Women don't like being rejected for being fat, but yet...


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010

“He’s a nice guy. But he’s, like, two inches shorter than me.”

Heard that before, either from a friend or your own mouth? I am a feminist, but as a heterosexual woman I prefer to date guys who are taller than me. I’m not the only one. I’ve automatically dismissed many a potential date because he was shorter than me. Various studies say women in general prefer tall guys, and attribute it to evolutionary preference for big, healthy, protective mates.

It’s a dilemma. I don’t believe in any of that patriarchal “he-man” protector crap. I’m an independent woman and I support myself. I certainly don’t need some six-foot muscular hunk to protect me from bears.
I never understood that. Once you're tied down what difference does it make how tall they are.:D JUST KIDDING!!!!! Maybe not.

I haven't had a lot of different dates in my lifetime but being short would not be one of the reasons I said no.
If you like formal dancing, a woman being significantly taller than the man (if only when she is wearing heels) can be awkward.

As a reasonably tall man I have only dated two women taller than I am. Even when they wore heels I could still see over their shoulders and so could lead when dancing. They appreciated having a partner that meant they could wear heels. It didn't bother them or me that the tops of their heads were a few inches above mine.

But some of my female relations are tall, well over six feet in their bare feet. As teenagers in a rural area, their only practical dance partners were their brothers - boring. If they danced with the other local lads, the boy's face was at breast level. Of course some of the boys liked that but it did make dancing interesting if he tried to lead.

A woman who is a couple of inches taller than her partner when wearing flatties should have little problem when wearing reasonable heels. He might have a psychological problem with a taller partner, but socially it ought to be acceptable.

One of my father's friends had the extreme problem. He was a bare five feet tall and was slight. His wife was about five feet ten inches and heavy built. Whenever they danced, she led. But they loved each other and didn't care about their height disparity. If other people found the couple amusing - that was the other peoples' problem.
If you like formal dancing, a woman being significantly taller than the man (if only when she is wearing heels) can be awkward.

? why? if she is taller then it means her tits are nearer to the chaps face and mouth... you have some strange ideas as to what represents 'awkward' old chap :D
? why? if she is taller then it means her tits are nearer to the chaps face and mouth... you have some strange ideas as to what represents 'awkward' old chap :D

If I met a woman whose tits were at the level of my face...

...she'd be in the Guinness Book of Records.

Or on stilts.
LOL, poor Erkel. What's next, an article on why men who wear sweater vests don't get laid? :D
It's okay for men to turn down fat chicks, because tall chicks turn down short men

awesome, keep up the fight for "equality"
It's okay for men to turn down fat chicks, because tall chicks turn down short men

awesome, keep up the fight for "equality"
But women complain about men and their "no fat chicks" discrimination.

Perhaps they just need to shut up and deal, just like guys have to?

Oh noes, you'd call that deh oppression!!
the proof being a dating column advice in a trashy woman's magazine

hell, i've gota column from an MRA group that defends men raping women by being drunk

doesnt make it any more legitmate

what you're doing is called " whining"

one thing does not justify another..
I love it when women state they couldn't date a short man - it lets me know in advance she's shallow and not worth my time! Before you blame short man syndrome, I'm 5'10" which is about average for a British man
If any dude is shorter than I am, he's got more issues than being rejected by girls.
God damn I love being 6'4" .... discriminate against shorty all you like ladies, it's totally cool.
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I have no issue with a mans height.... But. Quite a lot of the short men I have met have 'little man syndrome', and that's a massive turn-off.
Little man syndrome is where short men think they are supremely tough and can take on anyone, anywhere, anytime. It's an attitude problem.
Like chihuahuas taking on great danes :rolleyes:
the proof being a dating column advice in a trashy woman's magazine
Ms Magazine? But that's where you get all your marching orders from!

I bet you also believe that USA Today is a trashy news mag. I bet you also believe that Nature Magazine, the source of the study, is also a trashy news mag.

What exactly gets your holier-than-thou blessing as a legitimate source?

You can depart this thread now and avoid answering that. Stupid bitch.
It's okay for men to turn down fat chicks, because tall chicks turn down short men

awesome, keep up the fight for "equality"

a white porker like you doesn't need to worry about this considering that brothas don't reject your kind. kinda ironic LT made a thread about this considering his racial predisposing of what I just mentioned in my last sentence.
I love it when women state they couldn't date a short man - it lets me know in advance she's shallow and not worth my time! Before you blame short man syndrome, I'm 5'10" which is about average for a British man
Between 5'11" and 6' here, barefoot - when I was single and I met women who had that attitude, I avoided them, too.

Hypergamic women should be shamed, relentlessly.
Ms Magazine? But that's where you get all your marching orders from!

I bet you also believe that USA Today is a trashy news mag. I bet you also believe that Nature Magazine, the source of the study, is also a trashy news mag.

What exactly gets your holier-than-thou blessing as a legitimate source?

You can depart this thread now and avoid answering that. Stupid bitch.

I absolutely LOVE that you ommited everything else I said.... because it doesnt fit your narrative, you ignore it.......as always

I'd rather get my stats from studies, and research institutes

you on the other hand like to use dating columns as irrefutable " proof", this would not be the first time you've done so
a white porker like you doesn't need to worry about this considering that brothas don't reject your kind. kinda ironic LT made a thread about this considering his racial predisposing of what I just mentioned in my last sentence.

this coming from a racist himself is what makes this funny
I absolutely LOVE that you ommited everything else I said.... because it doesnt fit your narrative, you ignore it.......as always
I will repeat. Relentlessly. I will force you to answer this or I will drive you from this thread. Your choice.

Ms Magazine says I am right and you are wrong. USA Today says I am right and you are wrong. Nature magazine says I am right and you are wrong.

Your turn. Show us a study that says you are right. One.


Now get the fuck lost with whatever is left of your credibility.
I will repeat. Relentlessly. I will force you to answer this or I will drive you from this thread. Your choice.

Ms Magazine says I am right and you are wrong. USA Today says I am right and you are wrong. Nature magazine says I am right and you are wrong.

Your turn. Show us a study that says you are right. One.


Now get the fuck lost with whatever is left of your credibility.

yes, Mrs Magazine, USA Today, and Yahoo Dating are very credible scientific resources

how can anyone argue with that?
yes, Mrs Magazine, USA Today, and Yahoo Dating are very credible scientific resources

how can anyone argue with that?

Ms Magazine says I am right and you are wrong. USA Today says I am right and you are wrong. Nature magazine says I am right and you are wrong.

Your turn. Show us a study that says you are right. One.