Reality of Coronavirus Not Allowed To Rain on Donald Trump's Parade

And with a public health crisis on our hands, Trump has appointed Mr. Anti-science, Mike Pence to oversee the effort to protect Americans from the coronavirus.

Pence’s record on handling health crisis’s in the past has been abysmal. As governor in 2014, he was in charge during Indiana’s worst HIV outbreak in state history and refused to implement clean needle exchanges until the virus had already spread widely in one Indiana county.

Democrats have rightly criticized the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus, pointing to White House efforts to slash the budgets for the CDC and the National Institutes of Health. The president’s budget proposal earlier this year — which came before the coronavirus response kicked into high gear — included $3 billion in cuts to global health programs, including a 53% reduction in funding for the World Health Organization.

Trump's been wrong about every single thing he's said and done related to the virus. It didn't "go away" in the spring or summer like he said it would. Testing didn't get better by any measure that matters, as was obvious by the nation's surging case counts over much of the summer. State economies haven't taken off "like a rocket ship." School reopenings have gone disastrously bad, so far, with many being forced to close almost immediately due to coronavirus outbreaks. And Trump's unending incompetence has convinced many, if not most, of the nation's school systems to start the school year remotely. Some estimates say at least half of the nation's kids will spend much or all of the fall in virtual classrooms, according to The New York Times.

In other words, the nation is in tatters right now, even as other industrialized countries have reopened their economies and their school systems with many notable success stories and some setbacks.

But no comparable industrialized nation has mishandled the pandemic from front to back as badly as the Trump administration has in the U.S. So the West Wing’s notion that things are relatively copacetic and they've gotten a sense of how to combat the virus is simply stunning.

“I would say that they are comparing things to where they were previously,” one senior Republican said of the White House. “When you compare a disaster to an outright disaster, the disaster does not seem so bad.”

In essence, our fall disaster isn't nearly as bad as our spring disaster was. Now there's a campaign slogan for the ages!
ANATOMY OF A MAN-MADE DISASTER: 595 ways Trump has failed to protect us from COVID-19

Crises have a way of sorting the good presidents from the bad.

Historians rank Abe Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt among the top three presidents for their handling of the Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War II.

By contrast, the string of catastrophes that trailed George W. Bush, from 9/11 to Iraq to Hurricane Katrina to his obliviousness to warning signs in the housing market before the 2008 crash guarantee that he will have a permanent place in the bottom tier of presidents.

Also certain to be at or near the bottom of that list is Donald Trump.

Trump’s increase in attention to the COVID-19 crisis for the brief window of time between when he declared a national emergency (on March 13) until he shifted most of his attention back to his re-election campaign (roughly six weeks later) helped mitigate the damage somewhat, but his inaction from January 3 (when the administration claims to have first become aware of the virus) until March 13 made the situation exponentially worse than it should have been. And his failures of governance since March 13 greatly outweigh the handful of positive steps he took in that time in scope and number.

As Anthony Fauci said, numbers don’t lie. Our federal response has been the shame of the first world, as America has posted over 170,000 deaths (4X any other developed country) and 5,500,000 infections (more than 10X any developed country), both significant undercounts from the true numbers.
Trump criticizes Biden at town hall for not issuing a national mask mandate — but Biden as a candidate has no authority to do so

President Donald Trump called out his Democratic presidential rival, Joe Biden, for not implementing a national mask mandate, though, even though Biden currently has NO official government position and currently has NO authority to implement mandates.

Biden has expressed support for universal mask-wearing, while Trump has shut down consideration of the idea.

Trump defended his anti-mask stance by arguing that "a lot of people don't want to wear masks."
Trump criticizes Biden at town hall for not issuing a national mask mandate — but Biden as a candidate has no authority to do so

President Donald Trump called out his Democratic presidential rival, Joe Biden, for not implementing a national mask mandate, though, even though Biden currently has NO official government position and currently has NO authority to implement mandates.

Biden has expressed support for universal mask-wearing, while Trump has shut down consideration of the idea.

Trump defended his anti-mask stance by arguing that "a lot of people don't want to wear masks."

Um, does Trump realize that Biden is NOT currently the president of the United States?

Trump seems to be confused. Maybe somebody needs to sit Trump down and have a talk with him.
Trump-loving former GOP official who hated face masks dies from COVID-19

Former Nashville Council Member Tony Tenpenny, a Trump-loving Republican who posted anti-face mask memes on Facebook, has died from complications resulting from being infected from COVID-19.

As The Tennessee Holler points out on Twitter, Tenpenny regularly railed against COVID-19 restrictions on his Facebook page, and he posted memes that attacked face masks as part of a socialist plot, while also directly accusing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of lying about the severity of the disease.

Tenpenny’s Facebook page was also filled with memes and content supportive of President Donald Trump.
Reality of Coronavirus Not Allowed To Rain on Donald Trump's Parade

Trump Show Must Go On, and Reality Must Be Denied At All Costs

According to Trump, all that bad stuff never happened.

“If you, or a family member, or a friend got sick or died of Covid-19, to Trump you are ‘virtually nobody.'”

President Donald Trump told a crowd of his supporters in Swanton, Ohio Monday evening that the coronavirus—which has killed around 200,000 people and infected nearly seven million in the U.S. alone—”affects virtually nobody” except “elderly people,” a blatant falsehood that critics said underscores the president’s view of certain segments of the population as expendable.

Also, most Americans know that Trump is lying, as thousands of Americans under the age of 65 have died from the disease.

Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, an epidemiologist based in Michigan, told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota that Trump’s lies aren’t going to work on people who have lost family members to COVID-19.

“These people are dead,” he said. “They left a hole in the hearts of their families and the people that they leave behind. To say that this disease doesn’t affect anyone, virtually nobody, I think, just in keeping with that politicization. That’s what he wishes, that’s what he wants. And if you’re a president who failed to act in the midst of the worst pandemic in over 100 years, you may just tell yourself that fib, but it doesn’t make it true.”
40,000 of the 200, 000 that died, were young people-

Trump refuses to fund the World Health Organization, and it leaves the shared world-wide
system with less scientists, less doctors, less resources to work on a real vaccine- and puts
Trump's own preferred for-profit partners in a position to win the race to bring a vaccine to

"His" vaccine, "his success,"his" CEO, "his" doctors, "his" scientists, and "his" share of cash.

Trump insists that every American government operation should make money,
(that he can chisel cash or resources for himself, or his enablers, in a grift operation.)

Trump's focus is to keep cash inside the Trump Alliance system, and have cash flow within
that system- ultimately a scam that solves Trump's money woes. They all "do him a favour
though," and each new face, is the face of a grift operation.

/end bodysong comment

-The new CDC scandal proves Trump can’t be trusted with a vaccine*

Amanda Marcotte / Salon September 22, 2020

"...he will (Trump will) find some thin pretext to host some reality TV-style October-surprise
announcement of a vaccine that doesn’t actually exist yet, holding up an empty syringe and
falsely claiming — as he has done for months — that the pandemic is finally over.

Past is predictor, after all, and in the past, meddling by Trump and his administration —
especially his son-in-law, Jared Kushner — (money in those masks, tests, PPE, ventilators)

Trump’s instincts will always lead him to lie and cheat, and his distrust of experts
makes it impossible for him to get out of the way and let competent people do their
jobs. Witness how he took over the coronavirus task force briefings, interfering with
the ability of public health officials to share valuable information so that he could
indulge his fantasy of being the star of the show and the preeminent authority on
every topic.

To bring an end to the pandemic and a return to something like normal life, the vaccine
must be distributed widely and efficiently, and most people need to trust it enough to
take it. With Trump in charge, there’s a good chance that all of that will go sideways.
The only way to be certain that the coronavirus pandemic is brought to an end is for
a real president to be in charge when a real vaccine is finally available.

* Last Friday, a new guidance slipped onto the website that emphasized that coronavirus
transmission is airborne and that indoor, crowded spaces such as fitness classes and choir
practice are especially dangerous. On Monday, (Sptember 21, 2020) however, the guidance
was removed and the CDC said it had been "posted in error."

That is, of course, absolutely ridiculous. As Ben Guarino, Chris Mooney and Tim Elfrink
at the Washington Post report, "Evidence that the virus floats in the air has mounted for
months, with an increasingly loud chorus of aerosol biologists pointing to superspreading
events in choirs, buses, bars and other poorly ventilated spaces."

(Report came in, this month that coronavirus lingers on surfaces, longer periods than it
has been thought to, and droplets containing coronavirus linger in the air. The other side
of the question was answered- another way that masks matter, is less exposure, less virus
enters,less viral load, less severity of illness.)

CDC will post a guidance that reflects the scientific evidence that indoor airborne
transmission is a serious threat.

But it's reasonable to be suspicious, especially as the guidance that was yanked down
(Scientists advise keeping further apart for social distancing, school distancing, work.)

...conflicts with Trump's repeated insistence on returning Americans to a lifestyle that
involves a great deal of close contact in indoor spaces such as offices, restaurants,
churches, schools and — perhaps most importantly, in Trump's eyes —
political rallies.
At last night's loser rally Bozo told the brainwashed that only to elderly get the virus or some shit like that. Not only is he elderly, but the majority of congress are elderly
Mayhem at the White House: Trump’s COVID diagnosis exposes a simmering recklessness and chaos

Donald Trump is now battling symptoms of COVID-19. But instead of his positive diagnosis signaling a warning for White House staff members, the series of events that have transpired this week have only further exposed the Trump administration’s carelessness and chaotic pandemic response.

As more reports begin circulating about the president’s condition, additional details about his busy week are also coming to the light. Even after the White House learned Trump adviser Hope Hicks had tested positive for the virus, the president still opted to move forward with his public schedule on Thursday

According to The Washington Post, after Hicks’s diagnosis, Trump attended a fundraising event at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., where he was in very close contact with dozens of people including multiple campaign donors. It has been reported that most attendees did not wear masks or social distance during the indoor event.

The president’s trip to New Jersey and his late night COVID-19 diagnosis came one day after his trip to Minnesota. On Wednesday, Trump traveled with Hicks, multiple White House aides, and multiple members of his campaign entourage. Photos and footage captured them boarding Marine One with no masks.

On Friday morning, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows spoke briefly where he opted to focus on highlighting positive stock market changes instead of the dominant issue at hand. Despite having traveled with the president earlier this week, Meadows attended the brief press conference with no mask. When asked about the president’s decision to attend the fundraiser on Thursday evening, Meadows seemed to dodge the question.

Latest reports have also revealed multiple people who have been contact with Trump have also tested positive for COVID. Notre Dame President Fr. John Jenkins and Republican National Committee director Ronna McDaniel also have contracted the virus.
The only way America citizens will know the truth, is if a Democrat sits in the Oval office chair
Trump's fans are lamenting- Oh! Pity the poor, sick, Presiderp! Be kind to the suffering King!

Meanwhile, an infected Trump, exhibiting a virus shedding appearance, and sick-
makes good use of the TV cameras and news vans parked outside of the hospital-

Trump dominates the news cycle, and takes advantage of the situation. Take that, Joe Biden!

Cannot buy this kind of publicity. Trump supporters gather outside of the hospital,
and are rewarded for their dedication.

Supporters have been gathering outside the hospital since the president was admitted
on Friday. The presidential motorcade returned to the hospital after the short car trip
the Secret Service removed the barricades to allow traffic to resume.

CNN’s Jeremy Diamond confirmed a few minutes later that Trump did return
to Walter Reed and was back in the presidential suite at the hospital.

Trump supporters chanting outside hospital-

(Trump gave them a heads up)

Aaron Rupar ✓
Twitter › atrupar

Listen to this audio. It’s a cult.

3 hours ago

“Where are the adults?” said one former (Secret) agent.

In Brief Drive-By, Trump Waves To Supporters Outside Of Walter Reed

Trump, Infected With COVID-19, Goes on Surprise Drive-By to Greet Supporters
Outside Walter Reed hospital

Mother Jones

2 hours ago

Dr. James Phillips, chief of disaster medicine at George Washington University,
lambasted the move as being made for "political theater."

"That Presidential SUV is not only bulletproof, but hermetically sealed against
chemical attack. The risk of COVID-19 transmission inside is as high as it gets
outside of medical procedures. The irresponsibility is astounding. My thoughts
are with the Secret Service forced to play," he wrote on Twitter.

The president very rarely makes any movement in public without a press pool.
In this case, the pool was not informed of the president leaving Walter Reed.

(Navy hospitals have big ears- Trump communicates privately inside The Beast ?)

The White House on Sunday falsely suggested that doctors did not previously
disclose Trump’s use of supplemental oxygen because they lacked the information.

Later Sunday, Trump made a surprise visit to supporters, waving to them from inside
an SUV that slowly drove past the crowds gathered outside Walter Reed National
Military Medical Center. The outing alarmed Secret Service agents and medical
professionals, including a doctor affiliated with Walter Reed who said others in
the car were risking their lives for “political theater.”

“Where are the adults?” said one former agent.

“He’s not even pretending to care now,” said another.

They spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retribution.

The White House did not immediately provide information about any precautions
taken to protect Secret Service members.
Trump's Mussolini balcony photo-op (the first, or the reamake ? #2 )

Daniel Dale ✓
Twitter › ddale8

Trump campaign spokesman Hogan Gidley just claimed on Fox that Trump was
“alone on the balcony outside” when he was maskless. He was not alone. There was
a photographer right behind him. He then walked inside, and there were at least two
other people visible near him there.

12 hours ago

'Person, woman, man, camera, TV'
Trump Discards Anti-Abortion Agenda For Regeneron Drug


Two-faced hypocrites, Evangelists wiggle away from principle, anti-abortion is just a weapon.

Amy, Avenging Angel of Evangelists bans in vitro fertilization, fetal cell medical treatments,
and abortion in all forms-

The fetus has more rights to live, than an adult, if they happen to have a womb.

Fuck your chemical/hormonal imbalnce- God/god wills it, that you die of the imperfection
that God/god caused. No human being is allowed to intervene, unless they are able to free
Evangelists from the oversight of Democrats. If they "have more money than God/god, or
own a bank, Evangelists are willing to look the other way.

Rasping, Hoarse, Voice Failing, Sick Trump Insists He’s ‘In Great Shape’ In Wild Fox News Rant

Donald Trump was hoarse throughout an extended telephone interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity on Thursday, yet insisted he was feeling great.

At one point, Trump lost his voice while making childish accusations against accusing former Vice President Joe Biden. He was hoarse, struggling and obviously sick, but insists that he's in "great shape" and wants to hold a campaign rally on Saturday.

Great, who wants to get infected with Covid this weekend? Trump is willing to share his virus with you!