Where are you going when you die?

Probably Red's in Clarksdale.

Cheap quarts.

Okay barbecue.

Usually good music.
I'm going to haunt lit:
If you're ever all alone in some scary place—like a forest or maybe an abandoned cabin of some kind—those creepy-ass faint moans will be mine. You'll be plenty spooked then. Even if you've gone completely bald, you'll still have hair on your arms, and it's going to be standing straight up by the time I'm through with you. And then I'll be all, "Boo"

That's all there is. Life, Death, Wormshite.

We invented God because Wormshite isn't appealing enough to entice a lifetime of good behaviour and obedience to your masters.
Death is very socialist. We all have to take part. Obama ruining yet another thing.
You're not going anywhere when you die!

Consciousness requires a brain, after the brain dies, consciousness is forever extinguished. Just like the state of nonexistence before you were born.

The afterlife is utterly nonexistent.

The best way I can describe this is like passing out an never regaining consciousness, for eternity!
You're not going anywhere when you die!

Consciousness requires a brain, after the brain dies, consciousness is forever extinguished. Just like the state of nonexistence before you were born.

The afterlife is utterly nonexistent.

The best way I can describe this is like passing out an never regaining consciousness, for eternity!

Prove it.
Catholic me: Heaven or Purgatory (Maybe Hell)
Mohawk me: Happy Hunting Grounds
Scientific me: Fertilizer
Reincarnation as a DD bra?

It's is all about faith. If you have no belief in an afterlife your soul won't go looking for one as you die, and it will just dissipate. Where it goes, I haven't a clue, but I'm pretty sure it gets reused, probably implanted at the moment of conception. Consciousness gets left behind. Otherwise, it would get pretty messy. Maybe memory fragments remain, explaining a number of things.
Sometimes Red will slip you moonshine.

It tastes like shit.

Can't refuse hospitality, though.

I wonder if God stocks a better bar?