Why the Red Cross sucks


Really Experienced
Oct 15, 2002
A few years back my hometown had a tornado come through one night. It tore up many many homes ( did miss the trailerparks ) Anyway the red cross came out and I volenteerd to take boxes ( donated to the cross ) out so people could pack their stuff that they could save. Many flats and stuff but all in all I enjoyed helping people. However I watched the red cross vans selling food to people who lost everything and didn't have much money. I thought when I donated money to them they would use it to help people not take their last dolar. ( they were not gouging but what was my money going for if the poeple had to pay with money they didn't have and needed to get themselfs and their familes through until the insurance agent could make it to them. ( it went through two cites very close togther and it hit thousands of houses in my city )

Anyway I saw something on tv walago and thought about it and had to vent. bye
They were selling the food to the destitute? That's so low. :(
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That's the main reson most veterans prefer to suport the Salvation Army in preferance to the RC.

The RC gets the media atention(wonderif they pay for it) pay thier directers big saleries.

The Salvation Army just does what is needed, when it's needed.