Who protects the Tax Payer


Literotica Guru
Jun 20, 2011
lazy and ignorant government fucktards aka workers have a union, but who is looking out for the rights of the tax payer?

we need a union to protect US, the tax payer, that employes those lazy fucktards. We need a union to go after waste and government fucktard workers that are not doing their job.

we need to take away pension and money from those government workers that are not doing his or her job!

stand up, strike out and demand our fair share!
Yes eliminate the unfunded retirement plans of all US gov workers, put them on Social Security like the rest of us. Watch Congress really work to make SS good after that.

HAHAHA NEVER HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i know alot of people who went to jail for taxes an that shit is not coo if you come to look at it.
The only taxes NeverEndingMe has paid are the taxes for cigarettes and alcohol.
The only taxes NeverEndingMe has paid are the taxes for cigarettes and alcohol.

if there were true, you should be happy as that means you would have more welfare.

some day you will realize what a sorry joke you are. a test taker, how sad. no wonder government is such a fucked up place to work as you idiots fail to see the important things