You haven't changed a bit!


in search of...
Apr 18, 2001
Do you ever hear this?

Just wondering how many of you change your looks (Caly, for a pretty example) or still look the same way you did 5/10/25 years ago?

If you do, why? Does the thought of change scare you?
JerseyBoy said:
Do you ever hear this?

Just wondering how many of you change your looks (Caly, for a pretty example) or still look the same way you did 5/10/25 years ago?

If you do, why? Does the thought of change scare you?

I haven't changed a bit! :p

Change scary? Nah, bring it on. I like different and new experiences. Everything evolves and changes why shouldn't I?
5 years ago I was a computer geek

10 years ago I was a computer geek

Today I am a total computer geek.

Sure the hair's a bit longer and I'm a bit larger, but I don't think I've changed all that much. But then again people don't really think they change all that much when they look at themselves. To really see some change you need someone else to tell you you've changed, and even then you doubt you've changed.
Re: Re: You haven't changed a bit!

calypso_21 said:
I haven't changed a bit! :p

Change scary? Nah, bring it on. I like different and new experiences. Everything evolves and changes why shouldn't I?
I can't imagine that anything intimidates you :)
Sure things intimidate me...only momentarily. I don't back down from them. It isn't worth missing out on something out of fear.
i've changed a lot ... i've grown up ... well as much as im ever going to grow up :)

also i met lisa and i have changed with her ... i never thought being with someone or finding someone special was important until i met her
sexy-girl said:
i've changed a lot ... i've grown up ... well as much as im ever going to grow up :)
you're too young to be saying this...and as mature and self-realizing as you are you will continue to grow whether you like it or not :)

you just wait...
I walked into a store a couple of years ago, and the girl behind the counter recognized me from like Grade 5. I was 8 then, 29 when she saw me next - I'd like to have thought I changed just a bit.
Freya2 said:
I walked into a store a couple of years ago, and the girl behind the counter recognized me from like Grade 5. I was 8 then, 29 when she saw me next - I'd like to have thought I changed just a bit.
no one ever forgets a great smile...
No one recognizes me!

In the last 10 years, I've had braces, had lasik surgery, let my hair grow long and curly and very blonde now.

Even people that I worked with for 10 years walked right past me when we met for lunch about a year ago. Didn't recognize me at all.

I'm a new woman!
Change, I think I have had a few little changes over the years... simple things like the length of my hair ... along those lines.

But, still people who have not seen me in a long time will tell me I look the same and they always say I look like I did in hs... they say I still look young like I did back then ... :eek:

I always seems to get that from people who knew me and strangers ALWAYS assume I am way younger then my real age.

I always tell them my secret is that I am not married and don't have kids ... hence looking young. :D

Oh' but I am not afraid of changing , I don't mind at all... :)
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I used to be nice until I was corrupted and pulled into the fight against Islam
i can understand this...but why are you in a fight against everyone here?
I change my look about once a year. Nobody every recognizes me. I had to show my license as id somewhere and the woman asked "who's this?" I don't change for any particular reason other than to experiment, it's fun ;)