Why Nora is a BAD BAD Friend


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
She is all supportive and stuff till I need her the most then...POOF...she's gone!

She makes caramels and doesn't send any to me.

She laughs at my misery.

She calls me a bitch. ;)

She makes sure I am the fourth person to hear every good story she has.

She won't have sex with me.
I ran her off

Sorry. She is also gonna make me dinner soon and didnt invite you. But I will, Im nice like that.:kiss:
Ill spank her for being so bad to you also.
Re: Re: Why Nora is a BAD BAD Friend

*bratcat* said:
Hey maybe she is my twin...except for the fact that I would have sex with you.

You laugh at my misery and call me a bitch, Brat??!!

*weeping violently*

At least Nora does it to my face!

Eumenides said:
She invited me...knowing I can't go! :( Yet another reason!

Tell me when you can come and Ill make her cook what ever you want.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Why Nora is a BAD BAD Friend

*bratcat* said:
I only call you bitch when you beg for me to...;)

Didn't I send you that in a pm??? :D

Just kidding, folks...don't get all worked up.
*bratcat* said:
but you have it in one thread...all to yourself.

Yes yes I do but I have to visit that thread only to see it. As an AV I can visit almost any thread :D I'm a lazy girl.
*rolls eyes* ohhhhhhh, OKAY!

Bluesy, you can ask Eumenides to share the middle when Kitte isn't here...but I kindof think she'd rather be next door in Nora's room.
Bluesboy2 said:

Let's see here...One female lover in my time, a few male...haven't discriminated based on sex, sexual preference, color, or religion.

Is that enough? Or do you need pictures? I'm lacking in those.
red_rose said:
I'll smack Nora around for you the next time I see her if ya want.


Sounds like a plan Stan.

Hey, could you sit up for a minute? ;)