some new techniques! Seeing them hopefully means they come over to our house for well, we'll see what comes up! lol Oh and dinner. As in food.

Talon....I hear you. MrSB ran in the Phoenix RnR half marathon the year before I met him. He's not been able to do it again. Well, he can't since he had the knee replacement. As long as we are healthy and happy, we don't have to have the body endurance we did.

Todger....Thank you! My lingerie pics seem to always follow the same format. Slowly going from covered to not covered.

Skowt....I thought the exact same thing! lol I also thought...sure she was freezing. She just did that for the camera. So here is the truth. I WAS freezing. But the robe and socks are very warm and with the hot apple cider, I warmed up. But it felt good to button the robe back up after the pics.

Everyone...Thank you for your compliments! They mean a lot. And they keep me posting!

Hope you all have a wonderful day! It's dark, gloomy and rainy here.

Darling lady, you look like the finest meal I would ever eat!
I love the black lace. Especially when its not actually on you. :)

Good morning! in my book too!

MrRon...awesome! Glad someone was able to help you with some new techniques! Seeing them hopefully means they come over to our house for well, we'll see what comes up! lol Oh and dinner. As in food.

Talon....I hear you. MrSB ran in the Phoenix RnR half marathon the year before I met him. He's not been able to do it again. Well, he can't since he had the knee replacement. As long as we are healthy and happy, we don't have to have the body endurance we did.

Todger....Thank you! My lingerie pics seem to always follow the same format. Slowly going from covered to not covered.

Skowt....I thought the exact same thing! lol I also thought...sure she was freezing. She just did that for the camera. So here is the truth. I WAS freezing. But the robe and socks are very warm and with the hot apple cider, I warmed up. But it felt good to button the robe back up after the pics.

Everyone...Thank you for your compliments! They mean a lot. And they keep me posting!

Hope you all have a wonderful day! It's dark, gloomy and rainy here.

Here is you PO 😘
Good morning!

Well! We had an interesting time with our new friends. They came to our house yesterday and we laughed and talked about everything including sex for 6 hours!

After dinner, play started (finally) but it was bizarre. MrSB and her had fun. Me? I don't know what happened! He barely touched me. All he wanted to do was go down on me and his touch was so light I barely felt it. I felt he was moving in slow motion. I did get him hard twice with my hands/mouth but as soon as I did, both times he stopped me and removed my hands from him. He would then go back down on me. He never made a sound. The one time he laid on his back while I went down on him, he had his hands under his head kind of staring up at the ceiling or eyes closed just laying there.

Over the course of the earlier conversation, they did say that she has a hall pass for guys and he loves to hear the details later or just watch if he's in town. If that's the case and that's all they really like doing, they should never have contacted us or agreed to couple play.

I'm still laughing and shaking my head thinking WTF! Honestly, this happens more frequently than not. But not to this extreme. So many men just want to watch their wives with another man and have sex with me because they feel they have to.

I was talking to MrSB about it all this am and I think we need to change how we approach the lifestyle. We've always been good with the comfort levels of other couples. I want to be a little more selfish now and play with couples that will do separate room so I know he's into me and not into just watching.

Oh well! All you can do is laugh!

Hope everyone had a good weekend. MrSB is happy his Pats won.

Continuing with the black....

Good morning!

Well! We had an interesting time with our new friends. They came to our house yesterday and we laughed and talked about everything including sex for 6 hours!

After dinner, play started (finally) but it was bizarre. MrSB and her had fun. Me? I don't know what happened! He barely touched me. All he wanted to do was go down on me and his touch was so light I barely felt it. I felt he was moving in slow motion. I did get him hard twice with my hands/mouth but as soon as I did, both times he stopped me and removed my hands from him. He would then go back down on me. He never made a sound. The one time he laid on his back while I went down on him, he had his hands under his head kind of staring up at the ceiling or eyes closed just laying there.

Over the course of the earlier conversation, they did say that she has a hall pass for guys and he loves to hear the details later or just watch if he's in town. If that's the case and that's all they really like doing, they should never have contacted us or agreed to couple play.

I'm still laughing and shaking my head thinking WTF! Honestly, this happens more frequently than not. But not to this extreme. So many men just want to watch their wives with another man and have sex with me because they feel they have to.

I was talking to MrSB about it all this am and I think we need to change how we approach the lifestyle. We've always been good with the comfort levels of other couples. I want to be a little more selfish now and play with couples that will do separate room so I know he's into me and not into just watching.

Oh well! All you can do is laugh!

Hope everyone had a good weekend. MrSB is happy his Pats won.

Continuing with the black....

I find it hard to believe..almost unimaginable that a straight man would not want to take advantage of your gorgeous face and body!!!! It clearly had nothing to do with you, but had to be what goes on for him! Just saying! :rose:
Guys... I hear ya! When we got into the lifestyle, MrSB would say he was just along for the ride. It was all about me. That has turned out not to be true in many cases.

I understand first time nerves. Guys are under tremendous performance pressure to get hard and stay hard. Often, during first time play, a guy may have issues getting/staying hard because he's nervous. But this was not that scenario. This was just a huge disconnect.

There are just so many men that just want to watch their wives.

I'm still shaking my head in disbelief!
Guys... I hear ya! When we got into the lifestyle, MrSB would say he was just along for the ride. It was all about me. That has turned out not to be true in many cases.

I understand first time nerves. Guys are under tremendous performance pressure to get hard and stay hard. Often, during first time play, a guy may have issues getting/staying hard because he's nervous. But this was not that scenario. This was just a huge disconnect.

There are just so many men that just want to watch their wives.

I'm still shaking my head in disbelief!

The other guy must have been brain (or something:)) dead.
Good morning!

Well! We had an interesting time with our new friends. They came to our house yesterday and we laughed and talked about everything including sex for 6 hours!

After dinner, play started (finally) but it was bizarre. MrSB and her had fun. Me? I don't know what happened! He barely touched me. All he wanted to do was go down on me and his touch was so light I barely felt it. I felt he was moving in slow motion. I did get him hard twice with my hands/mouth but as soon as I did, both times he stopped me and removed my hands from him. He would then go back down on me. He never made a sound. The one time he laid on his back while I went down on him, he had his hands under his head kind of staring up at the ceiling or eyes closed just laying there.

Over the course of the earlier conversation, they did say that she has a hall pass for guys and he loves to hear the details later or just watch if he's in town. If that's the case and that's all they really like doing, they should never have contacted us or agreed to couple play.

I'm still laughing and shaking my head thinking WTF! Honestly, this happens more frequently than not. But not to this extreme. So many men just want to watch their wives with another man and have sex with me because they feel they have to.

I was talking to MrSB about it all this am and I think we need to change how we approach the lifestyle. We've always been good with the comfort levels of other couples. I want to be a little more selfish now and play with couples that will do separate room so I know he's into me and not into just watching.

Oh well! All you can do is laugh!

Hope everyone had a good weekend. MrSB is happy his Pats won.

Continuing with the black....

really unusual. were they experienced swingers??

first time - ok, as you say, nerves,...

but ....
Good morning!

Well! We had an interesting time with our new friends. They came to our house yesterday and we laughed and talked about everything including sex for 6 hours!

After dinner, play started (finally) but it was bizarre. MrSB and her had fun. Me? I don't know what happened! He barely touched me. All he wanted to do was go down on me and his touch was so light I barely felt it. I felt he was moving in slow motion. I did get him hard twice with my hands/mouth but as soon as I did, both times he stopped me and removed my hands from him. He would then go back down on me. He never made a sound. The one time he laid on his back while I went down on him, he had his hands under his head kind of staring up at the ceiling or eyes closed just laying there.

Over the course of the earlier conversation, they did say that she has a hall pass for guys and he loves to hear the details later or just watch if he's in town. If that's the case and that's all they really like doing, they should never have contacted us or agreed to couple play.

I'm still laughing and shaking my head thinking WTF! Honestly, this happens more frequently than not. But not to this extreme. So many men just want to watch their wives with another man and have sex with me because they feel they have to.

I was talking to MrSB about it all this am and I think we need to change how we approach the lifestyle. We've always been good with the comfort levels of other couples. I want to be a little more selfish now and play with couples that will do separate room so I know he's into me and not into just watching.

Oh well! All you can do is laugh!

Hope everyone had a good weekend. MrSB is happy his Pats won.

Continuing with the black....

When my ex and I were in the scene, we found that many people preferred to just watch other people, but usually only in a room. As exhibitionists, we would often (and I mean, all the time) play with each other in the open (this was a big house with lots of common areas) and other couples would leave that part of the house instead of staying and watching. At first, we thought maybe it was because we weren't attractive enough for them, but found out that other couples just weren't comfortable even watching with too many other people around.

When we stopped going to this particular house party (personality conflicts with the host), the attendance level dropped dramatically. Other couples contacted us about it and said that we had been the real entertainment at the party and a lot of people stopped going after we left.

I just wanted to relate this to you so you would know that there are always people who say they want to participate, but when push comes to shove, they may or may not actually be into it. You never know until you get to the action. :)
Guys... I hear ya! When we got into the lifestyle, MrSB would say he was just along for the ride. It was all about me. That has turned out not to be true in many cases.

I understand first time nerves. Guys are under tremendous performance pressure to get hard and stay hard. Often, during first time play, a guy may have issues getting/staying hard because he's nervous. But this was not that scenario. This was just a huge disconnect.

There are just so many men that just want to watch their wives.

I'm still shaking my head in disbelief!

He certainly missed out on a tasty treat
Good morning! in my book too!

MrRon...awesome! Glad someone was able to help you with some new techniques! Seeing them hopefully means they come over to our house for well, we'll see what comes up! lol Oh and dinner. As in food.

Talon....I hear you. MrSB ran in the Phoenix RnR half marathon the year before I met him. He's not been able to do it again. Well, he can't since he had the knee replacement. As long as we are healthy and happy, we don't have to have the body endurance we did.

Todger....Thank you! My lingerie pics seem to always follow the same format. Slowly going from covered to not covered.

Skowt....I thought the exact same thing! lol I also thought...sure she was freezing. She just did that for the camera. So here is the truth. I WAS freezing. But the robe and socks are very warm and with the hot apple cider, I warmed up. But it felt good to button the robe back up after the pics.

Everyone...Thank you for your compliments! They mean a lot. And they keep me posting!

Hope you all have a wonderful day! It's dark, gloomy and rainy here.

So where's the black lace?
OH! There it is. Had to look through a whole bunch of naked pictures before seeing any black lace. LOL
Guys, what do you think of that "bed hair"?
Isn't she fantastic no matter what the hair looks like.
God I would love to wake up to that beauty every morning.
Good morning! in my book too!

MrRon...awesome! Glad someone was able to help you with some new techniques! Seeing them hopefully means they come over to our house for well, we'll see what comes up! lol Oh and dinner. As in food.

Talon....I hear you. MrSB ran in the Phoenix RnR half marathon the year before I met him. He's not been able to do it again. Well, he can't since he had the knee replacement. As long as we are healthy and happy, we don't have to have the body endurance we did.

Todger....Thank you! My lingerie pics seem to always follow the same format. Slowly going from covered to not covered.

Skowt....I thought the exact same thing! lol I also thought...sure she was freezing. She just did that for the camera. So here is the truth. I WAS freezing. But the robe and socks are very warm and with the hot apple cider, I warmed up. But it felt good to button the robe back up after the pics.

Everyone...Thank you for your compliments! They mean a lot. And they keep me posting!

Hope you all have a wonderful day! It's dark, gloomy and rainy here.

But your pictures sure make me feel warm and fuzzy.
Hot and sexy at any temperature.
Hi everyone!

It's strange how emotions can hit you without warning. I picked up the death certificates for my dad today. No big deal, right? Burst into tears when I got back into the car. Surprised me. are so right. No matter what people say or what their profile shows, until one is in bed you never know exactly what will happen. Plus, everyone thinks swingers play with everyone they meet for hours on end at the drop of a hat. That it's one endless orgy. This couldn't be further from the truth. In almost 5 years, I can say that there are 3 men that I really enjoyed playing with and want to do so again.

It's becoming more about the fun open flirty environment over the actual sex.

Crash....Yes, they are pretty experienced.

Here are some more guess I need to say nude. The black disappeared!
From black to tan

Hi everyone!

It's strange how emotions can hit you without warning. I picked up the death certificates for my dad today. No big deal, right? Burst into tears when I got back into the car. Surprised me. are so right. No matter what people say or what their profile shows, until one is in bed you never know exactly what will happen. Plus, everyone thinks swingers play with everyone they meet for hours on end at the drop of a hat. That it's one endless orgy. This couldn't be further from the truth. In almost 5 years, I can say that there are 3 men that I really enjoyed playing with and want to do so again.

It's becoming more about the fun open flirty environment over the actual sex.

Crash....Yes, they are pretty experienced.

Here are some more guess I need to say nude. The black disappeared!
One of my favorite color combinations AS long as those colors don't get reversed 😀