You think this lesbian might have issues with men?


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001


I think I'm going to do a "Frimost's Greatest Lesbians Threads" thread.

You're a little obsessed, dude.
Meant the author of the comic, not the fictional character.
So, you've discovered Hothead Piasan a decade after the last comic was printed? I thought you read lesbain magazines and were up to date on the dyke culture Frimost?
I've known about it for about two years or so, maybe a little more.
I just decided to post about it now.

How long have you known of it Never?
When I was sixteen so... about five years ago.

How do you know so much about it; is it a biography based on you or something?

Never-Lit.'s very own Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist?
“How do you know so much about it; is it a biography based on you or something?”

That’s it. I was running around shoving telephone poles up men’s asses when I was eleven.
I know about it because I have read many lesbian-centered articles in which it was mentioned.
Never said:
“How do you know so much about it; is it a biography based on you or something?”

That’s it. I was running around shoving telephone poles up men’s asses when I was eleven.
I know about it because I have read many lesbian-centered articles in which it was mentioned.

Damnnnnnnnn girl you musta had the pipes for an 11 year old lol.......;)
Yep, between learning to ride a bike and discovering my love of raping straight men, year 11 was a busy one for me.
Holden starts drawing. Banky stares at him. Then he
grabs the pencil out of Holden’s hand and shoves him to
the side. He starts drawing something.

What the fuck are you doing!

Bear with me here. I just want to put
you through this little exercise.
(drawing feverishly)
Okay, now see this? This is a four
way road, okay?

Banky draws a four-way stop. He illustrates according to
his voice-over.

And dead in the center, is a crisp,
new, hundred dollar bill. Now at the
end of each of the streets, are four
people, okay? You following? Up
here, we got a male-affectionate, easy-
to-get-along-with, no political agenda
lesbian. Okay? Now down here, we
have a man-hating, angry-as-fuck,
agenda-of-rage, bitter dyke. To this
side, we got Santa Claus, right? And
over to this side - the Easter Bunny.

Banky finishes drawing. Holden’s shaking his head

Which one’s going to get to the
hundred dollar bill first?

What is this supposed to prove?

I’m serious. This is a serious
exercise. It’s like an S.A.T.
question. Which one’s going to get to
the hundred dollar bill first - the
male-friendly lesbian, the man-hating
dyke, Santa Claus, or the Easter

(beat; then pissed)
The man-hating dyke.

Good. Why?

I don’t know.

(wildly crossing out the
other three)
Re: Re: You think this lesbian might have issues with men?

sexy-girl said:
nope ... i think she just has a sense of humour

Heaven forbid if someone markets a product to a particular audience.
Baresall said:
Should I ask what Frimost's problems with women are?

He can't get one therefore all women are teasing no good sluts....Or lesbians.......:rolleyes:
Heaven forbid if someone markets a product to a particular audience.

Yup, like a skinhead or KKK-comic for example?
I'm not really mad if that's what you think, but also feel compelled to point out the double-standard about it as well.

as for Never, wow, most impressive, a combination of Wonder Women and Paisan? You should have your own Super-hero name like The Lethal Lesbian or something.
Frimost said:
Yup, like a skinhead or KKK-comic for example?
I'm not really mad if that's what you think, but also feel compelled to point out the double-standard about it as well.

as for Never, wow, most impressive, a combination of Wonder Women and Paisan? You should have your own Super-hero name like The Lethal Lesbian or something.

Frimost, damn near anything you want is in print or in e-book form.

If you want transexual penguin porn it could be out there. What's the worst thing that's gonna happen? Someone will read and say, "What fucking idiot put this together?" Then it goes in the trash.
Frimost is pissed because in the second illustration, Hothead Paisan clearly has his penis contained in the jar.

But no worries! You and Tré can still have a kid! All ya gotta do is get that clone thingy done, pop in that IV and shove it into that incubator.

Easy as pie.

shove it into that incubator.

Knowing your hobby for shoving things in different places I think I’ll take a pass on that IV after you have most likely gotten done shoving it where the sun don’t shine. BTW-did thy ever find that missing gerbil?

You and Tré can still have a kid

Who the fuck is Tre anyway? Sorry, I'm not in your little clique so I'm not in the loop.