Why I know I am rich (Don't read this is you are easily grossed out)


Aim for the Bullseye ; )
Dec 27, 2000
This weekend I have been afflicted with some GI thing that began with vomiting and now is at an explossive diarrhea level. (Imodium helps to slow the process, but it aint stopping it.)

As I have been running to the toilet approximately every 10 minutes, I have had plenty of time to ponder my situation and how it is so much better than that of others in this world.

When my father was a boy in the 1930's, he and his older brother got into their Grandpa's candy stash. By the time they were caught, they had consumed several bars of Ex-Lax. Their mother, being the wise woman she was and knowing they would have nature's punishment told them to strip off their clothes and go out and sleep in the corn field that night. It was a very dramatic and memorable event in my father's life that he learned from very well.

Now, I catch myself wondering what their mother would have done if this had occured in the winter? They did not have plumbing.

Or what do the Bedouin tent people of the Middle East do?
Or people in concentration camps?
Or prisoners on work duty?
Or soldiers during the Civil War (and any of the other wars where large numbers were killed by diarrhea)?
People who live in the jungles?
Inuit people? (Eskimos)
Or anyone else who does not have the convenience of modern American plumbing within a few steps in front of them while they are wearing clothing that is VERY easily removed?

I am well aware that in an underhydrated person, this could easily be lethal. But for me, it is simply an inconvenience. I left work on Friday. I stayed home all day yesterday (except for getting takeout rice and soup). I am going to stay home all day today and continue with my Immodium. But I am able to stay clean and comfortable and safe. This proves to me that no matter how shitty (pun intended) this is, I know that I am one of the richest people in the world in my ability to deal easily with this situation.

BTW--this was a lesson for me. I ate lunch on Thursday at a buffet place. I logically know better but I wanted salad and that is the only way to get what I actually want-or I thought.
GI (or digestive tract) bugs are generally passed through the consumption of other people's shit. Gross, isn't it? Lets say that I did not bother washing my hands because, well-hell-I already washed them in the shower this morning, and I'm, hungry, and have had a good shit at work this morning and even though I THOUGHT I had not touched my shit, I did manage to get some under my fingernails. Of couse, that habit I have of scratching my ass in secret helped to inbed more germshit under my nails. But back to the story--I am so hungry, I decide to go to Golden Corral and have a nice salad with my meal. Mmmmm... I do have to touch each and every ladle/handle/spoon/scooper I can. Yum. Not to mention all the door knobs, hand rails, etc. It's good to share, right?


(IRL--I AM a handwasher. People who believe that not washing makes them have stronger immune systems from more exposure are ignoring the fact that in our society we have MEGA exposure in the first place--there is no comparison to the levels of exposure from 30 or more years ago.)
There are actually people who don't wash because they believe that it will prevent them from getting sick? That gives me the creeping willies. I wash my hands a lot, and I rarely get sick. It seems like a no-brainer. Hope you feel better.
We take for granted things like plumbing and medicine. GI infections kill thousands worldwide every year, but most of us here think of it as nothing more than a pain in the ass(pun intended). Thanks for sharing, I guess...and next time i bitch about having to pay $20 for antibiotics, I'll think of those who have to do without, instead of bitching.
I too am a handwasher...and I also carry that anti-bacterial gel with me ...I really try to not use the public rest rooms....however....once in a while....you gotta go...but when I do wash my hands in there...I ALWAYS hit the paper towel dispenser with my elbow...not my clean hands...and then I use the towel I dried my hands with to open the door...now I'm not sure that helps or not.....I do know it makes me feel that at least I did what I could to keep myself clean...
superlittlegirl said:
There are actually people who don't wash because they believe that it will prevent them from getting sick? That gives me the creeping willies. I wash my hands a lot, and I rarely get sick. It seems like a no-brainer. Hope you feel better.
Well, people who are overly concerned about disease often do go to such extremes of cleanliness and avoiding disease that they do indeed experience more disease. It is now thought in mainstream medical circles that many children who experience obsessive levels of cleanliness and avoidance of people who are sick, are exposed to a much lesser degree to organisms, which on a very low level of exposure serve to actually vaccinate us against disease.

My ex-wife, who suffers from OCD, raised my daughter in an obsessively clean environment. Worse yet, every time my daughter had a sore throat she was hauled off to the doctor and given antibiotics, whether she needed them or not (my ex never waited for the cultures to see if it was indeed a bacterial infection or a viral infection - most such infections are viral, for which anti-biotics do nothing). My daughter developed asthma, and a number of other ailments, now including one with here immune system. I think at least part of this was due to how my ex-wife reacted to any sign of sickness or contamination.

With all that said, I do think there is a happy medium. I always wash my hands after handling anything that might be contaminated (such as after using the bathroom, or when handling uncooked meat, etc.) - but I was raised on a farm and I played in the dirt, mud, in the barn, I drank unpasteurized milk (right from the cow), and was exposed to household molds, and all the rest of the stuff that drives my ex crazy (or crazier).

I don't have any respiratory allergies, and only an intolerance for lactose which is getting worse the older I get. I rarely get sick - at most I have a cold once a year. I have never been in the hospital for any reason other than injuries. Sometimes, like BG I eat something that might be contaminated, and I don't think I can do much about that.
Heretic, you are right about the happy medium.

People who obsess about dirt are idiots. Dirt is not what infects people. Nor is hay. Or your typical rabbit. Or snake. Or dog. Or swimming pool.

Other people though...well...now that is a different story.

As for me, I called my sis and my ex (both hospital experienced nurses) for advice.
My sis suggested beans and greens to fill mu gut and sweep it out. (I found a can of field peas in my cabinet. Got down about 4 spoonfuls.)
My ex suggested the BRAT diet. (When he told me, I was thinking-"Doh! I knew that!") BRAT is BananasRiceApplesauceToast and is given to hospital patients who share my bodily expression of illness. I have no 'nanas or applesauce, but I did find a single serv of papaya in my kid's snack drawer (Close enough for my desperate self.) and some bread to toast. I will see the doc tomorrow if it is not resolved at that point. I have been going at a rate of about every 5 minutes this afternoon.

On a good note, I have figured out a non-messy way of applying the Prep-H. Get two handfuls of toilet paper. Use one in the customary way. Squirt teh PrepH on the other and wipe that on. No mess. The only problem is that I will run out soon.


(BTW--I am drinking tomato juice to help my electrolyte levels. I never thought about keeping such stuff in my house when I went back on my lo carb diet.)
Tatiana0706 said:
I too am a handwasher...and I also carry that anti-bacterial gel with me ...I really try to not use the public rest rooms....however....once in a while....you gotta go...but when I do wash my hands in there...I ALWAYS hit the paper towel dispenser with my elbow...not my clean hands...and then I use the towel I dried my hands with to open the door...now I'm not sure that helps or not.....I do know it makes me feel that at least I did what I could to keep myself clean...

Hey, I've WORKED in places (like gas stations) where I've had to clean said bathrooms.......I carry a little pack of Clorox Bleach Wipes with me to wipe the seat off with on those rare occasions when I have to sit

I could tell you people DISGUSTING stories <shudder>

And I'd REALLY be scared if I were a woman, given the pathogens in blood and how often I've seen women be "unsanitary" with their sanitary napkins & toilet seat

My boss is a big "not washing builds up your system" and I won't eat at his house & have to take sanitizing gel when I have to go over for work in case I have to use the bathroom since he has no soap in there
BlondGirl said:

On a good note, I have figured out a non-messy way of applying the Prep-H. Get two handfuls of toilet paper. Use one in the customary way. Squirt teh PrepH on the other and wipe that on. No mess. The only problem is that I will run out soon.

Easier way..........Most any drug store, as well as Wal-Mart & suchlike sell BIG boxes of latex or nitryl gloves VERY cheaply
Slip one on, apply Prep H, slip it off, dispose
The gloves are nice to have around for all sorts of other things too
Like cleaning the toilet after you're done being ill :D

James G 5 said:
Hey, I've WORKED in places (like gas stations) where I've had to clean said bathrooms.......I carry a little pack of Clorox Bleach Wipes with me to wipe the seat off with on those rare occasions when I have to sit

I could tell you people DISGUSTING stories <shudder>

And I'd REALLY be scared if I were a woman, given the pathogens in blood and how often I've seen women be "unsanitary" with their sanitary napkins & toilet seat

My boss is a big "not washing builds up your system" and I won't eat at his house & have to take sanitizing gel when I have to go over for work in case I have to use the bathroom since he has no soap in there

He has NO soap in his bathroom???????....THAT IS JUST SO WRONG!:eek:
Emerald_eyed said:
I always have a stash of those on hand.

10 pars for 1$
I use them to clean toilets and stuff so I dont get chaped hands rom all the cleaners.

I buy a box of like 500 for $10 US
Like I said, they're good for LOTS
Re: OMG....

Tatiana0706 said:
He has NO soap in his bathroom???????....THAT IS JUST SO WRONG!:eek:

Other than that he's a pretty good boss tho :D