Winter 2013


skates like Eck
Dec 24, 2007
What did you get ?

We had 0F. The sun came out, and it warmed up to 9F. The snow was squeakier before the sun started shining.

Yesterday- Snowflakes appropriate for a doll's house. That's cold air! Micro flakes.
It turned to 45 degrees in Mid-December.....thats about it
Two great days so far. Clear and sunny temp between -3 and -6 C. (21-27 F).

We had about 19 cm. (4") of snow but it is eroding. Nice start to 2013.:)
Yes, it's cold outside today!

Let's race to the hot tub!

It's so cold that I saw a the President with his hands in his OWN pockets!
Let us hear it, for snow with annoyance factor. What, is with these micro snow balls? They stick like velcro, to everything.
Perfect snow for a Snow Day. Sticks together well. Heavy. Snow forts and snowmen will be seen. Move the slush.
it's snowing now...

i fucking hate snow, specially shoveling!
Poor, cold NC. Did the Arctic temps arrive before the snow melted ? We have the same things. 20F with wind chill ?

That is acceptable for Boston. Not so much, for NC. Don't people take a break in NC during the winter ?

Feels like 0F. People sliding off the road. (Some people do not know how to drive with ice and snow on the road.)

NC took the slam. MA got away with less than a slam. It could have been much worse for Boston.
I have trees budding, snow crocus in full bloom, a vase full of cut daffodils and the jasmine is sporting fresh new yellow buds...

We are less than half of our normal rainfall of over 7 inches since the New Year. I haven't had to wear my rain boots much and I really like them.

eep! Girl, where have you been? May I please borrow those boots ? We are due for a thaw, and there will be rivers of slush.
no hard freeze. the bugs are going to be evil this summer.
Chicago, Chicago Brrr Cold and Windy

Europe said -6C Chicago citizens say it feels like 0F Wind chill from Arctic winds ?

Sharply colder. Temperatures in the lower 20s at daybreak fall to the mid teens by afternoon.
Northwest winds gust over 30 mph. Wind chill readings hover around zero much of the day.

Periods of cloudiness produce brief flurries. Skies clear toward evening, as winds slowly diminish.
Overnight temperatures range from 5 in the outlying suburbs to 12 downtown.

Meanwhile, in Boston- Feels like 50F, calm, no wind- melting snow
Somewhere in January I believe we had a couple days that spiked at 70 F. Other than that it has stayed in the 50s and 40s. We're supposed to get a lot of snow soon though...
Mantoloking NJ residents finally move back home after Hurricaine Sandy
February 22, 2013

Nearly four months after Hurricane Sandy decimated their community, residents of Mantoloking were allowed to
move home today. Although the mandatory evacuation order has been lifted -- making Mantoloking the last town
in New Jersey to allow residents back in -- only half a dozen residents registered to return because of the extent
of the damage that remains. Even fewer residents actually moved today.

Three breaches of the ocean dunes and major flooding on the bay in this northern Ocean County barrier island
left all 521 homes with some type of water damage. About 200 homes in the 2.2-mile town vanished, were
destroyed or are in need of demolition.
It's 7:40 PM here in Florida and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't shoot the messenger.