Where Does Your Mind Wonder?


Literotica Guru
Feb 12, 2011

I haven't posted a thread in quite sometime so i will keep this short.

I was having numerous discussions with my friend and one question i asked was...

'When your mind wonders, do you ever get scared of where it goes too and the thoughts you produce?'

I'm really curious to hear other people's thoughts on this matter, and i am sorry if this topic has been posted before.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Sanidia x
A wondering mind gathers no moss. :D

I am never scared of my own thoughts, though I do find some others to be rather disturbing! :eek:
True, it does keep the old cogs turning as they say.

But then again turning that around many people may find your wondering mind scary or disturbing....
I know what you mean. Sometimes the things that pop into my head don't really gel with the kind of person I think I am - sexually or otherwise. It hasn't bothered me recently though. I just try to remind myself that we are the sum of our actions, and that a few fucked-up thoughts caused by malfunctioning synapses don't reflect on who you are.
yes definately have some wtf? thoughts have no idea how they got in my head but they did! disturbed me a bit to begin with but hey they are only thoughts!
i was like that the other day, literally i was sitting in my local cafe having a coffee and writing and then out of no where i get one of the most erotic thoughts ive had in sometime, and there i am sitting in the middle of the cafe turned on, partner is at work, looking around eyeing up men and women and they must of known!

im not saying these thoughts are bad but they are entertaining especially when i tell my partner ;)

my mind usually wanders all over the nearest woman...
or man depending on how he presents himself.
It's my fucked up dreams that disturb me more than my daytime thoughts . And no I don't have cheese late at night
i was like that the other day, literally i was sitting in my local cafe having a coffee and writing and then out of no where i get one of the most erotic thoughts ive had in sometime, and there i am sitting in the middle of the cafe turned on, partner is at work, looking around eyeing up men and women and they must of known!

im not saying these thoughts are bad but they are entertaining especially when i tell my partner ;)

..and when you tell us. ;)
My mind wonders if people mean wander. :D

Most of the time it wanders 10,000 miles and thinks the filthiest things. Stuff that would make Satan herself blush.

Just today I was conducting a meeting and I was so fucking toey I was beside myself. I had to put my hand in my pocket to keep from showing my junk. I also had to cleverly place my foot near the bottom of my pants, so it didn't escape the bottom. All from a simple conversation I had earlier. Mixed with a little anger and disobedience.
Interesting thread.

Well, as my understanding of thoughts runs something like this...

I don't worry to much because I believe that only God and myself can hear my thoughts.

God already knows the screwed up, base sining pervert that I am.

Having said that I do try to school my thoughts away from the more harmful stuff.

Where the mind dwells the heart and soul soon follows.
Wandering ?

mmmm not really BUT

I do like to "people watch"

Sometimes my dreams are vivid... Sometimes sexual, other times not...

Things are slow at work, I go on Literotica
my mind mostly goes towards my busy schedule as of late and wondering about what the future holds for me career wise.
Goodness a better question would be where doesn't my mind wonder. My mind is all over the place. Not that it is disorganized, well I don't think so, but I can't remember all the things I think about throughout the day. Starting at the weather to flight patterns of the monarch butterfly. From Star Trek transporters to ancient burial grounds. Really the subjects are all over the place. And dreams are just as bad. From killer robots to giant rats. If I am people watching well then it gets interesting because I make up some really good stories to go with. Lol.

mostly my mind wanders to the closest woman to me...
barring that venue, it wanders to the nearest goodlooking man closest to me
and from there---, well the stars are the limits.
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When my mind wanders, I tend to wonder about most pleasant and enjoyable things - flights of fancy, hiking in the woods, sailing, sex, or doing something else I enjoy. I have a very pleasant and agreeable mind. :cool:
I know that they sound really similar, but the whole wonder/wander things bugs me to no end.

Like when people confuse weary/wary, too? Oh Man, that really rustles my jimmies.

When I am bored thats when my mind takes over And yes it scares me. But I have learned to turn those thoughts into stories:devil:
my mind takes me a lot of places! :devil: it wonders/wanders to places i least expect at times but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. ;)
I know that they sound really similar, but the whole wonder/wander things bugs me to no end.

Like when people confuse weary/wary, too? Oh Man, that really rustles my jimmies.

Don't even get me started on jimmy rustling, the only thing worse than the misuse of a word is the inability to use words as they are intended, case in point "ginormous". "Ginormous" is not a word, something is either gigantic or it is enormous. "Ginormous" is the misspelling of ignoramus, meaning one who has no ability to speak or use words properly! :rolleyes::D
'When your mind wonders, do you ever get scared of where it goes too and the thoughts you produce?'

Doesn't bother me at all. No one will ever know, and that's all that matters.

This thread reminds of that age old question, "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?"

Mind reading is always a popular choice, but why would you want to know? If you could read everyone's mind, there's nobody left to like.
The last time I let my mind wander, it was gone for three weeks and it sent me a post card from Disney World.....