Why does anal feel better?


Literotica Guru
Sep 23, 2002
As its the season of goodwill an all that, I thought I'd ask a rather personal question...Why does anal sex feel so much better?

is it a bit of the forbidden fruit?

is it an unstretched apeture;) (ocassionaly)

is it all in the mind?

well cough up its christmas.
Look for:

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You'll see the light.
The best way I can think to describe it:

Adding an anal component to sex makes orgasms feel very three dimensional. Good stuff, that.
I know a friend of mine who would die to take that.

Merry kiss my ass indeed!
cliffchuff said:

is it a bit of the forbidden fruit?
is it an unstretched apeture?
is it all in the mind?

I'd say that all three factors have something to do with the appeal.

Plus, in an age when intercourse without serious intentions is pevalent, perhaps for some, anal sex gets to be the act you save for someone "special".

I wouldn't say it's "better", but it sure is fun to know you have a Backstage Pass....All Access Credentials...because you then know that she's given herself to you completely on the physical plane.

I find that asspect verry sexy.

Re: Re: Why does anal feel better?

Emerald_eyed said:
Meaning he/she has never had a good, solid sh**?

How do you mean unstretched?

It was built to have things go out, not in. :)

I like it in addition to...It all goes together to make a complete whole.

I wouldn't want any of it without the complete package, straight, anal, oral, it is all the best!

edited to add: My favorite is to make a man cum by playing with his prostate. I like to tease. Damn I love to play with a man anally!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Why does anal feel better?

Emerald_eyed said:
Either way, it has the same width

I would aliken it to the chinese finger toys. The kind you put your fingers in and try to get out? If you pull hard, the thing just tightens up (Going in) but if you relax and push your fingers together, your fingers come out easily. (Going out.) Or it could be like putting a plug in a drain. You have to work to get it in, but out it comes so easily. Kind of a valve thing don't you think since it has that double sphincter?

Of course you can rip your anus if your shit is too hard and too big, too.
Re: Re: Why does anal feel better?

Emerald_eyed said:
Meaning he/she has never had a good, solid sh**?

How do you mean unstretched?
lol, well, my first thought was that no shit I've ever done was the size of a babies head . . .
Better to give, or better to recieve?

I can't comment on recieving, that's only a fantasy at this point.

As for giving, I wouldn't say one is better than the other per se. It's variety, different. I've known some girls that were into the idea and that's what made it hotter. Their excitement.