Who Told Susan Rice To Lie To The American People?

Who altered Petraeus' CIA assessment to exclude mentions of terrorism and al Qeada, and then told her to go out and spread the lie? Why didn't she resign on principle instead of intentionally lying to the American people? Just askin.....at the risk of being labeled as racist and sexist.:rolleyes::D

She's either stupid, or has her head up obma's ass thinking he's a head puppet
thank god she has shoulders, otherwise how far would she go .....
well, I don't know about you but I always carry a rocket launcher in my car...as you just never know when a planned "spontaneous" terrorist attack will happen
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In other days she would be called out as a "quisling."

obama is disgusting. and what's up with chicken little going, "If you resist Rice then you have a problem with me!"

holy shit, did obama just smirf into Joseph Stalin

Meanwhile, here in the reality-based world, far removed from Vetty's reality distortion cocoon, the nonexistent case against Susan Rice crumbles.

The Nonexistent Case Against Susan Rice Crumbles

Republican Peter King admitted today on CNN that David Petraeus, in his Hill briefing, the one John McCain couldn't be bothered to attend because he was holding a press conference denouncing the administration for withholding information, gave Susan Rice the green light to say what she said on those TV appearances on that fateful day.


Better luck next smear!! :)
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People arguing over what was said behind closed doors, "unoffical" points of view from both parties. It's LAUGHABLE!
Bullshit! The Democrat position as stated today is that because she is black and a female, she is above criticism. Further, if you are black and female, you can act irresponsibly in government, you can engage in activity that would cost a white male his job with impunity. In her case professional integrity, oath of office, public trust, represent no obstacles whatsoever to her behavior. We understand where you're coming from.

The question remains, who told her to lie to the American people? Who?

So we should believe you instead of the testimony?

Is that your position?
Bullshit! The Democrat position as stated today is that because she is black and a female, she is above criticism. Further, if you are black and female, you can act irresponsibly in government, you can engage in activity that would cost a white male his job with impunity. In her case professional integrity, oath of office, public trust, represent no obstacles whatsoever to her behavior. We understand where you're coming from.

The question remains, who told her to lie to the American people? Who?

That's funny. It was white males in position who fucked up.
Bullshit! The Democrat position as stated today is that because she is black and a female, she is above criticism. Further, if you are black and female, you can act irresponsibly in government, you can engage in activity that would cost a white male his job with impunity. In her case professional integrity, oath of office, public trust, represent no obstacles whatsoever to her behavior. We understand where you're coming from.

The question remains, who told her to lie to the American people? Who?

Reference for the above?

You know, so that you're not viewed as either racist or sexist.
Bullshit! The Democrat position as stated today is that because she is black and a female, she is above criticism. Further, if you are black and female, you can act irresponsibly in government, you can engage in activity that would cost a white male his job with impunity. In her case professional integrity, oath of office, public trust, represent no obstacles whatsoever to her behavior. We understand where you're coming from.

The question remains, who told her to lie to the American people? Who?

On what do you base that accusation?
Vettebirther has been a lot of, "I heard", "I was told", etc. lately. This kinda comedy is the only reason he escapes the iggy list.
Petraeus testified this morning that his assessment was altered. But do keep on pretending that all is well at the top.:rolleyes:

First off, it wasn't immediately known that it was al qaeda or that group affiliated with it. There were over 20 reports that blamed it on the video that were eventually disproved over time. Therefore, he didn't lie to congress.

Secondly, it still has not been established that those 20 reports were disproved before she spoke about them. If they were, then we do need to understand why that happened and who altered the report. But at this point, it has not been definitively established that she lied.

I'm content to wait and see what the investigation shows. Personally, I'm not thrilled with her and think she should probably resign over the whole thing. But I'm not about to jump the gun on anything either.
Bullshit! The Democrat position as stated today is that because she is black and a female, she is above criticism. Further, if you are black and female, you can act irresponsibly in government, you can engage in activity that would cost a white male his job with impunity. In her case professional integrity, oath of office, public trust, represent no obstacles whatsoever to her behavior. We understand where you're coming from.

The question remains, who told her to lie to the American people? Who?

Reference for the above?

You know, so that you're not viewed as either racist or sexist.


No, Vette's not racist or sexist at all.
In this case it was probably Admiral Obama:



Gee, thanks for clearing that up.

We were all wondering who you were going to complain about.
And to think, only four more years of senile old men complaining about the same fucking shit day in, day out.
Being black, female, saying things that later proved inaccurate, and having the name of Rice has never been a barrier to being Secretary of State before--why start now?