Who Told Susan Rice To Lie To The American People?

<babble snip>Obama has no mandate.

I don't see how you can honestly say that with a straight face.

We just had a national referendum on President Obama's policies, and the man was returned to the White House for another four year term. The majority of the American people have endorsed has plan for the future of America. They've categorically rejected the Bootstrappy Gospel of Ayn Rand, with its "punish the poor" agenda.

Saying our President does not have a mandate is simply not born out by facts.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, it appears Hillary prefers Kerry to Rice.


"I earned capital in this campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it. It is my*style."
That's the late Amy Winehouse.

If you want a good listen, download her Lioness album. Chock full o' unreleased and remixed gems. ;)


Don't know why I didn't recognize Winehouse. I liked her music, especially Rehab. Will check out Lioness.
It's real simple, half the nation thinks otherwise except for a tiny 2%. So one can call that a majority of voters but not a mandate from the American people as a whole to alter the course of America. If he would have gotten 60% maybe, but he got less votes than McCain/Palin, so I wouldn't say he had a mandate to affect the lives of the other half.

If you want to play games with numbers you could say that white folks are 74% of the total American population, Romney got 59% of their votes, the largest amount by presidential candidate in history who then failed to win. So by virtue of this percentage of the "majority" Romney had their "mandate," against the 39% of their vote Obama got. Games are games.


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Please! obummer didn't win by much (popular vote)

now if you look at the big picture: union thugs, government asshats, those living off entitlements you have 60% of the American population

so the fact that obama had 50% of the vote, says that there is hope for America
I am with you Jen in Florida. The idiot obama lovers have not got a clue what je is really about. They are about to find out very soon though. It was not because they liked obama or his policies it was about getting the freebies and that is it. They are stupid people that do not realize the money has run out and the freebies are going to be gone. Here come obama and here come the tax man !!!! Dan in Florida.
It's real simple, half the nation thinks otherwise except for a tiny 2%. So one can call that a majority of voters but not a mandate from the American people as a whole to alter the course of America. If he would have gotten 60% maybe, but he got less votes than McCain/Palin, so I wouldn't say he had a mandate to affect the lives of the other half.

If you want to play games with numbers you could say that white folks are 74% of the total American population, Romney got 59% of their votes, the largest amount by presidential candidate in history who then failed to win. So by virtue of this percentage of the "majority" Romney had their "mandate," against the 39% of their vote Obama got. Games are games.

You mean less than half think otherwise. Not only did he win the popular vote, but President Obama won an Electoral landslide by the definitions set forth by conservatives when they thought Rmoney was going to win.

Spin the numbers however you want bitter, angry, old, loser.

That last paragraph is hilarious, and very telling of your attitude and that of the GOP in general.

It's a pity for you that "white folks" aren't the only ones allowed to vote eh? I mean, if you REALLY want to play numbers then you could just count the bitter, old, angry, white men...
You mean less than half think otherwise. Not only did he win the popular vote, but President Obama won an Electoral landslide by the definitions set forth by conservatives when they thought Rmoney was going to win.

Spin the numbers however you want bitter, angry, old, loser.

That last paragraph is hilarious, and very telling of your attitude and that of the GOP in general.

It's a pity for you that "white folks" aren't the only ones allowed to vote eh? I mean, if you REALLY want to play numbers then you could just count the bitter, old, angry, white men...

Not only white men, but land-owning white men. I believe he wants "freeholder" voting to return.
You mean less than half think otherwise. Not only did he win the popular vote, but President Obama won an Electoral landslide by the definitions set forth by conservatives when they thought Rmoney was going to win.

Spin the numbers however you want bitter, angry, old, loser.

That last paragraph is hilarious, and very telling of your attitude and that of the GOP in general.

It's a pity for you that "white folks" aren't the only ones allowed to vote eh? I mean, if you REALLY want to play numbers then you could just count the bitter, old, angry, white men...

wow how awesome, now if you look at the "Electoral" demographics 90% of those people are wanna be socialist. hum.... Sorry STD I know it kind of hurts when you are forced to deal with reality.
wow how awesome, now if you look at the "Electoral" demographics 90% of those people are wanna be socialist. hum.... Sorry STD I know it kind of hurts when you are forced to deal with reality.

Lets say for the sake of argument that you are right. This is a democracy, if the people want to be socialist they get to be socialist because that's how they voted.
And look at what these Republicans are doing now. Wastefully spending money investigating something that is a witchhunt, and playing financial chicken, AGAIN, with the economy for whom, the richest 2fuckingpercent and military contracters.

Orange John is still pissed that the President taxed his tanning bed. And it shows!

its more than that. if obama got what he wanted, it would be the end of capitalism in America. Obama wants to transform America and by transform I mean to take it back to 1700 world

Just say no to the obama and socialism!
Here's a sweet photo of her from Vette's days of turbulent boyhood, wiped clean of his viscous cumstains:


Nice pic of Minnie but can you withhold the rhetoric when referring to Minnie? I'd like to remember Minnie as she was without any stains. Just saying. :)
Nice pic of Minnie but can you withhold the rhetoric when referring to Minnie? I'd like to remember Minnie as she was without any stains. Just saying. :)

You got it, Ver. To make up for that, here's a 'nother sweet one of her showing a lil' sass:
