With no Remorse-Acquisition of a toy (Closed for TirithIre)

Zora ran with him, she knew he could have picked up a faster pace but he choose not to which she was glad for. Every now and then the crop came down upon her ass and she jutted forth a step or two but it was nothing, he pushed her which she expected but the pollen and humidity was getting to her as she tried to keep the asthma under control and not to worry him about it, she would be fine if not she was only kidding herself.

Damian led her into the woods, the deeper they got into them the cooler the air was which gave her a little relief with the cooler change in the air and felt much better to run in. He took the led more or less and she could see a clearing before them and followed him to it. Zora looked at the landscaping and it was incredibly breathtaking.

They slowed down the pace drastically going from a run to a walk and even then he tapped her ass with the crop again as the leather end kissed against her sweaty flesh. The sweat cause the slap to sting a bit more than it had been but she was okay with it, wasn’t anything that bad or abusive. " Keep walking, you don't want your muscles to seize." He said with another swat to her ass with the crop and again she listened as she walked around looking at the tall bamboo plants and how everything reflected off the lake. She wished she could take pictures as they would be absolutely beautiful.

" We are halfway done the run, from here we will be making our way back, a five mile run when it is done." He said as she turned and smiled to him then looked back at the lake watching a circle form from a fish jumping and seeing how it fanned out wider and wider as she turned back looking to her master.

" How are you feeling Zora?" He asked her as he guided her over to a nice lush grassy area where they sat and she took in a deep breath releasing it slowly just looking at the lake. She wasn’t sure how to answer it, what he was really asking from her. Was it how she was because he noticed her breathing? Her health? Was he asking just in general? Did he want to hear she was scared shitless what he future was going to be like? Did he want to know how she was adjusting here? How she felt finding things out about herself? It was such an open ended question for her to answer without over-thinking it all in a whole.

Zora laid back upon the grass and stared up at the sky and gave him an answer, “I’m quite fine master…” and that was that she didn’t lie, she told the very simple truth. ”Very beautiful here thank you for showing me this place.”
Oh it was easily felt the difference as they went down the trails, and even as she 'struggled', he pushed her onwards. He had seen in his martial arts training over the years how asthma could be controlled and pushed down so that it didn't cripple people.

Even as they came to the lake area though he smiled as they slowed to a walk. Her sweat glistening skin was lovely, and even as they did continue to walk they finished by the lake, a nice resting spot. Moving to sit, he motioned her to do so as well.

Here, away from the facility a sense of normality could be shared other than the fact that she was very much naked. Other than that they could have just gone for a run together. He could see was starting to over think things again, and even as she did he smiled as he asked that question.

He was well aware that it was a bit of a loaded question, but he was curious what she might say. As she said that she was quite fine he nodded to her. " It's a small island, but it has it's charms. Nothing like the main Islands, but then again it's not meant to bring attention to itself." He remarked honestly.

" Roll over." He directed after a few moments and when she did he moved and straddling her ass he began to massage her. He did it to relax her, but also because he enjoyed touching her and this gave him an 'innocent' reason to.

" Thinking about what's going to happen after we leave?" He asked curiously as he worked his hands over her sweat slicked back gently but firmly, smoothly and even cares-singly at some points.
Zora laid there looking up to the sky and whatever was around her she could see. She smiled a little thinking about her mother knowing she would have looked to have seen such beauty like this around her. The bamboo was thick and tall and all she thought about was koala bears and pandas as apparently those two loves feasting upon the bamboo. Zora’s thoughts drifted all over the place as she took in a deep breath and released it ever so slowly.

" It's a small island, but it has it's charms. Nothing like the main Islands, but then again it's not meant to bring attention to itself." he said as she turned her head to look at him as she lay there in the lush green grass letting the sun soak itself upon her already tan skin.

“I can see why, but shame to hide such beauty.”

”Roll over,” her master said to her as she was laying upon her back looking up to the sky with her hands folded under her head just enjoying the time she had outside and away from the building. Zora turned over wondering what he was going to do to her as she closed her eyes as she lay her head sideways on her folded arms and waited.

She felt him straddle her lower back, his ass settles upon hers and she then felt his hands upon her shoulders and he began to massage her and out of nowhere she tensed up as she swallowed hard as those memories of the day she was abducted came flooding back to her and she choked back the tears and tried hard to push it out of her mind telling her self this was her master, Damian, the one that was keeping her safe at taking her away from the island...the one that saved her from the unknown with another.

Eventually she started to relax and just enjoy the pleasure of the massage and push everything else out of her head. "Thinking about what's going to happen after we leave?" He asked her as his palms and thumbs dug into some tightened muscles as she moaned softly as he was working the knots out.

“Yes master. I have been giving it more and more thought as time passes by. “ She responded back to him as she winced as he hit a spot on her shoulder blades that hurt as his thumb pushed into it.
He smiled as she said that it was a shame, but he nodded to her. " It really is, but after this perhaps we will go travelling together, see some sights. I will have to keep tabs on Amelia, but it's still her life, and she wants to live it." He remarked gently.

As she moved and waited, he felt her tense right away as he moved and straddled her. " Shh, easy... I have not willingly hurt you yet, nor do I wish to Zora." He gently purred to her, and even as she managed to relax slowly into his touch, he smiled. " You are free to squirm and even say stop if you wish, it is only you and I here." He gently mused.

As she moaned and admitted that she was, he smiled though saw her wince. " You carry too much stress. You are my slave, I am the one who is supposed to worry." He remarked, and even as she seemed to relax slowly, he kept working on her back, 'turning her into jelly' as he certainly did know both how to get the stress out of her, and also how to get her feeling really good.

He slid down to her thighs as he worked on her lower back, though he added. " What have you been thinking about in regards to when we leave?" He asked curiously, he 'handling her' very well, though soon his hands worked into the flesh of her ass, releasing all the tension there as well.
Zora felt his thumbs dig into a knotted muscle as she was slightly tense and let out a little sound of pain, nothing major. " It really is, but after this perhaps we will go traveling together, see some sights. I will have to keep tabs on Amelia, but it's still her life, and she wants to live it." He said as he was massaging her, letting her give it so thought. He was brining in the future to conversation as it still scared her.

Fear and Zora went hand in hand when it came to very few things; she never feared her future unless it dealt with work. Other than that she gave little thought to marriage or children, and only when she was surrounded by it did it come into her mind and fill her thoughts. Always questioning if she wanted them or at least one whether with a partner or not. Women did it alone more and more these days as times were changing,

" Shh, easy... I have not willingly hurt you yet, nor do I wish to Zora." Damian said to her as he worked that one area again. " You are free to squirm and even say stop if you wish, it is only you and I here." He said as she smiled.

“I’m okay master, just hurt a little bit when your thumbs dug in to the muscle. Knotted up a little I guess, tension or stress. Other than that it feels good and thank you.” Then she thought about it for a few minutes. “Isn’t a slave supposed to cater to the master?”

" You carry too much stress. You are my slave, I am the one who is supposed to worry." Damian said to her as she melted like butter after finally relaxing fully and really began to enjoy his magic hands. She wondered why this couldn’t have been done in the beginning, a simple massage that turned into her on an island as a sex slave to a man who apparently bought her like property.

A big part of her was still adjusting to this all and then the other part was sad, missing her family. Her job, that wasn’t a concern, Zora was finding out she was missing so much by working as hard as she was even though she loved it, she realized life was way to short. But, family, that was the part that was hurting the most. She was wondering if these people realized how those these ‘slaves’ left behind were handling it. Wondering if their daughter, mother, sister ect….was dead or alive.

Zora felt him move lower on her as his hands pressed into the small of her back and a soft moan released from her lips as it felt so damn good when his thumbs and palms dug into her flesh. She felt him move lower as he massaged her ass cheeks as her eyes opened and she looked at the tall bamboo and the lake watching the ripples forming and disappearing as quickly as they came. " What have you been thinking about in regards to when we leave?" He asked her as she sighed softly.

“Lots of things Master. Not really my job, as I’m not missing that much which surprises me… but my family. Leaving them wondering if I’m alive or dead, the sorrow and pain they must be going through. My mom crying, and things like that….then other stuff like how we will get along, will we be close, will this work for us…just stuff really. What do you think about?”
The future could be frightening, but it would have been even more so had she not known with whom she would end up with. Luckily for her he had come to like her too much to have her end up as 'just another sex slave', and made sure that she would be going with him.

Even as she said that about it hurting he nodded. " You are too tense, i'm sure that this will help." He remarked, though as she thought about it he shrugged ever so slightly. " If we were back at the compound, then yes, and I will probably be expecting a massage in return tonight, but since we're out here, I figured you wouldn't complain." He remarked.

As she was adjusting though he smiled as she did fully relax, and as she said that he nodded. " I have no control with that, and I am truly sorry that this has happened to you Zora." He mused, though he looked to her. " I will let you know that the company bribes many people, officials and whatnot into different tales, all of them involve anyone who was taken being dead though." He remarked, though he added.

" The actual people aren't dead, but all records of you being alive are gone." He mused softly, explaining it to her as he looked to her. As she asked him what he thought about he considered it honestly for a few moments, working down her legs, there no special drugs to knock her out this time, her master was taking good care of her.

" It will be an adjustment to having someone else with me all the time, so there's that. It's just me though so we should get along all right. I get the feeling we are compatible in some ways." He mused, though as he said that he added. " I'm actually a bit excited. I have been worrying about Amelia for so long it will be somewhat refreshing to have someone else around. The loneliness won't be as bad." He admitted.

" We will have to get you some soaps, clothing, and other things, but that won't be too much, and I am looking forwards to going back to regular BDSM clubs, not this fucked up place." He admitted with a chuckle.
" You are too tense, i'm sure that this will help. If we were back at the compound, then yes, and I will probably be expecting a massage in return tonight, but since we're out here, I figured you wouldn't complain." he said in response.

“No master I am not complaining. I don’t want to disappoint, or want to get used to something or even expect anything. I don’t wish to screw up or do something wrong. I am trying to learn and sometimes it doesn’t get confusing in understanding the barriers, and what can be done and can’t...where...when...a lot to take in for a person who has zero experience or knowledge.”

" I have no control with that, and I am truly sorry that this has happened to you Zora. I will let you know that the company bribes many people, officials and whatnot into different tales, all of them involve anyone who was taken being dead though." he said to her.

Zora she felt a huge pit in her stomach. Everything that she worked so hard for was gone, her bank accounts would be wiped out...her home would be gone...all of her possessions....gone. It was gut wrenching to even think about it. She wanted to throw up, it hurt her to think that money and power could just wipe whomever they wanted off the face of the earth not thinking about anyone but their own greed.

She wanted to cry and just run, run as far as she could just to find her own space to be alone. This caused her mixed emotions as it was all settling in. She was glad for her master, she really cared and liked him and she didn’t even mind serving him and finding out about her own self but it was hurting her listening to him tell her about her past.

" The actual people aren't dead, but all records of you being alive are gone." leaving her wonder what that meant as records were nothing but what people she knew, her mother that gave birth to her would never forget her and she would never forget her mother...her father...her family.

Zora felt him working down her legs as she starred out into the water just watching it. “Master I don’t blame you. I don’t hold you in any fault of this. Some things are finally sinking in and I feel rage. I’m angry and ....never mind. Just know this isn’t anything to do with you. Without you I could have been placed who knows where and with whomever...I appreciate you.”

" It will be an adjustment to having someone else with me all the time, so there's that. It's just me though so we should get along all right. I get the feeling we are compatible in some ways. I'm actually a bit excited. I have been worrying about Amelia for so long it will be somewhat refreshing to have someone else around. The loneliness won't be as bad." He said as she smiled a little.

“That’s the thing master, I’m excited as well and I think that’s what makes me feel guilty. Feeling that guilt makes me feel all these other emotions. I didn’t do anything but work my whole life other than school and now this is a journey for me...with you.” She sighed softly. “I know what loneliness is, I pushed it down within for a long time like it wasn’t there, ignoring it and just woke up and went to work, came home and slept and worked some more.”

"We will have to get you some soaps, clothing, and other things, but that won't be too much, and I am looking forwards to going back to regular BDSM clubs, not this fucked up place." he laughed and that made her smile.

“I think that’s putting it mild master. I’m ready to run if you are. “ Zora needed to run out her aggression. She felt charged, her adrenaline was rushing through her blood like a drug and she was feeling its high.
Damian nodded to her but smiled slightly. " It's a lot, but it can be learned over time. We have six months before we leave here, and I intend that by the time we leave, you are fully prepared for the life you are going to be leading." he replied matter of factly.

Even as she struggled with the blunt and honest truth of the past, he looked to her gently. " I did promise that I would not lie to you Zora, and I would be a poor master, as well as a poor man if I did so." he looked to her though and gently continued down to her feet, massaging and touching her, letting her know that he was still there for her.

" we will have to learn together I think then." He mused, though as he said that he shifted off her completely and gently tapped her, looking to her. " roll over." he gently commanded, and when she had he returned to his touches, his workings on her, handling her. He started from her feet and massaged back up as he looked to her.

" Stop feeling grief. From what I can tell your past life though productive left you very wanting of a personal life, something where you could have more than just money. Now, you will have nothing but your master, and I think that is for the best." He remarked.

As she said that she was ready to run though he nodded and letting her climb to her feet, he stood up as well but looked to her. " We are going to take a harder pacing this time, and I will not hesitate to use this on you." He mused brandishing the crop in a gentle way, but he added. " Now, off you go!" He growled and 'chased her' pushing her into a hard running pace, the adrenaline coupling with the thrill of being chased as such.

He was grinning, but he was true to his word... anytime she slowed he would strike her bottom with the crop, his pace pushing her limits, he taking her all the way back to the pony place, knowing she would enjoy seeing the beautiful ponies again!
“It’s a lot, but it can be learned over time. We have six months before we leave here, and I intend that by the time we leave, you are fully prepared for the life you are going to be leading." Leaving her to imagine what the next six months would be like and if being there wouldn’t ruin what she was feeling about the whole process.

It wasn’t easy being on an island with other’s especially after what had happened. The part that scared her was if there would have been something she could have beat him with; she feared the Irish trained would have taken his last breath because of her. She had never been so scared in her life and she couldn’t ever imagine taking another person’s life but realized how easy it would have been for her.

As he spoke about not lying to her she appreciated that. That was something she wouldn’t be able to handle. She wanted the truth whether good or bad. Zora felt the same way, she would try and be honest with him, yet fear was something that held her back because she wasn’t sure that when they disagreed how he would handle it. Would it be his way or the highway or would he really compromise and actually listen to her when she has a disagreement? Time will tell. “I appreciate that master. It means a lot to me you say that.”

He was giving her a head to toe massage that felt so good and she was wondering what she did to deserve it. Zora would willingly do the same back to him, and it wasn’t because she felt she had to but because it was so nice, it felt great and relaxed her, taking majority the stress she felt away. " We will have to learn together I think then." When he said that she smiled at him and then Zora rolled over as he asked her or told her to.

Stop feeling grief. From what I can tell your past life though productive left you very wanting of a personal life, something where you could have more than just money. Now, you will have nothing but your master, and I think that is for the best." He said and this is where she wanted to disagree with him. Part of what he said was right and part of what he had said she disagreed with him. The personal part was correct but she was working to set her own future up for herself, to have a home of her own, to be able to travel and see the world, and Zora felt if he would have been in her foot steps he would have been able to understand where she was coming from much better.

Zora jumped to her feet, slipping her sneakers back on since she removed them when he massaged them and tied them tightly. " We are going to take a harder pacing this time, and I will not hesitate to use this on you." Her master said as he playfully hit her with the crop again. He left her go and Zora took the lead, she took a faster pace and tried controlling her breathing as she ran out the anger within her. Her master ran after her as she was sprinting along the trail now that she knew where she was going and could make her way back.

When Zora’s pace slowed just a little she felt the crop on her ass again and she would pick her pace up, in her mind she was just running, no reason really except to run out frustration and rage she felt within. It helped clear her mind, and she was really trying to take in everything he said and find the silver lining to it all and the whole situation.

She wondered what he would feel like if he was picked from his life, leaving his sister behind without any contact like he never existed. Didn’t matter because he would never understand how she felt or experience what she was going through. She ran to try to forget the past as if she was running towards her future…hoping it worked.
He knew that she still worried over Baron, and while Damian was slightly concerned, with the time he had spent with her being, well wonderful, it had helped to push it out of his mind. He was aware that there was still going to be more that she would experience and be trained in, but that was a part of the process of it all.

Even as she said that he nodded to her. " I believe that relationships are based on truth not lies. Especially since you are going to be mine, I can say that you will find being mine isn't a bad thing, and though a very different life than what you lead previously, hopefully a happy life as well.

Even as she smiled and rolled over for him, he smiled to her, there would be footsteps of her life that he would never understand. She had been taken from her life, everything stripped away with no certainty of where she might go. With Damian at least she had an idea that she would be able to remain with him, which was a good sense of security, but there were many other factors.

Even as they ran though he smiled, though as she would slow he kept his word to her, the sting of the crop pushing her hard, and even as they ran he did work hard running with her, pushing her pace and forcing her past what limits she thought that she might have, because before they even really knew it they were back at the ponies training area. He smiled though and slowed as he lead her over to the fence once again.

" Bend over the railing and watch them." He remarked and even as she did he pressed her thighs apart with his hands before she felt his fingers cup her mound, stroking it, touching her right there in front of the ponies and their trainers. She could see hardly anyone paid attention to them, showing it was a 'regular thing' that was going on, but it was still a new thing to her, for it wasn't just a camera watching them, but the eyes of a good twelve people as they continued with their own training.
The best part about running was the freedom you felt while doing it, if nobody understood that they would in her shoes. Life for some she swore was planned out and for the rest…those people needed to find their own way along the road and to be careful what path they chose when the road forked.

Zora knew she needed to come to terms with what was now and what used to be and she was pretty sure she would as it was still a fresh wound but knew it could have been worse if Damian hadn’t bought her. She must have slowed down as she felt the drop against her ass as she looked back over her shoulder and smiled giving him a slight laugh and picked her pace up again as she turned about and looked straight.

The smile stayed, there was always a silver lining, and she knew it was Damian, he was her silver lining. That was what made her smile like a crazy woman as she ran back the same way they came.

Zora slowed as they came back up at the pony area, and she didn’t feel a slap to her ass from the crop so she knew it was okay. The pace came to a halt as he led her over to the fence once again so she could see the ponies once again. " Bend over the railing and watch them." He said as she looked at him and her smile beamed.

Zora placed her arms in a folded fashion across the top of fence as she felt her thighs pushed part, more guided by her master’s hand as she felt his hand slip up and grab the flesh of her mound. He began to ‘play’ with her as she felt embarrassed a bit, uncomfortable and felt her cheeks blush but what she noticed was…nobody else cared or even watched. Zora was doing the watching, it was like was the peeping Tom and they were the naked people she was watching. In her head that made sense and also made her release a slight chuckle.
Oh for the short time that she was running, she was free. He held no leash, nor choker of control. If she had wished to break that moment she could have tried something, but it was a mutually agreed moment between the two of them that seemed to stretch on-wards, much like the sun above in the sky, the light stretching to the horizon.

Even as she seemed to be trying to mentally accept what her new life was offering her, she was honestly doing quite well. He wouldn't tell her how many women had pleaded and begged with him to help them escape; and of how while he wanted to help them, it wasn't as feasible really for the sake of the both of them.

He watched how her body responded to the crops touching and smacking of her ass, and yet as she pressed on-wards, she knew Damian wouldn't push her beyond her limits. That was something that Baron, or most of the other trainers didn't understand. If you trained a slave but kept her sense of being intact, she would willingly do much more than if you simply destroyed her.

Even as they slowed to the pony area though Damian smiled as they did come to a halt, and even as she blushed, she could see that none of the ponies seemed to notice her plight, nor even the trainers. Those whom were being trained were being trained for their purpose.

Even as she was watching, as she chuckled he smiled though he didn't ask her what she was thinking upon. Instead he simply smiled and sliding his fingers through her folds he skimmed and played with her, his other hand smoothing over her back, up into her hair before he took a firm hold, his fingers gently scraping her scalp.

" Do you enjoy watching them Zora?" He asked with a smile, his fingers pleasuring her even as he held her control. " Which one would you enjoy being?" He asked curiously, wondering what type on pony she might envision herself as. He knew that she was too coy and shy right now to be a true pony, but it was still a fun fantasy to pursue.

Besides, her soaked depths told him that she was highly enjoying herself right then and there!
Zora loved the run and as tiring as it was it was still speaking to her as freedom. Freedom came in so many forms and in the situation so much was taken away but she was able to find it still which was her silver lining. Her shoes hit the road and she could hear each step she took as she ran, making her lose herself into her own little world. Each time the crop kissed her ass it brought her back but she was able to go back within her own again and again.

She concentrated on her breathing, trying to regulate it to help her keep control over her asthma and it was working, it worked so well she couldn’t even tell she had asthma as she ran with a bit more force and speed along the road.

The thought of escape was there but she knew that was foolish. Where would she go? Into the woods? Hide in the barn? Find some small closet in the main compound building? All were choices that were just not going to aid her escape. The swim would be impossible, so that too was out as she was not the best of swimmers for a long distance swim.

In all it was easier just to settle into her new life and just take it day by day and see where it goes. For all she knew it might be better than what her old one was. Think positive is what she told herself as she allowed all these thoughts to swirl about in her mind.

They stopped and as she watched his fingers teased her folds. Her hips moved slowly to his touches as she gasped ever so softly and her wetness began to form. Nobody cared what he was doing to her, not a ‘pony’ stopped to notice them, to acknowledge them...nothing. The trainers were just the same way, no head turn, no wave as everyone was just fully concentrating on what they were doing and not who was around them. The ponies, some literally had blinders on but she knew they still would not have turned their heads.

Her master caught her attention again as she felt his fingers move up her back and then grab a handful of her hair as she closed her eyes briefly feeling his fingertips against her scalp like a quick massage. " Do you enjoy watching them Zora?" Master asked her as she released a little moan of pleasure as his fingers danced between her tones tanned thighs. "Which one would you enjoy being?" he asked before she had a chance to answer the first question.

Zora cleared her throat, “Master I do love watching the ponies, I think the ones that are more fancier in dress would be my choice. Not, that I mind a little hard work but I think they are just exquisite looking.”
In a way, the life he was offering her was freedom. Freedom from responsibility, freedom from being over worked. Of course there were negatives to her new life as well, but there were positives as well.

Even as she concentrated on her breathing he noticed her speeding up slightly and smiled. " Good girl." He purred, matching her pace and keeping her at it.

Even as she settled into her new life, the scene before her was both breathtaking as well as surreal. The ponies as well as their masters didn't care about a single pair of viewers, they had their own tasks to accomplish. It was much the same when Zora was working with her Master, things tended to just, dissapear from her mind.

Even as she closed her eyes and moaned, he smiled as she certainly seemed to be enjoying the dancing of his fingers, the curling caress, the beautiful look on her face. Even as she admitted that she loved watching the ponies though he smiled.

" I thought you would like to be one of those. Perhaps another day." He mused as he gently curled and pressed fingers into her, opening her pussy as he filled her hole. " Now, remember the rule... you're not allowed to cum without permission." He reminded her as he gently began to rock his fingers inside her.

At first, the pleasure would be gentle and easy to handle, but he knew as the minutes passed and she began to wane in her strength that she would more than likely beg for him to make her cum. He was going to deny her the first time though... he was enjoying the gentle power he held over her, she 'bound' without being bound, only by his hand in her hair as well as his fingers which now stroked and pumped within her soaking wet depths.
”Good girl,” he said giving her praise which was nice to hear from him. Zora like knowing he was pleased with something she had done for him or to him. Zora felt his fingers moving in and out of her wet hole, she felt him curl them within her and feeling as they rubbed against her inner walls as she felt like they now and then tickled her a bit.

" I thought you would like to be one of those. Perhaps another day." He said as she opened her eyes and watched them as she tried to hold her hips still which was becoming very hard to do at the present moment with his fingers working within her.

“I think it’s a beautiful sight to watch master. Would I make a good pony as you call them…for that I am not very sure.” Zora said as she was having a hard time getting some of her words out as she may have stuttered a little as what he was doing was heating her up fast as her feet parted a bit more apart and she pushed her ass out just a bit against his hand pushing his digits into her a little deeper and moaned softly as she watched the plumed ponies prance along with their knees up high and proud with each step.

" Now, remember the rule... you're not allowed to cum without permission.” Master said to her as Zora had not even come close to learning to control her orgasms yet. That was very hard for her to do and she wasn’t really sure if she still could even.

He had to be able to tell that she was really being worked up as her hips began to buck back and forth between his hand and the fence that parted them between the lush grassy null and the prancing as well as working ponies. Zora tugged against the hold as she whimpered and moaned…”M-master…I-I can’t hold…back…” she cried as her hips thrust back burying his fingers deep within her as her muscles began to clench tightly around his fingers.
As Zora enjoyed his praise, he was gentle in giving it, but her words had made him happy... knowing she had pushed herself to please her master, well it did.

Even as she watched what was happening he smirked as she tried her very best to remain still. He watched as she struggled to remain still, and as she pushed her ass out just a bit asking for more, he rewarded her by giving her what she wanted.

Even as she began to buck and push herself, as she announced that his fingers immediately left her pussy, wiping on her thigh as he looked to her. " Not yet." He announced as he stared her down. She had best not beg out there in the open.

In a way this was a test, but it was also to ensure that she knew that in public that she would accept her masters wishes without complaint or be punished, and that in private she could speak more freely.

Damian waited until her body had cooled back under control before his fingers pressed back inside her again. He would not allow her to cum until the fourth time, until then she was his 'prisoner' of lust, of learning how to last longer each time. He coaxed her with his words, but his actions were remorseless, she would submit to his will!
Her eyes watched as a strong muscular male pony pulling a cart went around the track as she was trying to put her mind elsewhere so she could back off the orgasm that was dying to rip through her like a bolt of lightening. Zora watched as the sweat dripped off the male slaves body, how it glistened in the sunlight as she sighed softly. He was indeed a very nice specimen of a man and he seemed to have everything to go with it, the looks, the build and even the cock as it hung nicely between his legs moving about with each step taken.

She felt her master’s fingers once again push into her and curl, scrapping those wet sensitive inner walls of pink as she whimpered and bucked her hips back and that all to familiar feeling came back quickly. ”Not yet.” He said as she whimpered twice as loud and allowed her attention to now be placed on a female pony who was being undressed and washed down, she watched her move gracefully as another slave hosed her body. Her long hair was in a single braid down the center of her back, Zora envied the woman, she was beautiful as she stood there.

Zora turned her head and he looked directly into her eyes as she held that contact with him for a moment in time. He pulled his fingers back out from within her as she gave a deep breath, blowing it out and turned her head back around and tried putting thoughts into her head that would be nothing to do with sex and she was finding it hard as her master was able to excite her easily and while testing her this way she was finding it very hard to focus on anything else but what he was doing and how her body was responding.

His fingers started again as he was slowly taking her back to that place, escalating that level of want and desire, Zora cried out, her head thrashed from going forth then side to side as she rolled her head upon her shoulders feeling that hold he had as that was only egging the excitement on as well. Zora moaned and whimpered, she was trying hard to fight what her body was feeling and she was losing the battle knowing he would be disappointed in her but her body had no such training before, when and if she orgasmed it was free will no holding back.
Damian smiled as her eyes watched the strong handsome stud, and even as she tried to put her mind elsewhere, he could see the struggle that was going throuh her. He took no mercy on her though. Anytime she was about to reach the peak he pulled his fingers away and held her there with his one hand.

He was quite impressed that she didn't verbally beg him, and even as she turned her attention to another pony, the mare WAS beautiful, and seemed 'alive'. Some of the ponies were 'dead', broken of their spirit, but the female seemed alive and content with her position.

Even as Zora turned her head and looked directly to him, he met her own eyes to him, and as she was doing it VERY well despite what she thought. As she was taken back to that place, he heard her cry but his calloused fingers were relentless within her. As her head thrashed he held her strongly in place, though as she moaned and whimpered, yet again as she was reeling and about to be overwhelmed Damian's fingers left her.

" Not yet." He demanded of her as he smoothed his hands over her buttocks and hip, and even as he looked to her with those 'harsh' eyes Damian grinned as she willfully tried her very best to calm back down. It would take minutes this time, but Damian wasn't done with her, and despite what she thought, each time she WAS lasting a bit longer. Her will to appease her master wasn't a farce nor was it a lost cause. Instead it was simply something that would be honed with practice.

" All right..." He purred as he worked her harder and harder, his hand pulling on her lovely hair as his eyes burned into hers.

" Cum for me, slave!" He growled as he curled his fingers right against her g-spot to push her over the edge.
This latest time he pulled his long thick digits from within her was closer than the time before as she knew once she hit a certain point there was no way she was going to be able to stop what her body wants to do and not only would be he be able to tell from how her muscles would be clenching his fingers but they had something between them, no lying to each other. Zora, a woman of her word.

Zora swallowed very hard and started taking in quick deep breaths as she tried looking away from the ponies on the track and those prancing with a high march. She tried to think of something that would back off what she was feeling within. The point she was at was that if she rubbed her pussy against the fence rail before her she could easily cum.

The hold on her hair had not let up, Zora stopped moving it as she was starting to get a slight headache from the tension caused by no one else but herself. Her head held still as she returned her breathing to normal and she heard her master speak...’not yet.’ Again he was pushing her limits and she understood why but that didn’t mean she needed to like it or that she could do it.

His voice was demanding and direct, he meant what he said as she as his slave was trying her hardest to respect her masters wishes. Zora knew she was getting there, little at a time she felt she was lasting longer but in all honesty she wasn’t sure, hell the thought could just be something she was hoping for in the back of her head.

His fingers slipped back into her sopping wet hole as she moaned out and her head yanked against the hold but as he yanked it back she didn’t fight it though she still moved it from side to side as she rolled her head on her shoulders but the tension wasn’t as bad as she was learning day by day.

Her hips began to buck back and forth once again between his hand and the fence as she cried out. Zora knew he was pushing her harder as she felt his fingers moving faster, her hips dancing the same pace as she bucked and tossed her tress not even taking knowledge of the tension felt. She was in her own world of pleasure as her body began to shake... "Cum for me, slave!" Damian said to her as she never felt such relief in her life as she was at that point of no going back just as he spoke those words.

Zora moaned and whimpered, her hips bucked fast and hard back and forth as his fingers curled and raked along that one spot that tripped her trigged hard. Her warm cum coated her inner walls along with his fingers as she breathed heavily and rode the wave of pleasure out with a lingering moan. Her head dropped forth, the tension felt as she tried to regain her breath once again.
He knew that eventually, no matter when he pressed his fingers into her that she would cum, and Damian was perfectly all right with that. Even as she swallowed very hard and took such deep breath's, he watched her.

" Easy..." he purred, and even as she returned her breathing, he worked her limits and even as she was trying her very best, as he resumed again he watched her as she was learning what she did in fact like in this, and even as her hips danced more and more quickly, he watched her as she moaned and whimpered.

" That's it... cum hard..." He growled to her, and even as the waves of pleasure lingered Damian grinned as he worked his fingers in and out of her, extending her orgasm into a long erotic journey, the conclusion just what she needed.

" Good girl... you enjoy that?" He asked rhetorically as he kept scraping against her g-spot, just to make her twitch in delight as he enjoyed making her 'dance' for him!
”Easy, he said to her as her body could no longer hold back. Her hips danced back and forth, first slightly slow and as her orgasm waved through her whole body and weakened her knees they pumped quickly as her moans grew louder, her head moved around on her shoulders and she forgot where she was for the whole orgasmic moment.

Zora felt his eyes upon her, roaming her body from the top of her head down to her sneaker covered toes and most likely stopping to watch her ass hump back against his hand as her pussy muscles abuse his fingers like a stiff dick inside her.

" That's it... cum hard..." he said next as first he was telling her easy and then to cum hard as she was pushing those words out of her head as she concentrated on what was rocking through her body, which was more exciting at the moment. Human nature taking over at this time for her as she gasped and groaned out as her knees wanted to give out for under her.

" Good girl... you enjoy that?" he asked his sex slave as Zora’s head hung forth with a little tension placed upon the back of it as she was trying to get her breath and all the while he was still with his fingers inside her as it sent these little jolts of pain through her as everything within her female wise was so sensitive at the moment.

A warm lingering breath blew from her lips as her head lifted and she reached up and wiped the sweat from her brow. “Very much so master...” she replied as she took another long breath in and held it closing her eyes as it blew out across her soft lips and her eyes opened and the ponies were gone.

“Thank you master,” Zora said even thought she really didn’t need or desire the orgasm it did get rid of some of the stress she was feeling.
Oh sometimes she would be 'made' to cum just because Damian wished it of her, but it seemed that she wasn't too agaist such an idea. Even as she thanked him though he nodded to her, and even as she opened her eyes and noticed the ponies were gone, Damian smiled to her.

" They are done their training for the day. We are going to finish the run back to the compound, and once we are there we will take a nice shower to clean up." He announced as he gently slid his fingers out of her overly sensitive pussy. Pulling them up to his lips he licked her cum off them as he smiled to her.

" Ready Zora?" He asked with a smile one he was done. He figured the rest of the run would be just what she needed to fully release her tension, and cleaning up, then getting dinner would give a sense of routine. He had explained each step to her. She knew that her ass was going to be filled by the medium butt plug after the shower, just as she knew that her training wasn't done.

" You did very well by the way." He pointed out as he smacked her ass with the crop. " At waiting for your masters permission to cum." He mused as he set them back onto the path at the same challenging pace that they had been on before. Soon they were back out on the island's main path, heading towards the compound which re-appeared in the distance.
" They are done their training for the day. We are going to finish the run back to the compound, and once we are there we will take a nice shower to clean up." He said as Zora felt his digits slip from within her as she watched him taste his sex slave from his own fingers.

“Maybe we can come back and watch them again master?” She asked as she offered him a smile and could smell her scent within the light breeze as it blew between them.

”Ready Zora? he asked as she nodded.

“Yes master,” she replied as she gave the track and stable area one last glace hoping for just another glance at the ponies. She listened as her master explained what would be happening for the rest of the evening. A shower would be wonderful she thought and of course a hot meal would be most welcomed and a nice big glass of iced tea would be the best right now.

The thought of the plug he spoke of this time didn’t make her flinch or even wrinkle up her brow, it was something she knew she would need to get used to so no sense fighting it as it would turn out to be a losing battle and she wasn’t feeling up to a battle today her mood was good.

" You did very well by the way. At waiting for your masters permission to cum." He said as she felt the faint sting from the crop as she offered him a coy look.

“That was not an easy task master, That I will admit and have a feeling it will be something I shall fail at now and then. I don’t understand how to control that. My body gets to a point and that it is...can’t hold it back...”

He got them running back on the path again, she could feel her juices seeping out between her thighs as it wasn’t a comfortable feeling by far. She ran a bit ahead once again until he decided to push her again and he picked it up running aside her as she controlled her breathing, her arms bent at her sides and she kept the pace with him feeling proud of herself.

Looking ahead she could see the place she was calling home these days in the distance and it made her want to slow down...for she knew she would be back within those walls again like a caged bird with her wings clipped but she didn’t , she continued aside him the rest of the way on the path.
Damian smiled as she asked that, but he nodded to her as she did. " I am sure that we can arrange to come back another day Zora." He remarked, though as she nodded to him letting him know that she was ready, he grinned.

" Besides, I think that next time we visit, you will BE a pony." He remarked, though as she listened to him explain the next few events, she knew that her life was MUCH different than her previous life, but she was doing quite well.

Even as they began to run again he didn't strike her with the crop too often, only when she tried to slow down.

" When we get back, we will have a nice long drink of nice cool water or perhaps iced tea, sometimes they make it." He pointed out as they ran.

As she said that it was a tough task, he smiled. " We will definitely work on it, and it's like anything else Zora, you get better at it with time." He mused. As they got back though he pushed her hard right up to the door, and sliding his keycard to let them in, he lead the way through.

" Ahh we're in luck." He mused as he brought them into the bathing room, there was a pitcher of iced tea along with two glasses that had been brought in. Un-like North American Iced tea though the Japanese 'version' had no artificial sweeteners, it was tea that had been prepared and then cooled.

a Refreshing drink for sure. He poured them both a glass and handed her one with a smile. " To new experiences Zora." He toasted with a gentle smile. He was glad that she would do her best to please him, that made Damian quite happy!
" I am sure that we can arrange to come back another day Zora." Damian said to his sex slave as she caught the grin upon his face. The thought of that made her smile as well. She found watching them to be serene. She would have never seen human ponies ever before if not for being snatched from her life and brought here. She was amazed as she watched them, she was slightly envious of the females that were prancing about marching high and looking absolutely beautiful and so very proud.

In a sense that was how she was at her job, she had pride in herself, she felt self worth. Zora worked from basically the bottom up and didn’t lay on her back or get on her knees to get there.
" Besides, I think that next time we visit, you will BE a pony."
As soon as she heard that she felt a slight bit of anxiety hit her but on the flip side of it she felt excitement. Something she found intriguing she was going to try.

One of the best things about this was she was learning so much about her self. Zora knew that being a pony would be something special and it made her smile big as she glanced to him. Zora was getting to a point where she started thinking less about her old life and was adapting to her knew. She knew closing that door was the best for her to move forth and find some sort of happiness within her new.

When he spoke about iced tea Zora could almost taste it but she didn’t get her hopes up but still she was feeling pretty good as she had a good part of the day outside in the fresh air. " We will definitely work on it, and it's like anything else Zora, you get better at it with time." He said it with a smile which again made her feel as if he was understanding her, and her feelings of being unsure about holding back until told to cum.

Zora ran hard on the way back, he didn’t use the crop on her like he did when they were on the first half of the run and she didn’t mind either way but she did keep up with a steady pace and then once they hit the building she slowed down and walked in a small circle so her muscles wouldn’t tighten up on her.

The door opened as he slide the key card through it and she looked around for a minute taking in all of the natural beauty before she stepped in behind her master and went silent, her eyes caste downwards and nothing but the same color walls surrounding her once again.

Zora stayed behind him or aside him depending on his pace as he led her through the hallway and into the bathroom. "Ahh we're in luck." He aid as she stepped around him and looked to what he was talking about. She watched as he poured two glasses full and it looked slightly different from what she made but iced tea was iced tea and it was a nice change as she took the glass from him that he offered and she smiled as he spoke... " To new experiences Zora."

“Yes master...to new beginnings and the experiences that come with it...” then clinked her glass to his and took a sip. “Not to bad master.”