Literotica Guru
- Joined
- Feb 19, 2021
- Posts
- 2,606
Every now and then I see a Rest in Peace post. Someone has died and others know about it. I'm 80 and in terrific health. I expect to see 100. But if I don't, no one will know to tell you all. So I'm composing this thank you, in hopes that, should I disappear from the scene for more than a few weeks, someone will notice and will bump this for all to see.
I might not be dead. More likely I'll have forgotten my username or password and the place where they're written down (!!!!)
My thanks
The AH forum here has provided me with the richest venue for stimulating conversation that I have ever encountered, and that includes the much vaunted late night gab fests in college. Part of it is that my own history provided me with a lot of questions that I cared about, but the essential part is that there are ALWAYS people ready to jump in and respond. The last 10 months have just been great. So a general thanks to all for that. Even (especially) to those strenuously opposed to what they think is my position. I love an intellectual tustle.
I came to the forum with lots of questions related to erotica, and, over time, I've gotten lots of answers. All my life I've gotten a lot of satisfaction from analysing ideas, putting the right words to experiences. So this is especially satisfying. Thanks to everyone.
Probably few, if any, of you will read this whole post, but I've gotten a lot of satisfaction out of organizing it all. Thanks, again, for providing such a forum.
What is my writing style?
Very shortly after I published my first story (Smashwords, here, every sub-Reddit that would take it), I got two bits of feedback that likened my writing to "classic French erotica." That was the phrase used by the person giving me positive feedback. The other one called my writing "old fashioned." I felt validated by both of them, since my model for erotica was Pauline Reage's The Story of O. But I spent a long time trying to articulate exactly what made something sound like "classic French erotica." I was stuck with articulating to myself the styles I didn't care for (naughty, giggling, smirking). I settled on "reserved" and "restrained" as pretty close to whatever was going on. It wasn't until quite recently that I felt like I'd gotten an answer. First was from @RainyDayPen, where she describes her own writing as "formal." She says she likes "solemnity." And then @ElectricBlue described my writing as "static" (in a good way - he said he liked it.) He said "You like a tableau, a freeze frame, it's quite static." Those were good enough for me. My question was answered.
I can't credit AH for my coming up with the idea of "simple erotica." Pretty early on I honed in on the fact that I liked, and wrote, stories that didn't distract from the eroticism with a focus on character or plot. But I can thank AH for talking with me about it until I realized I should replace "pure" with "simple."
What kind of erotica do I like to read and write?
Well, of course I know it when I see it. But how to describe it? This became a looming puzzle for me because I was introduced to erotica when The Story of O was the touch stone. My writing is very like that. I was very confused for a long time to find almost no stories currently that were like that. What was "that?" I started out with "a strong man willingly submits to sexual pain and/or humiliation." (Note - that the MC is male only became a thing for me in the last few years). Then it seemed that "surrender" was better than "submit." In my mind it left more room for a strictly individual experience, no relationship. (Note that in The Story we know almost nothing about O's lover or their life together). I was not interested in the modern interpretation of BDSM, where relationships are so important. I think that's where I was when I got active in AH last fall (fall of '23). I added "with dignity," as a positive way of expressing my distaste for things like "naughty" and "infantilization."
My latest, most ordinary language description from a Lit thread is: A good looking, self aware, self accepting man finds himself in the M side of an S&M situation. He might have chosen a sex club, or he might be a captive in some war situation, or... or... There is no relationship with another involved. I've lately decided that my male MCs are not involved with anyone because I want them for myself.
An an overarching theme. I like to read and write simple erotica. I don't want to be distracted by character development and plot
I would regularly be a little thrown by realizing that I really liked some story that did not meet one or more of my criteria. I recently hit on the fact that authenticity as I define it, can trump everything.
How broadly are my tastes shared?
It took many months of all kinds of back and forth in AH for me to settle with, "Hardly shared at all." I settled on a self-description of "rare bird." That's fine. Clarity is all. It's not the only trait I have that tends toward the unique end of a spectrum. I think the main quality that sets me apart is a focus on the individual surrender, apart from a relationship, almost in the abstract.
I'm a clarity junky, so I liked this comment by @Djmac1031, whether meant positively or negatively. "after reading one of your stories, I will say it's certainly a unique spin."
This message is 438 characters too long for a single post (they count spaces!!!), so it’s continued here.
I might not be dead. More likely I'll have forgotten my username or password and the place where they're written down (!!!!)
My thanks
The AH forum here has provided me with the richest venue for stimulating conversation that I have ever encountered, and that includes the much vaunted late night gab fests in college. Part of it is that my own history provided me with a lot of questions that I cared about, but the essential part is that there are ALWAYS people ready to jump in and respond. The last 10 months have just been great. So a general thanks to all for that. Even (especially) to those strenuously opposed to what they think is my position. I love an intellectual tustle.
I came to the forum with lots of questions related to erotica, and, over time, I've gotten lots of answers. All my life I've gotten a lot of satisfaction from analysing ideas, putting the right words to experiences. So this is especially satisfying. Thanks to everyone.
Probably few, if any, of you will read this whole post, but I've gotten a lot of satisfaction out of organizing it all. Thanks, again, for providing such a forum.
What is my writing style?
Very shortly after I published my first story (Smashwords, here, every sub-Reddit that would take it), I got two bits of feedback that likened my writing to "classic French erotica." That was the phrase used by the person giving me positive feedback. The other one called my writing "old fashioned." I felt validated by both of them, since my model for erotica was Pauline Reage's The Story of O. But I spent a long time trying to articulate exactly what made something sound like "classic French erotica." I was stuck with articulating to myself the styles I didn't care for (naughty, giggling, smirking). I settled on "reserved" and "restrained" as pretty close to whatever was going on. It wasn't until quite recently that I felt like I'd gotten an answer. First was from @RainyDayPen, where she describes her own writing as "formal." She says she likes "solemnity." And then @ElectricBlue described my writing as "static" (in a good way - he said he liked it.) He said "You like a tableau, a freeze frame, it's quite static." Those were good enough for me. My question was answered.
I can't credit AH for my coming up with the idea of "simple erotica." Pretty early on I honed in on the fact that I liked, and wrote, stories that didn't distract from the eroticism with a focus on character or plot. But I can thank AH for talking with me about it until I realized I should replace "pure" with "simple."
What kind of erotica do I like to read and write?
Well, of course I know it when I see it. But how to describe it? This became a looming puzzle for me because I was introduced to erotica when The Story of O was the touch stone. My writing is very like that. I was very confused for a long time to find almost no stories currently that were like that. What was "that?" I started out with "a strong man willingly submits to sexual pain and/or humiliation." (Note - that the MC is male only became a thing for me in the last few years). Then it seemed that "surrender" was better than "submit." In my mind it left more room for a strictly individual experience, no relationship. (Note that in The Story we know almost nothing about O's lover or their life together). I was not interested in the modern interpretation of BDSM, where relationships are so important. I think that's where I was when I got active in AH last fall (fall of '23). I added "with dignity," as a positive way of expressing my distaste for things like "naughty" and "infantilization."
My latest, most ordinary language description from a Lit thread is: A good looking, self aware, self accepting man finds himself in the M side of an S&M situation. He might have chosen a sex club, or he might be a captive in some war situation, or... or... There is no relationship with another involved. I've lately decided that my male MCs are not involved with anyone because I want them for myself.
An an overarching theme. I like to read and write simple erotica. I don't want to be distracted by character development and plot
I would regularly be a little thrown by realizing that I really liked some story that did not meet one or more of my criteria. I recently hit on the fact that authenticity as I define it, can trump everything.
How broadly are my tastes shared?
It took many months of all kinds of back and forth in AH for me to settle with, "Hardly shared at all." I settled on a self-description of "rare bird." That's fine. Clarity is all. It's not the only trait I have that tends toward the unique end of a spectrum. I think the main quality that sets me apart is a focus on the individual surrender, apart from a relationship, almost in the abstract.
I'm a clarity junky, so I liked this comment by @Djmac1031, whether meant positively or negatively. "after reading one of your stories, I will say it's certainly a unique spin."
This message is 438 characters too long for a single post (they count spaces!!!), so it’s continued here.
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