Your Ah Political Thread!

Yup as I posted in the GB on a similar thread one of my daughter's friends just got hit by this. She's in school and has been working 35 hours a week for close to two years

Her manager just told her she will be down to 28 and two 20 hour kids will each pick up 4 or so of her lost hours.

Its a Dunkin Donuts, but its privately owned, the guy owns three and has maybe 40 employees. he doesn't even have medical himself beyond a supplementary plan let alone afford to carry it for anyone else.

But I am sure, just like in the GB some spin doctors will show up here saying we're lying, this article is propaganda, Obama is awesome and this country is in great shape.

But its also worth noting that its been pushed back at least a year so not sure why this shit is being pulled now.

Even the dems know this thing is a train wreck and many are still fighting it. Part of me thinks it may never see fruition.

Which would be a good thing except for the fact its costing millions of dollars as we speak.

We'd be much better off passing a small sales tax (1/2 cent) to cover well-care and acute care treatments; chronic care would be covered by social security disability. One half cent oughta be more than enough to pay for everyone to have a baby or have an abcessed tooth fixed or get a kidney stone removed. It oughta be enough to pay for birth control and generic meds and necessary inpatient. It oughta be enough to pay for tests.

It ought not pay for fake titties or sex change surgery or facelifts or dick extentions. Those who want such services need to buy ObamaGold policies.

We did that here in Schlubville. Passed a half cent tax to pay for healthcare. Its like school cafeteria food or army chow. It aint wonderful but it will keep you alive and fix your pain and suffering. You get a primary care MD who treats you or refers you elsewhere to contract providers.
Here's the dirty little secret about this whole Obamacare argle-bargle; it has nothing to do with health care and everything to do with increasing government power and control of the citizenry. Like the IRS, it's a system of rewarding government approved behavior and punishing those who dare to not comply. There's another world inside the Beltway that few outside of it know or care about.

It's a world of politicos, bureaucrats, lobbyists, meddlers, nosey-pokes and assorted do-gooders who are convinced they can manage your life better than you can. A pile of the multitudinous rules, regulations, laws, mandates, executive orders and directives coming out of Washington would probably circle the globe a dozen times and still be able to reach the moon; and for every one that supposedly 'helps' people, there are a dozen that hinder them.

An ever expanding government is not the angel of mercy as so many view it; rather, it is an all-devouring monster consuming various and sundry freedoms, negating individual responsibility, crushing ambition and innovation, discouraging individuality and pitting one race, ideology, lifestyle and societal attitude against one another in order to minimize resistance to its power.

The government of the people, by the people and for the people as set forth in the U.S. Constitution is fast becoming none of the above. :(
Here's the dirty little secret about this whole Obamacare argle-bargle; it has nothing to do with health care and everything to do with increasing government power and control of the citizenry. Like the IRS, it's a system of rewarding government approved behavior and punishing those who dare to not comply. There's another world inside the Beltway that few outside of it know or care about.

It's a world of politicos, bureaucrats, lobbyists, meddlers, nosey-pokes and assorted do-gooders who are convinced they can manage your life better than you can. A pile of the multitudinous rules, regulations, laws, mandates, executive orders and directives coming out of Washington would probably circle the globe a dozen times and still be able to reach the moon; and for every one that supposedly 'helps' people, there are a dozen that hinder them.

An ever expanding government is not the angel of mercy as so many view it; rather, it is an all-devouring monster consuming various and sundry freedoms, negating individual responsibility, crushing ambition and innovation, discouraging individuality and pitting one race, ideology, lifestyle and societal attitude against one another in order to minimize resistance to its power.

The government of the people, by the people and for the people as set forth in the U.S. Constitution is fast becoming none of the above. :(

I agree. Medical care is easily done without all the alarm and costs and intrusions. Pass a simple sales tax and everyone rides. Employment is unaffected, no one pays a fine, no ones insurance premiums increase. Its a 50 dollar tax for every 1000 you spend. If youre outta work youre covered. If youre a student youre covered. Your boss pays nuthin so maybe you get a pay raise cuz the boss is saving lotsa money.

Why we insist on making a cluster fuck outta healthcare is a puzzle, except pols make money off the mess.
I believe the whole Obamacare argument is based upon the resistance of the insurance industry, who don't want the government in their business.

Think about how much overhead could be eliminated by a single payer system funded by 20% of our outrageous military budget? How many jobs could a National Healthcare System generate?

How many people could get heath care for the cost of one F-35? Of course we need lots of F-35's to make sure our troops are protected when our President sends the military out to 'secure freedom'.
A government large enough to give you everything you want can just as easily take everything you have. ;)

And they all do. Its like my power company's energy saver program. Started out 10% off your electric bill, then it was $10 a month off then they removed the box, and that was the end of that.