With no Remorse-Acquisition of a toy (Closed for TirithIre)

He saw her smile when he announced that they would come back, and he was sure that there would be at least a flutter of her heart at the knowledge that she would be made into one of those ponies. Damian would enjoy tacking her, along with making her prance beautifully. It was something to experience.

As they ran fast back to the complex though he slowed with her and walking, as she stepped in, as she stayed behind him he lead the way, and as she agreed with him he watched her as she took the sip. " It's much more natural than the iced tea from the Western continents, when I first came I found it strange." He remarked honestly.

He moved though and finishing off the drink he had he motioned to her. " Feel free to have another, I am going to prepare the shower." He informed her, she able to see the cleaning area they were in had a big glassed in shower area along with it all being tiled and had different restraint points for difficult slaves.

" We will be cleaning out your ass as well." He mused as he got the water to the right temperature before he turned back to her. " Come and undress me Zora." He 'making her' do it, though really at this point he was sure she would do it very willingly. They both knew that there was a connection between them.

When she was done he had her remove her shoes and socks before he pressed her into the shower and like the times before began to clean her, he taking time to enjoy the fullness of her breasts ass and muscular legs, he enjoying her as he cleaned her as well.
" It's much more natural than the iced tea from the Western continents, when I first came I found it strange." Damian said as she took another sip.

“It’s a little different but I like the flavor, mild and quite delicious. I do enjoy my morning coffee but this persuade me to possibly give it up to have it each morning. But, don’t hold me to that!.” She said and offered a soft chuckle.

" Feel free to have another, I am going to prepare the shower." he said as she smiled.

“Thank you master...” Zora replied as she watched him walk away and refreshed her glass sipping it while she undid the shoestrings of her sneakers just loosening them up. She sat there thinking back upon the day a bit, thinking about how serene it was by the water as she laid in the grass, the massage her master had given her and the orgasm she’d had in public like it was natural to do that and the ponies. She thought about home too, natural way of thinking. She just couldn’t get past not seeing her parents and wondered what hell they were going through with her missing.

Zora knew there was going to be bad days with her master as well as good, it was with any relationship. Right now she was trying hard to live this new lifestyle and was feeling content at the moment but she tensed up when they walked into the building as they place felt cold and she always felt as if she needed to keep her guard up, not because of Damian but everyone else.

" We will be cleaning out your ass as well." He said as she nodded.

“Yes master...” she replied and then took a gulp of her tea and as he called her over she went to him and did as told, she began to undress him as she looked into his eyes letting her fingertips move freely finding their way around his body like a charted map she was feeling her way around.

Zora admired her master’s body, she liked the way it felt under her fingertips, her hands. He was fit, and she realized that she liked when he stood there whether naked or shirtless she liked how her fingers, hands felt running slowly along his ribs and back up. She liked his scent, clean or when sweaty, that saltiness that she breathed in slowly. Undressing him was a privilege for her and one she enjoyed.

He told her to remove her sneakers and socks, Zora did as told and stood before him as he guided her into the shower where he began to wash her as she stood there for him in one of the formations he had taught her, presenting herself so he could move along her body easily.

“Master, thank you for today...and for taking good care of me...for the things you do to make me comfortable here and with you...”The words came from deep within , from the heart as she knew how things could have been so different if she was with another but she wanted him to know she appreciated him and this was a first for her to trust a man in her life fully placing her life literally in his hands to guide her, to teach her...and to make her feel wanted and cared for. Zora was realizing how she was coming around slowly to truly like that feeling.
Damian smiled as she said that, though he chuckled gently. " It was actually this type of tea that had me switch from coffee, but don't be counting on it." He remarked, though he went and tended to the shower, as she returned to him, he had no idea who or what she had been thinking about, that was why they were individuals.

As she said that so easily understanding that she was going to have her ass cleaned, as she took her time to un-dress him, he smiled. " I would almost think you enjoy this." He teased, and he WAS in shape, he clearly worked out and kept himself healthy, which was admirable for sure.

Even as she finished removing her sneakers, as they entered the shower, he admired that she remembered to take the display position, though he started with her hair, cleaning it and applying the conditioner, he looked to her as she said that. " You're welcome Zora. It's a matter of luck that we ended up together." he replied.

He continued then with a cloth and soap and cleaned her from head to toe, his hands weren't shy in touching any part of her, and even as she was coming to realize she liked how she was being handled and cared for, Damian looked to her.

" Here we go." He remarked when he had cleaned her outwardly, and taking the nozzle he coated it in a waterproof lube before she felt it slide gently into her ass. The water was next as it filled her rectum up, and leaving it in to do it's work he moved his hand around and one cupped a breast while the other skimmed her pussy.

Fingers gently crushed her breast delightfully as he curled his fingers over her mound, smoothly coaxing her enjoyment from her as his hardened cock rested against the inside of her right thigh, his breath coming smoothly.

" I think that this time is some of what I enjoy the most Zora, taking care of you, seeing to your needs, and though there are going to be challenges I am sure, I have a feeling that this will become something special." He gently found her clit as he said that, his fingers toying with it even as the water cleaned out her ass from the inside. He was making the five minutes of discomfort of the emena quite bearable with his attentions.
" I would almost think you enjoy this." He said as she blushed slightly because he hit the nail right on the head she really did enjoy touching her master, the feel of his body under her hands, her fingertips. The closeness between them was growing, in her mind she would have loved to have gone outside her own elemental box and ran her tongue across his chest, up along his neck and just taste him. It embarrassed her to feel that way, to have those thoughts in her head as they would have never been there before she was with him on the island.

" You're welcome Zora. It's a matter of luck that we ended up together." He said causing her to smile as she agreed with him. Zora felt his fingers move through her hair as she closed her eyes and leaned her head back a little so it made it easier for him to shampoo it. It felt like a head massage and felt so damn good as her knees felt like they were going to give out…that’s how wonderful it felt to her.

He washed her, lathering every inch of the back of her body up as she stood still and just felt his hands moving slowly as he took great care of her. Then he stopped as he looked to his sex slave and she back holding the eye to eye contact. ”Here we go.” He said to her as she breathed in a deep breath and released it slowly.

Zora watched knowing what was about to happen and tried to relax knowing that it would make the process easier for her as well as her master. She watched as he lubed the nozzle and she steadied herself and relaxed as she felt the nozzle at her ass against her back opening and felt it slide right in as she could feel the water then begin to fill her and cleanse her within. Her feet parted a bit more and Zora closed her eyes for a minute as the discomfort feeling passed by quickly.

Damian’s hand came around and his palm pressed against her breast and his other against her snatch,
letting her feel the hardness of his cock against her inner right thigh as she stood there. His breath was warm as it washed across her freshly cleaned shoulder, back of her neck and her ear. He sent a shiver along her spine, not a bad one but a very arousing one.

" I think that this time is some of what I enjoy the most Zora, taking care of you, seeing to your needs, and though there are going to be challenges I am sure, I have a feeling that this will become something special." He teased her clit as she just enjoyed his touches and remained relaxed as the water filled her more and more.

“Honestly master I’ve never had anyone other than family take care of me and that was when I was younger. I think I understand why true couples enjoy it. I’ve heard friends talk about it and I’ve overheard it spoke about in restaurants at dinners when you can’t but help admiring those couples so in love, and I’m getting it now. It’s a wonderful feeling to have. “

Her ass pushed back as it ‘kissed’ his groin and she could feel his cock move between her inner pussy lips as she moved her hips forth letting them glide along his shaft and enjoyed that feeling of ‘riding it’ forgetting she was a slave for a moment as she quickly stopped and held there. “Sorry master…” she said, Zora feeling a little embarrassed of how she had just acted without permission.
He saw her blush and smiled as she seemed to un-spokenly told him the truth, that she DID enjoy taking the moments to touch him... and even as she seemed embarrassed about something, he didn't press her to tell him what she had been thinking about. Instead he simply allowed her to tend to him.

As she silently agreed that they had been lucky, he tended to her and made sure that she was cleaned, though as she managed to relax he gently smiled. " Good girl, you take it well now." He remarked, though as her feet parted a bit more, he made sure the nozzle would remain before he turned his attentions to her body.

As he saw her shiver and he could tell she was enjoying what he did to alleviate the churning of her inner body, though as she simply enjoyed the touches, the water filled her up immensely and the nozzle had an automatic shut off when she had taken the amount of water needed, so he focused on her. As she said that though about couples and admitted that she enjoyed what was being done to her, he nodded.

As her ass pushed back, he felt his cock slide between her thighs until it rested upon the length of her pussy, the tip brushing his fingers though as she moved her hips back and forth 'riding' the length, he noticed her realization and smirked as she said that. " Don't be sorry, I rather enjoy the sight of you riding the length of my cock." he admitted gently, his tone telling her she wasn't in trouble.

" Do it some more." He directed, giving her permission to gently buck and move her hips to enjoy the pulsing hard length that rested between her legs. She knew she had five minutes of being so full in the ass with water before it would be emptied and re-filled for a total of two times, so for now she was free to grind herself on the length of his cock.

His fingers on her breast closed and pinched her nipple, pulling the hardened nub away from her body before he released it only to do it again, twisting the nub as he explored what caused her pain and what only fed her arousal even further. She was his experiment, his slave, and he would learn more about her!
Zora knew he saw her blush but she didn’t want to draw more attention to herself than she had so she looked down quickly and he seemed to not say anything which was great with her. Her facial expressions was something she couldn’t hide, Zora knew not to play poker because its a game one has to lie and bluff in and that wasn’t happening on her end. She was a lousy bullshitter.

" Good girl, you take it well now."Her master stated as she parted her legs just enough to keep her balance but not enough to disrupt the nozzle stuffed in her ass. Zora smiled to herself hearing the compliment paid to her by him and her mind drifted as did her hips.

" Don't be sorry, I rather enjoy the sight of you riding the length of my cock." He said as she caught herself riding the full length of his hard meat feeling it slide through her slightly puffed netherlips. Which meant she wasn’t doing anything wrong for the most part which was good because to Zora it felt good to feel his cock move through her wet lips, the head smack against her clit now and then causing her to take a soft quick sucked on breath.

" Do it some more." Damian said to his slave and Zora did just that. Her hips started nice and slowly at a steady pace as she glided his cock back and forth through her lips as she closed her eyes and groaned out softly. She made sure her motions were careful enough not to disturb the hose and it filled her gut full of warm water, and this was only the first of two cleansings she’d get in a row.

His hand gripped her breast tighter, she felt his fingers seek out her nipple as the water only had a short time to go. Zora groaned out loudly as he yanked her nipple, pulling it, twisting it, playing with it in such a fashion that she’d cry and squirm against his groin with her ass cheeks. Zora knew to be careful in how she moved as it would be very easy to cause pain to her ass if she moved the wrong way and the nozzle go deeper within her.

Zora’s body moved with his so perfectly, each time he did something to her she danced like his puppet on a string and he the puppet master moving her as he wished.
Oh it was a perilous dance that she was performing, and all because of her lusts. He smirked as she quickly looked down he added. " That's not going to hide you, you can't hide from me Zora." He purred, they both knowing what was causing the blush, her not wishing to admit that she was a lusty cum slut.

As she took to her task he smiled as she sucked in her breath. " Good girl." He mused as she did as she was told, and even as the water finally finished, he let her 'dance' with her hips upon his cock, the threat of pushing the nozzle in deeper whilst so much water remained within her was certainly deterring her, yet she couldn't seem to stop herself, not that he minded.

As she moved so perfectly though Damian finally slid his hips away, denying her of his cock as she felt him remove the nozzle, and reaching around he pressed on her abdomen, making her expel the water and anything inside her ass before he smoothly fed the nozzle back in.

As the water began to fill again he returned to her. " Continue." He gently demanded, his cock rampantly hard, his hands wrapping around to assault her breasts some more as she danced upon her puppet masters 'strings'!
Zora felt his hips dance with hers, she closed her eyes and leaned her head back against her master and felt her self be lost with him as his cock moved steadily between her swollen pussy lips and each time teasing that hard nub of flesh that acted like a little prick, so stiff and standing out from its home, feeling him laying with it as she gasped a breath.

Master's hips pulled back as she felt the bulbous head slide through her lips as he did causing her to groan out, both because she felt him touch a very sensitive area and because her gut felt full and was a bit uncomfortable.

Zora stood still as he removed the nozzle and then pushed on her gut to expel the water as she felt like her abdomen was stretched beyond the normal size which it kind of was. She felt relief but that didn't last long at all. Her master re-inserted the nozzle and the warm water flow began again as she closed her eyes and breathed in deeply.

"Continue",was all he said as he slide his cock back between her thighs, her cunt lips folding around it as his hands went to her breasts. Her one hand reached down as she waited and each time his cock slid through she would make sure she pushed the head up and it would rub that hard flap of flesh and she would cry out in pleasure. It made her almost forget about her extending gut, the water running slowly within her filling her as she moved with him.

The last time she pulled along his length she pushed the thick head within her and released a loud groan of pleasure and pushed back sinking her master's meat within her wet fuck hole. her ass pushed carefully and precisely back against him careful of the nozzle as she grinded back with his cock sunk deep within her cunt as she wasn't even thinking about what she was doing, human nature, desire kicking in.
Damian knew that the distraction that his cock was causing her was making handling the enema easier... but he had to admit that no woman had actually used his cock to distract herself in such a way before. He certainly wasn't complaining, it was simply new to him.

As she groaned at him pulling his cock back he smiled, but handling her needs so well as she began to do as she was commanded he heard her cry out and grinned. " That's a good girl." He purred, watching her dance upon his cock kept him rock hard.

Even as she pulled along his length though he felt her shift her hips, and as she carefully pushed herself back so precisely against his prick he grunted as he felt her sopping wet pussy enveloping his cock.

" Gods so good." He growled as he watched her, but even as he held onto her by wrapping his arms around and squeezing her lovely breasts, at no time did he move himself. Instead he allowed her to use his cock to distract her, and even as he did the five minutes for the second enema passed quickly, so he reached down and removed the nozzle, his hand gently removing it so that she didn't have to be so careful.

" Off." He demanded and waited for her to obey before he pushed on her abdomen again to empty it, though as she finished with her cleansing, he looked to her. " Before you can have my cock all you like, the plug will go in your ass." He opened the shower door and leaving her there to stew in her own desires for a minute, he came back with a smooth medium sized anal plug, though he looked to her.

" Also, you get to show your obedience this time." He handed her the plug, as well as a bottle of waterproof lube. " Put it in yourself." His cock was rampantly hard, it was clear he wanted to fuck her again, but even now Damian was showing he was the master, even as he had allowed her those few moments of pure female carnal pleasure.

If she wanted more, she would obey.
Her body moved like a slow lap dance against his own as she was careful how she moved with the nozzle back within her and the thought of pain stick back in the back of her head if she moved the wrong way. It wasn't enough to stop her from enjoying what her master had as Zora never had the sexual freedom she does now to just enjoy it. The benefits of everything were slowly coming together whether she wanted to like it or not and at the current time, she was really enjoying it.

Zora rolled her head upon her shoulders as her master's hands kneaded her breasts like twin fresh dough balls. Her moan was long and lingering and followed by it was his grunts and groans which were only adding to her currant state of want and desire for him as she slid him into her carefully.

"Gods so good." he said as she didn't look back and only let a huge sheepish grin move across her face. he allowed his slave to use his cock as she pleased and that to her was a thrill in its own and she did just that moving steadily and carefully as she moaned out.

Zora knew the 'ride' was over when he commanded her 'off' as he slid the nozzle from her ass end and she complied quickly. His hands came around and he pressed against her lower half of her stomach to expel the water as she stood there still for him.

" Before you can have my cock all you like, the plug will go in your ass." Which made her smile hearing those words.

"Yes master," she replied as she watched him step from the shower, his cock bounced before him with each step and she enjoyed the view of her master's tight ass as he walked away. Eyeing him up sent a jolt through her body, he excited every bit of her inside.

he came back towards the shower as she was not only enjoying the view again but the water cascading down over her. " Also, you get to show your obedience this time. Put it in yourself." He said as he handed her the plug as well as the lube.

"Yes master," she said as took the lube first opening it as she applied some on her finger.

This would be the first time she had ever done anything like this. She then took the plug and lubed it up as well as the extra left on her finger she reached between her legs a bit and smeared it around that brown puckered opening. She held there and took the plug, closing her eyes and leaned forth a bit more as she placed it against her asshole and pushed it in wincing a bit but knew she got it in fully as she stood up and shifted a bit back and forth upon her feet making sure it was in place and comfortable as comfortable can be.

Zora looked back over her shoulder and offered her master a smile, her eyes bright, water dripped from her hair...her body as she nodded, "its in master..."
The question of whether she 'liked it or not' was insubstantial next to the fact that she was enjoying his cock piercing her. He rather enjoyed allowing her to rock and roll herself upon his cock, and even as she rolled her head upon her shoulders, he smiled as her moan came out long and long, even as he smiled.

" You're doing very well." He purred, and even as she expelled all the water she knew that she was 'ready' and even as she was enjoying the view of him so too was Damian enjoying the view of Zora as well!

As she agreed with his command, as she took the lube he watched her intently, and knowing that she was going to be doing this for the first time kept him rampantly hard, though as she took the plug and slowly fed it into her ass, he noticed the slight wince.

" Good girl... all right..." He purred as he moved and stepping out of the shower he beckoned her to follow. He moved into the next room after drying off and moving to lay down, he motioned to her. " You can have my cock all you like now, come and ride me Zora." He had such a confident and good natured smile it was easy to follow his directions.

That, and he could see from her soaked pussy that she needed it! The plug would make everything even more intense for the both of them as well!
" You can have my cock all you like now, come and ride me Zora." he said as he stepped back in and she placed the plug in as told and once again stood before him with his stiff cock between her thighs as she began to slide along it again and slipped it inside her with her index finger adding pressure to the head as she moaned out as she felt the head open her up.

Zora barely got a 'thank you master' out within her moan as her back arched and her ass pushed back against him and felt her master's meat slide all the way into her and with an extra push he was fully within her balls deep against her ass as she felt him pressed tightly to her and the base of the plug in her asshole.

Her moans her soft as she released them, her tight ass grinded against him slowly as she gasped and sucked in a breath. Zora pulled forth, she placed her hands on the shower wall before her, bent her body forth ever so slightly and used the wall for leverage as she started fucking him slow and steady taking every inch of his cock inside her sloppy wet velvety walls of pink.

It wasn't to much longer that she picked up her pace, her ass was starting to ram back against him as she fucked her master faster and harder. Each moan was pure pleasure as the water cascaded over her neck and shoulders. "Uh-h-h-h...." slipped from her lips as she pierced herself on him, impaling herself with his rock hard dock, Zora cried out and pushed from the wall and against him as her mouth opened and her breathing became erratic as she was coming closer and closer to getting off.
Oh the sight of her pushing the medium sized anal plug into her own ass without any real sign of distress aroused Damian incredibly. She handled it so well! As she moved back to him though he smiled and 'held still' for her, though as she pressed on the head he gasped with a groan mixed in, he grinning.

" You are such a slut." He grumbled, though as she arched her back and pressed back him, that big cock of his stretched her right open, and as she ground into him he smirked slightly. " That... can't be all you want." He purred, though as she pulled forth and placed her hands onto the shower wall, he grinned as she fucked him slowly, taking every inch of his rampantly hard cock.

" That's... better." He purred, and as she picked up her speed, he held still, 'making' her fuck herself on his cock... though as she pierced herself on him, As she pushed off the wall Damian 'caught her' one arm wrapping around her belly with his hand curling up to catch a breast, the other wrapping around her right arm pinning it slightly as his hand gently wrapped around her throat.

He simply held her up as he began to meet her own frantic fucking, though his thrusts were much more measured they were not soft. Deep hard piercing thrusts caused her body to shake as he held her up and crushing her breast in his hand he held her aloft and worked her to the pleasurable orgasm that she was clearly so frantically seeking!
" You are such a slut." Her master said to her as she arched her back and his cock widened her cunt lips around it, leaving him enough room to watch Zora's pussy swallow up his girth. She moaned softly as he filled her to the hilt, she grinded back upon him closing her eyes and just feeling him inside her.

" That... can't be all you want." He said next and it wasn't and they both knew that. Which was about the time she began to ride his thick hard length as she moaned and gasped. As she picked up her speed he commented to her telling her that was much better and she smiled to her self as her lower body moved with such precise motions.

Zora felt her master's arm come around her body as she pushed back and leaned against him letting the water fall upon her upper chest and breasts. each drop that hit her nipples sent some weird sensation of pleasure through her body as she bit her bottom lip feeling his hand grasp her breast. His other arm came about and across her chest as she felt his hand upon her throat which caught her off guard a bit yet she kelp her pace.

Riding him was all she had within her mind, Zora wanted her master deep and hard, she wanted that orgasm she worked herself up to but as her body was reaching that peak in her head she remembered she needed to ask and she did..."Master may..I-I..orgasm?" Zora said as she neared that point where she knew she would no longer be able to hold back and would disappoint him.
He grinned as he enjoyed her bucking and fucking motion, and even as she moaned softly, those sounds rang through the shower and made Damian groan in return, they 'working' off one another. As she picked up her speed he certainly was more pleased with that, and even as she bucked with such precise motions Damian sighed happily.

As she managed to keep her pace he squeezed her breast as though it was a mound of dough, and hearing her soft cries of delight, he could feel her breath through her throat. The hold on her throat restricted her movements a bit, making her work harder for her pleasure, but it was a delightful struggle.

As she took him deep and managed to remember to ask permission, Damian grinned. " Yes Zora, cum for me, all over my cock." He wasn't actively close to his own orgasm just yet, but that would simply mean that when her orgasm stopped her from continuing, Damian would take over and that was exactly what he did. As soon as she crashed into her orgasm he pushed into her with deep penetrating strokes, forcing her to take his cock deep and hard as he continued on, extending her pleasure.

His thumb flicked her nipple as his hand gently held her throat and tightened ever so slightly, restricting her breath, causing her body to focus only on the intense sensations coming from her well fucked pussy!
" Yes Zora, cum for me, all over my cock." he said as her plugged ass was grinding against the front of him while his cock rammed deep within his slave and back out as Zora rode him for all his cocks worth and hearing those words come from her master's lips was all she needed.

For a short time Zora was forgetting her past as well as her present and nothing else mattered as her future hadn't even peeked its head into hers. It was nice to just get lost in the moment, she didn't think about who she was, that title that hung around her neck as nothing more than a sex slave and he her owner, being a bought and paid for human being.

Zora left out a lingering moan as she then gasped again and again as she came for not really him, her master but more for herself. She was being greedy, she worked for this orgasm and she was going to take it and ride it out for all it was worth.

She rode that pleasure out till the very end as her breathing was all over the place, the shower water was growing slightly cold and he was now taking over as she placed her hands back on the shower wall before her and her stuffed ass thrust back.

Her head rolled on her shoulders as the cooler water fell upon it running from her shoulders and down her back as his hand moved a bit and he began flicking her nipples causing her to cry out as every bit of her body was more sensitive than usual.
Damian grinned as she lost herself to the moment, but even as she was grinding her own plugged ass against his cock not to mention giving herself to the moment, it was truly needed and he could see that. After all she had been worked hard over the last few days, learning her place, learning her slave positions, and most of all learning to trust in Damian.

As she was cumming so beautifully though Damian grinned as he let her be as greedy as she liked, though as the water began to cool, the heat of their bodies kept them warm. He did reach past her though and turned the water off even as she placed her hands onto the wall, and once he had finished his task he did go after her nipples, flicking and playing with them.

" Tell me Zora... are you ready for more? to learn more about bondage and the pleasures of being a slave?" he purred, thrusting, fucking her so deeply, so harshly as the lewd sounds were easily heard, Damian didn't 'give her a break', oh no, he worked her harder than ever with each passing moment, all the while 'making her' answer him!

He demanded much from her, but he knew that no man had ever made her feel like this, so objectified, and yet so cared for at the same time!