Mental Illness

I think it's a deep depression over all she has lost this summer and how sick she has been. She was that way before the meds changed.

Hope it is a med adjustment thing!

You probably know it already but a site I love to check out for meds and their effect is:


I'm feeling flat. I know I have things to do but my mind is like a sieve and I can't muster up the energy to figure out what I need to do, let alone do anything. I'll warn you now, this is probaby just going to turn some crazy ramble. I just need to get some of the words that are spinning around in my head out so it will be calm for a bit.

There is just too much happening in my life now and I need it to stop. But it can't stop, because life doesn't stop, so I'm stuck. My sister in law + new husband and spawn won't fucking go home; I'm way behind on my study but I can't chuck it in because I have people relying on me to complete it; I'm over my job but quitting isn't an option because we're barely managing financially as it is; I'm spending very little time with my four year old because I just can't stand him and his behaviour; there's more but I don't really want to write a novel.

What I need is some time - nay - a lot of time to be alone, get away from the circus that has set up in my house and that I have to appear sane in front of. I know I'm sounding a bit unhinged, maybe I should get professional help but realistically I think a hitman would be more help than my useless GP.

Well I'm feeling slightly better post rant. I know I just need to wait it out even though it's excruitatingly painful right now. I guess I just want someone to give me an easy answer, anyone got one?
Okay so does anyone know any treatments for PTSD that actually work? Because I think my girl needs that but she has been to many therapists and they haven't helped.

Ever thought of trying benzodiazepines? I have anxiety depression and I know that diazepam stops my anxiety attacks within about 15 mins, although its probably not the best long term suggestion (because of dependency and withdrawal) but it definitely makes things more bearable for a while. I'm also on venlafaxine (SNRI) and it doesn't seem to give me too many side-effects, but the effects of those are generally more variable. Benzodiazepines will calm/sedate everybody though so its more reliable. (Sorry for my medical rant, I can't help it when I'm studying med stuff everyday)
Ever thought of trying benzodiazepines? I have anxiety depression and I know that diazepam stops my anxiety attacks within about 15 mins, although its probably not the best long term suggestion (because of dependency and withdrawal) but it definitely makes things more bearable for a while. I'm also on venlafaxine (SNRI) and it doesn't seem to give me too many side-effects, but the effects of those are generally more variable. Benzodiazepines will calm/sedate everybody though so its more reliable. (Sorry for my medical rant, I can't help it when I'm studying med stuff everyday)

I have to say that I don't understand why you practically have to sleep with a psych to get a diazepam script. YES - it CAN be addictive, it's something that has to be watched, but it actually works with no ramping-up waiting, and you'll know pretty quickly if it's helping. I know people who are alive because of valium AS it is needed. I would think the long-term effects of chronic anxiety attacks are more worth weighing against the effects of dependency. Sorry, valium rant off.
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I didn't come out and say this at the beginning of the thread. Not directly, anyway, but in my view "Human Givens" Therapy for PTSD is the dog's bollocks. Sadly it's not widely available outside the UK. I consider myself very lucky to have had some.
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I have to say that I don't understand why you practically have to sleep with a psych to get a diazepam script. YES - it CAN be addictive, it's something that has to be watched, but it actually works with no ramping-up waiting, and you'll know pretty quickly if it's helping. I know people who are alive because of valium AS it is needed. I would think the long-term effects of chronic anxiety attacks are more worth weighing against the effects of dependency. Sorry, valium rant off.

Interesting. I volunteer on a suicide hotline. I'd say the number of calls I take from people whose main problem is untreated anxiety is about equal to the number of calls I take from people desperate because of their valium addiction.
*Rant alert*

You know, I'm tired of people attributing everything I do, everything I say, every emotion I feel to my illness. Sometimes, I'm not "irrationally rage-y" because I'm nuts. Sometimes, you're just a douchebag who's made me angry by being a douchebag.

Also, when you tell me it's because of my "crazy head," then I am no longer responsible for what I do.

*Rant alert*

You know, I'm tired of people attributing everything I do, everything I say, every emotion I feel to my illness. Sometimes, I'm not "irrationally rage-y" because I'm nuts. Sometimes, you're just a douchebag who's made me angry by being a douchebag.

Also, when you tell me it's because of my "crazy head," then I am no longer responsible for what I do.


I feel you on that sometimes you are mad just cuz you are mad. It's not the illness it's the emotions you are feeling. I understand your pain and anger. Hugs again.
*Rant alert*

You know, I'm tired of people attributing everything I do, everything I say, every emotion I feel to my illness. Sometimes, I'm not "irrationally rage-y" because I'm nuts. Sometimes, you're just a douchebag who's made me angry by being a douchebag.

Also, when you tell me it's because of my "crazy head," then I am no longer responsible for what I do.


This is like the bigger, badder, uglier sister of people saying to an angry woman that it must be the time of the month.
I feel you on that sometimes you are mad just cuz you are mad. It's not the illness it's the emotions you are feeling. I understand your pain and anger. Hugs again.

Exactly! And thank you. :)

This is like the bigger, badder, uglier sister of people saying to an angry woman that it must be the time of the month.

OMG, yes. I didn't even think of that, but you're totally right.

Also, it makes me want to scream, "Oh, you think this is crazy? You haven't SEEN crazy yet!" But I suppose that probably *would* be crazy, so I can usually refrain. ;)
Exactly! And thank you. :)

OMG, yes. I didn't even think of that, but you're totally right.

Also, it makes me want to scream, "Oh, you think this is crazy? You haven't SEEN crazy yet!" But I suppose that probably *would* be crazy, so I can usually refrain. ;)

You are welcome
This is like the bigger, badder, uglier sister of people saying to an angry woman that it must be the time of the month.

That's kinda what I was thinking.

I mean, even if it was a mental illness thing, I would NEVER say that anymore than I would ask a woman if she's PMSing. I know I've got to die eventually, but I don't want to go out being shredded to pieces by an insane woman. Or one who's crazy, either. :p
OMG, yes. I didn't even think of that, but you're totally right.

I've had it too (re. my mental illness) and the main problem with it for me is that it TOTALLY dismisses the validity of my feelings in the other person's eyes.

Also, it makes me want to scream, "Oh, you think this is crazy? You haven't SEEN crazy yet!" But I suppose that probably *would* be crazy, so I can usually refrain. ;)
TOTALLY identify with this too LOL.
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I'm feeling flat. I know I have things to do but my mind is like a sieve and I can't muster up the energy to figure out what I need to do, let alone do anything. I'll warn you now, this is probaby just going to turn some crazy ramble. I just need to get some of the words that are spinning around in my head out so it will be calm for a bit.

There is just too much happening in my life now and I need it to stop. But it can't stop, because life doesn't stop, so I'm stuck. My sister in law + new husband and spawn won't fucking go home; I'm way behind on my study but I can't chuck it in because I have people relying on me to complete it; I'm over my job but quitting isn't an option because we're barely managing financially as it is; I'm spending very little time with my four year old because I just can't stand him and his behaviour; there's more but I don't really want to write a novel.

What I need is some time - nay - a lot of time to be alone, get away from the circus that has set up in my house and that I have to appear sane in front of. I know I'm sounding a bit unhinged, maybe I should get professional help but realistically I think a hitman would be more help than my useless GP.

Well I'm feeling slightly better post rant. I know I just need to wait it out even though it's excruitatingly painful right now. I guess I just want someone to give me an easy answer, anyone got one?
She doesn't really have over anxiety attacks, but she just won't do and shies away from some things she wants to do in part because of Post Traumatic Stress and she wants to work through it so it doesn't stop her anymore.

After this summer, she has more post traumatic stress to deal with too.

Ever thought of trying benzodiazepines? I have anxiety depression and I know that diazepam stops my anxiety attacks within about 15 mins, although its probably not the best long term suggestion (because of dependency and withdrawal) but it definitely makes things more bearable for a while. I'm also on venlafaxine (SNRI) and it doesn't seem to give me too many side-effects, but the effects of those are generally more variable. Benzodiazepines will calm/sedate everybody though so its more reliable. (Sorry for my medical rant, I can't help it when I'm studying med stuff everyday)
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I feel you on that even though I've not been diagnosed with a mental illness. This still happens. Instead of taking responsibility for being jerks, too many people assume a woman is "upset" or "emotional" and it is therefore due to your mental issues. Jerks!

I can only imagine how much more difficult it would be if you had a diagnoses of mental issues.

I know with my girl, until this summer, we all, even she, always attributed her troubles with not taking meds or not taking the right ones. I'm surprised she never railed at that.

*Rant alert*

You know, I'm tired of people attributing everything I do, everything I say, every emotion I feel to my illness. Sometimes, I'm not "irrationally rage-y" because I'm nuts. Sometimes, you're just a douchebag who's made me angry by being a douchebag.

Also, when you tell me it's because of my "crazy head," then I am no longer responsible for what I do.

Ok, serious question for anyone who can help me. (And if Netz is reading, I'd REALLY love to hear what she has to say.)

Financial difficulties are forcing me to go back to the phones again. To be honest, I would rather be shot. But it's either this or move back in with my mother, which is absolutely not an option, no way, no how.

The problem is, I hate talking to these bastards. I hate them all with a flaming purple passion and take great pleasure in imaging their fiery deaths. Like, it makes me feel sick every time the phone rings. And it doesn't take many days of listening to the same petty, narcissistic bullshit to push me off the tenuous ledge of sanity down into the pool of crazy.

And I have worked far too hard for that to happen to me again.

Unfortunately, there's no way around this for now. I'd mostly gotten out of answering the phones, but right now, I don't have much of a choice. I can only hope I won't have to do it for long.

My question is, does anybody have any ideas on how I can keep this from running me crazy again, like it has done in the past? Drinking is (unfortunately) not an option with the meds. Anything expensive is also out of the question, given the reason that I'm having to go back to the phones in the first place. I'm open to trying pretty much anything else, though.
Bunny, given how hard-won your mental health improvements have been and how important they are, are their any other options for you? Like (I dunno) temporarily becoming an Avon Lady or working on the cash register in a supermarket or ANYTHING?

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding the situation.
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Bunny, given how hard-won your mental health improvements have been and how important they are, are their any other options for you? Like (I dunno) temporarily becoming an Avon Lady or working on the cash register in a supermarket or ANYTHING?

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding the situation.

You're not misunderstanding. :)

There are a couple of things that are keeping me from getting an outside job. First and foremost is that I haven't been officially employed since, like, 2006 or so. I've been an independent contractor for several years now, but it's not the same. Employers don't believe I've been working and are loath to hire the "unemployed." :rolleyes:

Secondly, this is right here, right now, and I can start tomorrow. Actually, I probably *will* start tomorrow. Plus, the fact that it doesn't keep me out of the house means I'll still have time to do my actual writing job, which I hope and pray picks up ASAP.
I agree with Catty, but I can see why you need money now. My suggestion is to do what Catty suggests even as you're doing the phones so you can get off the phones more quickly, assuming your writing thing doesn't pick up.
I like Graceanne's suggestion.

If you do go back on the phones, is there maybe any mileage in pitying the callers instead of hating them?
My question is, does anybody have any ideas on how I can keep this from running me crazy again, like it has done in the past? Drinking is (unfortunately) not an option with the meds. Anything expensive is also out of the question, given the reason that I'm having to go back to the phones in the first place. I'm open to trying pretty much anything else, though.

Bunny: I am not sure what the requirements are for the "phones", so I may be totally off on my suggestions.

Is there any way to limit the amount of time that you are on the phones each day? Can you break it up into smaller periods of time instead of all at once?

Are you able to distract yourself with something while on the phones. I have a hard time sitting through meetings. Especially, if it is a bunch of bullshit from managers that have no clue. In order to get through those meetings, I will doodle, make to do lists and anything else I can think of so that I don't lose my mind and go absolutely nuts and tell them exactly what I think. I am thinking about bringing crayons and coloring books to my next meeting. :D

I am sending positive thoughts your way!!!! :rose:
This may sound a little strange, but where I work, the owner and I have the same name, so I made up an alias (more like a nickname that I would only use at work).

That was 3 years ago, and I am SO glad I did. Long-story-short, I cannot stand these people (and their total lack of integrity), so customers don't really know who I am.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I find it easier to do the things I abhor if I'm "pretending" to be someone else. :rolleyes:

Hope this helps, Bunny!
Ok, serious question for anyone who can help me. (And if Netz is reading, I'd REALLY love to hear what she has to say.)

Financial difficulties are forcing me to go back to the phones again. To be honest, I would rather be shot. But it's either this or move back in with my mother, which is absolutely not an option, no way, no how.

The problem is, I hate talking to these bastards. I hate them all with a flaming purple passion and take great pleasure in imaging their fiery deaths. Like, it makes me feel sick every time the phone rings. And it doesn't take many days of listening to the same petty, narcissistic bullshit to push me off the tenuous ledge of sanity down into the pool of crazy.

And I have worked far too hard for that to happen to me again.

Unfortunately, there's no way around this for now. I'd mostly gotten out of answering the phones, but right now, I don't have much of a choice. I can only hope I won't have to do it for long.

My question is, does anybody have any ideas on how I can keep this from running me crazy again, like it has done in the past? Drinking is (unfortunately) not an option with the meds. Anything expensive is also out of the question, given the reason that I'm having to go back to the phones in the first place. I'm open to trying pretty much anything else, though.


Oh I have weeks, days.

Here is a non-mental health approach to it. Get out of answering the phone every time it rings no matter what.

What has saved me is to sell mp3s. They are now the majority of my income.

Also, you NEED to do a "I hate you all fuck you" character. You NEED to record exactly WHAT you think of them and how you hate them and wish firey death on them because for some of them, this is the hottest thing to jerk it to on earth. For you, it could be cathartic.

You can use a simple headset thing and audacity, they don't have to be schmancy to sell through. Mine have become schmancy but they didn't start that way. You can write I know that. Just pretend you are someone who gives a shit.

Yes, you have to put yourself into their self centered little peabrains, but you don't have to hear their crap.*

*dear lovely clients who don't make me want to stab myself, this is not you, get over yourself for a second and put it in context.
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