Absolution (closed)

When Vincenzo woke next, everything was quiet. The other children were at dinner and Carmena and Kitty were catching up on their own sleep. Valentina was quietly lying there next to her father, looking at him in the low light from the fire that had been built. Her gaze was clear, even if her body was incredibly sore.

"I'm hungry, Papa." She said softly, truly hungry for the first time since she had gotten sick.
Vincenzo slowly sat up, pushing his long hair back with a deep breath. "That's good to hear, cara mia," he murmured, rising and helping her sit up properly. "I'm sorry this happened, amore," he spoke softly. "I had thought you might have my immunity."
"I'm sorry I got sick and ruined everything." Valentina said softly as Vincenzo helped her to sit up on her own, propped back against the pillows.
"You didn't ruin anything, bambina," he promised softly. "Never blame yourself for what an illness has wrought." He brushed her hair back and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "This happened to your Nonna and I a long time ago... And it took someone very special from me. I wasn't about to lose you too."
"I did ruin things. We had to run away from Venice." Valentina insisted. "We were suppose to spend time with Uncle Van. Now we're here."

She would blame herself for a long time. It was just how she was. Time with Vincenzo was always short and she clung to every moment that she had with her father.
"We'll see him soon, love," he promised softly. "He would agree that your health is far more important."
Valentina was quiet as Vincenzo promised her that. It took all she had in her to look him in the eye, turmoil written on her dark gaze.

"She took care of me the entire time, didn't she?" She asked softly, speaking about Kitty and not really knowing how to feel in the moment.
"Of course she did." Vincenzo lifted a hand to her cheek. "She loves you, every bit as much as I do. Why wouldn't she?"
"It's because Mummy would have wanted her to." Valentina said softly, not really believing that in the least. "I guess I can't be stubborn about it forever. Even Mummy would say that no matter what, she gave birth to me. She's my Ma no matter what I think about it."
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"I've long since said everything I can on the matter to both of you." Vincenzo kissed her forehead before rising to begin cooking something simple for her.
Valentina was quiet as Vincenzo moved to fix her something to eat. She relaxed against the pillows, sore and exhausted and aching in more ways than one. Kitty walked in a few moments after Vincenzo had left, pausing when she saw Valentina up and awake.

"I thought I heard a familiar voice." She said softly as she sat down and felt Valentina's forehead. "Feeling better, love?"

Valentina nodded as Kitty asked her. "You took good care of me."

"I tried my hardest, little love. Your Mummy wouldn't have ever forgiven me if I let you suffer on your own." Kitty said softly.

You did it...because you're my Ma." Valentina looked her in the eye as she said that.

"And nothing is ever going to change that, Valentina. I carried you for nine months, tried my hardest to protect you, and gave you to people that could give you the life that I couldn't. Even if you don't ever want to call me Ma, it's alright."
When Vincenzo returned, he brought a meal similar to what he gave Kitty when she was at her worst, a simple mix of goat's cheese and pasta with some mild spices. "Here, love. Only eat as much as you can handle."
Valentina thanked him as she took the bowl and started to eat, managing more than half before she was done. She gave the bowl back to Vincenzo and allowed them both to get her tucked back into bed. When Kitty went to pull away, Valentina stopped her.

“Stay here with us.” She said softly, needing Kitty much more than she cared to admit right then.

“I won’t go anywhere, Little Love.” She said softly as she got herself comfortable on the bed beside Valentina.
Vincenzo joined them after he'd put things away and washed up, carefully scooping Valentina into his arms to let her rest against him beside Kitty. "Sleep all you can, cara mia," he whispered.
Valentina looked between Kitty and Vincenzo as her papa held her, insisting that she get more sleep. “Can I hold on to my mummy for a while longer?”

“As long as you like, love. Your entire life if you want.” Kitty said, reaching up to rest a band against her cheek. “I’m in no rush.”
Vincenzo carefully moved their daughter to Kitty's arms, smiling gently to Kitty as Valentina settled. "Once you're feeling better, we'll go explore like we always do," Vincenzo promised Valentina. "I did say you'd see Nonna's homeland one day."
As Valentina was confined to bed for a few more days and was bored, Kitty taught her how to knit. She sat patiently next to her daughter, and talked her through everything. Valentina was a dutiful student, soaking in the information and watching Kitty closely as she picked up on her mother's favorite hobby. It was a small bridge built between the two of them, a stepping stone to the next part of their relationship.
Vincenzo quietly watched the slow build of trust between the two, proud of how Kitty had managed to show Valentina in time that she was in good hands, and how Valentina had finally opened up understanding that no one was trying to replace Ashelin, but just trying to offer more love.

When Valentina began to feel up to it, Vincenzo took her on short walks to start building her energy back up, bringing her produce from the market to cook and taking her to see the local sights. The rest of the children, having looked after themselves so Valentina could be focused on, welcomed her back among them and took her exploring or riding when she liked, especially Brogan who seemed to have a quiet understanding with the little girl.
Kitty turned her attentions from keeping Valentina alive to her other children. She hadn't meant to neglect them, but the little girl needed all of her attentions. Walking with Brogan one evening, she had her arm slipped through his, enjoying the warm breeze coming in from the water.

"Tell me the truth...is Boar about to run off with this mysterious girl that has stolen his heart? He seems anxious to return home." Kitty said, looking up at her son. "I cautioned him to guard his heart, but he brushed me off."
"Maybe no' run off necessarily, but he's talked about bein' interested in livin' in Inverlochly fer a while... I thought maybe, since it's such a small place an' Boar's actually a pretty good leader... I migh' put it under his care. It'd give 'im income t'support them if they marry, an' it'd be a little less on my plate."
“Inverlochly was always your father’s pride and joy. It was the only place he ever wanted to take me.” Kitty said as Brogan contemplated giving Inverlochly to Boar. “It might be good for your brother to have something to focus on. He would be a good manager of the land and you know he’s loyal.”
"I'll see what he wants t' do, and we'll go from there." Brogan glanced out toward the ocean as they walked. "I was going t' mention... I got some letters from other rulers an' Lords around th'isles. Some wanting t'meet me, others lookin' to fix old alliances from great-grandpa's day. One of 'em was interesting, a Lord Stephen Monaghan whose grandfather was close friends with Inverness, even though Monaghan's from Ireland under King Bernard."
“Ireland? Your father never mentioned anything about Ireland to me.” Kitty said, thinking hard about the history of Inverness. “If there was a treaty or alliance, it was a long time in the past.”
"After his father destroyed most of it, I doubt Da even knew, or if 'e did... Well, we know how 'e got along with th'Irish."
“And what did this Lord Monoghan have to allow you besides what was between his grandfather and yours?” Kitty asked.