Who are you?


A little surprised this hasn't been the answer to the question yet. Maybe I'm the only romantic...

I was a reader of stories on Lit and then felt I could do a better job of writing than most of what I was reading, so I took a chance and got something published, and it was received well enough that I wanted to do more. I enjoy knowing that people like what I'm writing. That makes all of the hours it takes to write worthwhile.
Yes. The son of a Marxist historian, a degree in modern history myself, a prolific reader of (mostly) twentieth century history, with a bit of pre-history thrown in.
I meant to say that I was a history geek, but now we both know what is needed. Not sure if I have a favorite period, although my Geek Pride entry will show one contender.
I'm just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood.
I keep getting these unexpected memory lapses, especially having to do with popular culture. I should have recognized it, but I had to look it up.
A little surprised this hasn't been the answer to the question yet. Maybe I'm the only romantic...

I was a reader of stories on Lit and then felt I could do a better job of writing than most of what I was reading, so I took a chance and got something published, and it was received well enough that I wanted to do more. I enjoy knowing that people like what I'm writing. That makes all of the hours it takes to write worthwhile.
I do need to know. Who is that?
Yes. The son of a Marxist historian, a degree in modern history myself, a prolific reader of (mostly) twentieth century history, with a bit of pre-history thrown in.
I've been a history geek too since I was a kid. My dad (definitely not a Marxist) has always been a US Civil War buff and I think that's where I picked it up; I grew up with history books all over the shelves. Loved Herodotus and Thucydides. Many of the "lessons" you can learn from history are contained in The Peloponnesian War.
It was a compliment.
She and her friends still call me "Triple A" to this day, when my wife and I see her.
Does you wife know exactly who is she is? I never would have gotten away with that with my ex-wife. She did, however, get away with a few things of her own. Lack of balance, perhaps. It's all moot now, of course.
Does you wife know exactly who is she is? I never would have gotten away with that with my ex-wife. She did, however, get away with a few things of her own. Lack of balance, perhaps. It's all moot now, of course.
Yes she does.
It doesn't bother her at all.
Why should it???
I am friends or at least on friendly terms with all but 3 of my ex's. (1 is dead)
Yes she does.
It doesn't bother her at all.
Why should it???
I am friends or at least on friendly terms with all but 3 of my ex's. (1 is dead)
"Why should it?" Because people are unpredictable and will do almost anything. Eventually, it got to the point where my ex-wife could get away with a lot more than I could. I was young, foolish, and the whole dynamic was different from yours. Now I know better, but it no longer matters. :unsure:
"Why should it?" Because people are unpredictable and will do almost anything. Eventually, it got to the point where my ex-wife could get away with a lot more than I could. I was young, foolish, and the whole dynamic was different from yours. Now I know better, but it no longer matters. :unsure:
I'm sorry to hear that you had such a horrible experience with your ex-wife.
I hope that your current one OR your next one, is much better bro.
I'm sorry to hear that you had such a horrible experience with your ex-wife.
I hope that your current one OR your next one, is much better bro.
No, it was not a horrible experience. Perhaps I had wish it had gone better, but we had some good times too. Probably she was one one the brightest people I have ever met, and we always had great conversations. We now have two adult children.

At the age of 67, I don't expect to be do any dating, much less finding another wife. I'm sort of beyond all of that drama. ;)
I’m a professional writer and I have been so for more that 60 years. For the first 50 or so of those years I led a pretty interesting life. Then, eleven years ago, I was told that I had months to live. Against all predictions, I’m still here – although not much of me works any more. But my brain still ticks over. And my fingers still sort of work. I may still be here tomorrow. Who knows? :)
Keep tapping those keys… you’re a hero
I'm your average, blue-collar guy. 54 years old, married, with two children, and one grandchild. Thirteen-year vet after ten years in the Coast Guard and three more in the Florida Air National Guard. My wife and I have a 10-acre homestead in the foothills of southern Idaho.

I've always been a decent writer since my creative writing class in junior high. Mostly, because I was a voracious reader back then. Mom was handing me her novels at twelve. Peter Benchley's Jaws was the first, I think.
I've always wanted to write. But coming up with something unique and interesting has always been a challenge. I did do a four-issue run of a comic book, my buddy and I were trying to market, but it was shot down shortly before the paperwork was signed with the publisher. I've come up with a unique alternate history idea for a novel, but the amount of research into two cultures and their history would be problematic at best.

And then I discovered this place. After reading some stories here I realized that I could do this. I had enough smutty fantasies rolling around in my head and now a place to put them. I'm eight stories in (with another in the can) after six months and I'm quite hooked now. Like it or not, you guys are stuck with me.
I would be happy to give an answer but am too busy scratching my sexual itches while trying to forget how bad all the CSI shows were. Didn't The Who have a song called Who Are You?
Sone of the CSI episodes were really good.

That said I can only remember two really good ones.

The Sherlock Holmes one, and then one where everyone was trying to kill the same guy and failing.

Both of those were excellent.
Seriously, I'm just a 30something nobody, struggling with life, failing to various degrees at anything I've attempted, and most of the significant things I've wanted, or desired has been unobtainanble, or temporary. The only thing impressive is that I'm still here to tell the tales of sorrow, strife, and mediocrity.
Anyway, replying to the OP, as my bio says -

"Civil engineer by trade. Usually write technical documents. Have all these thoughts rattling around in my head that need to get out. Mostly harmless..."

Outside of that, married no kids, oldest in my karate dojo but one of the lower ranks, have a Triumph Herald convertible I try to use when it's not raining.

There's nothing in the above I haven't mentioned before, but some writers prefer to keep a very tight hold on their privacy.
Wow... I'm a mechanical engineer by trade. Semi-retired but still do some engineering consulting. Writing engineering reports, although erotic stories are more fun. You have a Triumph Herald... I'm the original owner of a '73 TR6. It could use a paint job, but the engine, with over 250,000 miles is strong.
Wow... I'm a mechanical engineer by trade. Semi-retired but still do some engineering consulting. Writing engineering reports, although erotic stories are more fun. You have a Triumph Herald... I'm the original owner of a '73 TR6. It could use a paint job, but the engine, with over 250,000 miles is strong.

Despite what those commenting on my latest story speculate about me being some sort of cock hungry sexually inadequate deviant... I'm single, straight, white, friendly and eager to make others feel good about themselves and build their self esteem and confidence with kind words and positivity.

Truth is I'm just an average mid-life British guy. If you passed me on the street, and who knows maybe you have? You'd probably not give me a second look, heck few give me a first look judging by my romantic history with women, or lack there of! haha

I enjoy watching TV, playing video games and chatting with those I'm closest to. There is nothing special about me, nor remarkable. I just go about life as everyone else does, plodding along without any particularly hopes or dreams that are worth mentioning. Only difference between me and the millions upon millions of other British men approaching 40 is I post smut online for fun, where they just think it in their heads.