Your one and Only - does it exist?

Prince Romeo

Literotica Guru
Oct 3, 2002
Do you believe that there is one special person out there that is your one and only? How do you know? What if you pass up your one and only for someone else? Is that even possible?

You meet so many people everyday. Have you ever met someone and there was a spark between the two of you? You might just have a quick conversation or maybe longer. But then things happen and you don't follow up with that person. Does that mean they aren't the one or could it be that you blew the opportunity when you had it.
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In my honest opinion,

that means theyaren't the one. But i believe sometimes you aren't meant to be with "the one" , so you never find them.

I found my one and only.
"But i believe sometimes you aren't meant to be with "the one" , so you never find them. "

How could this be?
Prince Romeo said:
Do you believe that there is one special person out there that is your one and only? How do you know? What if you pass up your one and only for someone else? Is that even possible?

You meet so many people everyday. Have you evre met someone and there was a spark between the two of you? You might just have a quick conversation or maybe longer. But then things happen and you don't follow up with that person. Does that mean they aren't the one or could it be that you blew the opportunity when you had it.
I used to think so. Now I'm not so sure.

I think it's a bit depressing to think that there's only one person out there who is perfect for you. I would like to think that there are many people who I would be good with.

Here's the an individual you change drastically over the course of your so-called "adulthood." Does this mythical person change in a constantly complimentary way? I find that hard to believe.

In fact my concern is that the person I love today will not be the person I love in 10 years...will we both change too much to find anything worth keeping in each other (this is all a hypothetical since I'm taking a break from dating).

Keep in mind I'm a cynic...
Prince Romeo said:
Do you believe that there is one special person out there that is your one and only? How do you know? What if you pass up your one and only for someone else? Is that even possible?

You meet so many people everyday. Have you ever met someone and there was a spark between the two of you? You might just have a quick conversation or maybe longer. But then things happen and you don't follow up with that person. Does that mean they aren't the one or could it be that you blew the opportunity when you had it.

There are many people out there who can fit the bill of "that special someone". I have many sides to myself, and I doubt that only ONE single person can be compatible with me.

I do believe there will always be at least one person though in your life who will stay in your mind and heart for a very long time, maybe even forever. And that person doesn't necessarily have to be your life partner.

Sometimes you find that special person, but due to various circumstances it was not meant to be. You and him were meant, but not at that time and place.

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Yes thats right

6 billion people

And only one of them is the "one"


Nope Hanns - you're the one fool

no wait... do alter ego's count ?
Nope, don't believe there is only one person out there for everyone. How thoroughly depressing would that be?
deliciously, I agree that there are probably multiple opportunities out there to meet the one. But I also beleive that we make the person our "one". Over time, things will change. That is the one of the few things you can be certain of in this life. Since the moment I started typing the first keystroke on this page, I have changed. But in my defintion of "the one", you and that person adapt to the change. You grow together not apart. You won't always long for that person, like you did in the beginning, but every now and then those feelings will return. You'll think about that person, see their picture, hear their voice, watch them from the distance and you feel the hunger stir deep inside you.
hopefully the message will show this time

No i don't think there is a "one", however if thats you in the av i may change my mind ;)
Wow Prince you finally put up a yourself AV, mmmm really nice :kiss:

I dont believe in this One and only one and soulmate thing. I've been blessed with more than one true love in my life.

dah you are cute :p