Why are some new comers welcomed more than others


Sep 21, 2002
Your opinions please,

Why are some new comers welcomed more than others?

I really have no thought on this i am just really currious as to what the reasoning is as your opinions.

I would suppose it depends on the quality and quantity of the newcomer's posts, and the impulse of those reading.

Welcome to the board fellow Marylander.

I for one do not have time to read all the posts. I only read what interests me. Every now and then I give a global welcome.

I do think that it may be unrealistic to think that everyone can or will welcome everyone who posts here.

Do not take offense. Some of us to have lives outside of Lit, lol.

Depends on when a new person joins and where this new person posts.

I do not read each thread,so sometimes new people come and I dont even know it.
I am not saying anything about the welcome i have gotten.

I have gotten a great welcome.

I am just saying i know of others and not just here at literotica it is in general in the lifestyle.

I do think maybe it is the timing and that i was just currious.
Yep, its the timing. I'm glad to see all the new people join us but I don't always say anything.... especially if someone else has already welcomed them.

BTW, Hi. Call me des.
I can't really say as far as Lit since I'm a 'newbie' here too, but I do have thoughts on the welcoming of newcomers to the lifestyle in general. The timing issue as far as most forums and even chatrooms makes sense though, and I also think that sometimes certain attitudes or ways of expression are not as clear as other's, so people tend to hold back the 'open arms' and wait and see if that person is someone honestly interested in the lifestyle, or just a poser, wannabe or troll. Especially people that DO have some experience and share that right off the bat...kind of puts up the defenses and makes others wonder "Do they REALLY have experience or just trying to impress us?".

A lot of newcomers seem to be afraid to admit that they don't know as much or have experienced as much as the next person. This usually seems to come with the need to impress someone, and is done by either preaching about issues they have no working knowledge in, giving advice with no real experience to base it on, or wording their thoughts as hard facts rather than personal opinions. I myself don't admire that quality, even if I do understand why they do it, so might not be as welcoming as I normally would be. I'd still be FRIENDLY, but not likely have much interest in forming a friendship or really listening to what they have to say. If someone feels they have to try to impress me or others, I'm immediatly not impressed with them. I prefer honesty and admire people that aren't afraid to admit what they don't know and simply ask....sans attitude.

Overall, attitude matters. I had one girl once that came to me asking for advice on the party scene, since I've been to a few parties and whatnot and write a lot of stories based on them. I also advised her to ask around and gave her a few more people to talk to that had more experience with the party in particular she was hoping to attend since it was one I'd never been to, just knew people involved. She ended up clinging to me like a leech, not willing to accept or seek out anyone else's advice, unwilling to find the answers to her questions on her own, preferring to ask me right off the bat as if my word was set in stone, copying many things I did or said....overall, she was very clingy and un-original. I felt like I had an annoying kid sister at my side all the time, and got to the point where I didn't want to be around her at all because of her smothering attitude and didn't want the responsibility of being her only contact.

A newcomer that is honest, open, original and willing to accept that learning and forming relationships takes TIME...is someone that I hope to get to know and make an effort to get to know.
As with the other replies, I don't read every thread here. I look at titles of threads and click on those that interest me. Also, there are times, unfortunately, when some one will pop in with a "Hi, I'm new" post, and then never show up again. Maybe they go into "lurk" mode, but the more one contributes to the forum the more likely they are to be welcomed and well-received.
I agree with Chele

sometimes people will pop-in and then never show up again ,but I'm hoping it was never because they were not treated with respect ,or courtesy as we all deserve that..I try to take time to make people feel at least a little welcome even tho I do have a busy life outside of Lit,that's no excuse to me that while I'm ONLINE ,I canstill be the same sweet courteous ,person that I am offline,I expect that of myself and hope others do also :D
Happy you feel welcome ,sweety:)
I leave all the welcoming to my Number 1 Stalkee...

Debbiexxx. She's very good at welcoming others to the forums and she's very good at birthday wishes also.

aka "Mr. Bootie"
Re: I agree with Chele

Artful's dream said:
sometimes people will pop-in and then never show up again ,but I'm hoping it was never because they were not treated with respect ,or courtesy as we all deserve that..I try to take time to make people feel at least a little welcome even tho I do have a busy life outside of Lit,that's no excuse to me that while I'm ONLINE ,I canstill be the same sweet courteous ,person that I am offline,I expect that of myself and hope others do also :D
Happy you feel welcome ,sweety:)

I think what you have said here deserves to be quoted. I think we all as a group should hope that people dont post then never come back because of not feeling welcome. We should also strive to be kind and caring of others and there feelings and listen to what they have to say on a subject and if we all do that we may all be able to help each other learn and grow as a group and as a person.
It isn't even really just the lifestyle.

It happens on forums and sites all over the internet.

People wait to see if newcomers are sincere, to be trusted, are interesting and all that.

Some places, I have been immediately and warmly welcomed. Other times, I keep entering discussions until I feel a sense of belonging.

Then others, I, too, walk away from :)

...I just run out of time. Hoping that others will take the opportunity to welcome a NEW poster. I think it's important, and I contribute as much as is practical to welcoming ALL new posters. :) To you,...and to ALL the new people who are lurking, or just now beginning to post. "WELCOME" to the Forum.


OMG... I'm a lurker! lol
I read more than I post... much more, just compare the history file on my pc to the number of posts and the date I registered.
Does that make me a lit stalker? Nope, just a good listener.

Ever just stand quietly and listen to the silence of a beautiful sunrise. It won't fill you with knowledge. It won't fill you with widsom. But it will fill you with peace and comfort you with warmth.

(OMG did i just say that??? oops sorry that was even gushier than normal.... what's up with that?? let me go check myself for a fever... )
