would trump's idea of hell be being locked away 24/7 with alex jones?


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009

a narcissist needs adoration, needs silence when he talks unless he's wanting applause... jones would never shut the fuck up

his latest after the jury finds he should pay out nearly $1B is basically "we need to execute the covid-killers live on tv", continuing to push the conspiracy theory about killer-vaccines... all a worldwide conspiracy to start a civil war... yeah, righhhhhhhhhhhht

"My God, if there's a death penalty out there, it's for these people as an example to other criminals like them, you want to kill tens of millions of us, you want to maim billions of people, we're going to hang your a** on international television, there will be seven billion viewers when you're swinging at the end of a rope," Jones said. "And yes, I'm saying it, they need to be executed."

"They're murderers, they're psychopaths, they're killers. So when I get up here and talk about how they need to get executed, I don't sit up here and say that to act tough," Jones said. "Indicted. Arrested. Tried. Public execution, public execution. These people make Hitler blush and they must be brought to justice."
Is Alex dead or alive?

To be fair I find him repulsive, but I think those judgements against him are unfair and I hope they get reduced on appeal.
Unfair? Hardly, for what he put grieving families through. They're pretty much symbolic and uncollectable, though. The Texas one is capped at far less than the judgment. But the amount of the judgment, symbolically, is quite fair and Jones and about a third of Americans are revealed as totally rotten people. I think appeals should be given the horselaugh, especially when it's obvious that the amounts levied are not collectable.