Why do fat, middle-aged men think they're Gods gift to women?

warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003
Today, I braved the laundromat. Had to, as I needed to wash a king size doona, and they have an enormous front loader there just for that.
Anyway, while stuck there, I had the misfortune to become the target for no less than 4 obscenely fat, middle-aged men who thought it might be nice to hit on me :rolleyes:
One of them even cycled (and I say that carefully!) to the laundrette, with his clothes jammed in an old vaccuum cleaner box, and then just had to light a ciggie before going in and putting his stuff in the machine! And then, after forcing me into a corner for conversation, invited me to his caravan (trailer, for you American folk) to join him for lunch - spam sandwiches :throwupemoteneeded:

Seriously - how can someone who needs to hitch his stomach over his sweatpants, has less than 3 teeth, and lives in a caravan EVER possibly think that women would find that attractive?

About 35 minutes into this hell, a carload of Japanes tourists - girls - turned up to do their laundry, and these guys turned on the charm like you would not believe!
The poor girls didn't know which way to turn.

Men...... I hate to break it to you..... but when you get old, toothless and obscenely fat, there is no way any self-respecting female will ever want to live out her days with you in your caravan!
Today, I braved the laundromat. Had to, as I needed to wash a king size doona, and they have an enormous front loader there just for that.
Anyway, while stuck there, I had the misfortune to become the target for no less than 4 obscenely fat, middle-aged men who thought it might be nice to hit on me :rolleyes:
One of them even cycled (and I say that carefully!) to the laundrette, with his clothes jammed in an old vaccuum cleaner box, and then just had to light a ciggie before going in and putting his stuff in the machine! And then, after forcing me into a corner for conversation, invited me to his caravan (trailer, for you American folk) to join him for lunch - spam sandwiches :throwupemoteneeded:

Seriously - how can someone who needs to hitch his stomach over his sweatpants, has less than 3 teeth, and lives in a caravan EVER possibly think that women would find that attractive?

About 35 minutes into this hell, a carload of Japanes tourists - girls - turned up to do their laundry, and these guys turned on the charm like you would not believe!
The poor girls didn't know which way to turn.

Men...... I hate to break it to you..... but when you get old, toothless and obscenely fat, there is no way any self-respecting female will ever want to live out her days with you in your caravan!

Who said his looking for a woman with self respect?
Rejected again, huh?

Lol - I have a man of my own..... 3, if you count our friends who sometimes fuck me, and lady friend I play with regularly :eek:

What I don't get, is men who are so obviously NOT fine specimens, yet still think they're irrestitable!?
Today, I braved the laundromat. Had to, as I needed to wash a king size doona, and they have an enormous front loader there just for that.
Anyway, while stuck there, I had the misfortune to become the target for no less than 4 obscenely fat, middle-aged men who thought it might be nice to hit on me :rolleyes:
One of them even cycled (and I say that carefully!) to the laundrette, with his clothes jammed in an old vaccuum cleaner box, and then just had to light a ciggie before going in and putting his stuff in the machine! And then, after forcing me into a corner for conversation, invited me to his caravan (trailer, for you American folk) to join him for lunch - spam sandwiches :throwupemoteneeded:

Seriously - how can someone who needs to hitch his stomach over his sweatpants, has less than 3 teeth, and lives in a caravan EVER possibly think that women would find that attractive?

About 35 minutes into this hell, a carload of Japanes tourists - girls - turned up to do their laundry, and these guys turned on the charm like you would not believe!
The poor girls didn't know which way to turn.

Men...... I hate to break it to you..... but when you get old, toothless and obscenely fat, there is no way any self-respecting female will ever want to live out her days with you in your caravan!

Because guys are stupid assholes.

Know my favorite? And I ran into this at the bar last week in my dart league.

Tow guys in their forties looking like they're 9 months pregnant were talking about the girl on my dart team (who happens to be my 20 year old niece) when I was at the bar.

They said she was really nice, but would be even hotter if she would lose that extra twenty pounds.

I walked over to her, got her compact out of her purse and went over and dropped it at their feet. One of them asked what I was doing and I told them I was leaving it there so they could see their cocks for the first time in ten years.

Guys are just disgusting pieces of shit, they let themselves get fat and out of shape, dress like slobs, act like ten year old's barely shave and act like every woman should get down on their knees like a porn star for them.

Makes me embarrassed to be one.

Then again, I make an effort to look good for my wife. I'm closing in on 45, but have a 32" waist I'm about 180 work out four times a week and take karate. I also have the amazing ability to look down and see my cock!
Because guys are stupid assholes.

Know my favorite? And I ran into this at the bar last week in my dart league.

Tow guys in their forties looking like they're 9 months pregnant were talking about the girl on my dart team (who happens to be my 20 year old niece) when I was at the bar.

They said she was really nice, but would be even hotter if she would lose that extra twenty pounds.

I walked over to her, got her compact out of her purse and went over and dropped it at their feet. One of them asked what I was doing and I told them I was leaving it there so they could see their cocks for the first time in ten years.

Guys are just disgusting pieces of shit, they let themselves get fat and out of shape, dress like slobs, act like ten year old's barely shave and act like every woman should get down on their knees like a porn star for them.

Makes me embarrassed to be one.

Then again, I make an effort to look good for my wife. I'm closing in on 45, but have a 32" waist I'm about 180 work out four times a week and take karate. I also have the amazing ability to look down and see my cock!

I really don't understand why [some] men expect their women to do everything possible to stay looking as good as they can, but those same men have no problem growing a beer gut and sporting 2 week old grey whiskers?
I really don't understand why [some] men expect their women to do everything possible to stay looking as good as they can, but those same men have no problem growing a beer gut and sporting 2 week old grey whiskers?

See my point of men are stupid assholes.

I come from the school you get what you give. I enjoy that my wife does what she can to look good for me and I do the same.

Men try to pray o women's self esteem make them feel they should be lucky to have them.

All I can say is that back when I was single those fat fucks made things really easy for me to do well with the ladies.
Seems the question in the OP could be turned around quite easily.

Yes, it could.
My personal defense is that, at 44, I look better than I did at 24!
But you are right.... there's a lot of women out there that could do with major refits :rolleyes:
And honestly.... Who the hell tries to pick up at a laundromat?

It's as good a place as any.

This guy was not always a fat middle aged man and there's a good chance he once had more than three teeth. If his self image was frozen in time, back when the wrapping on God's gift was a little neater, that's his problem. It's no reflection on you.
What Bronze says is true, it is no reflection on you. That's something that amuses me to no end, men will flirt with any female at almost any time if the opportunity is there. You don't have to be "hot" you don't even have to be attractive, you just have to be breathing.
conversely, thin men with good teeth are G/god's gift to women, even if they are total assholes.
Because guys are stupid assholes.

You mean, like this guy?


lovecraft68 said:
Wake up and stop judging everything as racism.

Where I work when we get extremely busy we hire temps from an agency. Many of these people are hispanic and many have not been here long.

a few months ago the people who come at night and clean the bathrooms said they refuse to clean the toilets in the factory because they refuse to clean shit off the floor and sides of the toilet.

I wasn't sure what the hell was going on and long story short I began following people into the bathroom.

I followed a hispanic man into it and when I entered I saw the stall closed, but not his feet. I went into the next stall and peeked over and the guy is squatting over the toilet with his feet on the edges, trying to shit down into the toilet.

Did you make this pathetic shit up, or did you actually look in on a guy taking a shit?

I will ask the question until you answer it to my satisfaction. :cool: