When Fed's fall ~ Ember's Protector {Closed}

He looked at Ember. He was wondering why she was surprised he was single. "Well I spent a couple years in the military, which doesn't really lend itself to relationships. Then I went to the police academy and I was focused on just getting through. While in the police academy I got pulled out to go undercover to get Makzim. Undercover work doesn't lend itself to relationships unless you are giving the other person false information, because you have to maintain that undercover personality. I don't think that is fair to do to someone else. So, it is just lonely old me."
That is too bad. You are so nice and caring it is a shame that you don't have anyone. Like I have any room to talk. I wasn't exactly in the kind of situation to afford me a loving caring other half either.

She shrugged and began to explore the house.
Nick watched Ember walk away. She was so attractive, and she had a fantastic body, and she certainly seemed like she was a very nice person. It was really a shame that she had been forced to do what she did by Makzim. Nick wished there was some way he could take it all back.

Nick let Ember explore. He didn't want her to feel like he was hovering over her. She had to feel like she had some space. That way, he hoped, she would start to realize that she was no longer under anyone's control.
She walked into the living room and finding the remote turned on the TV and was flipping through the channels till a face that flashed across the news froze her where she stood. THey were talking about Makzim and the picture showed that face of rage she knew way too well.
Nick followed Ember into the living room, but he gave her distance. He focused on her as she watched the story about her former tormentor. He could see her tense up. Nick walked up behind her, placed his hands on her shoulders and whispered to her, "he will never hurt you ever again. I promise you that Ember."
Her eyes were locked on those eyes she could not look away. She was shaking till the image was gone and she turned sharp and buried her face in his shoulder and chest.

Just seeing those eyes I can feel every bit of it all over again... still hear it all over again.
Nick wrapped his arms around Ember again. He held her tight to him. "It isn't going to happen overnight Ember. He was the reason for your life being what it was. He will never again hurt you. That is my solemn promise to you. I will take care of you until you tell me that you want to go. Until then...not him...not anyone will hurt you." He held her tight and then he kissed the top of her head to attempt to comfort her.
Why would I leave you... you are all I have now.

She curled close against him staring into his eyes.

So what do we do?
"I just don't want you to think that you have no choice in what you do. Those days are over. You are the one making decisions about your life." He continued to hold her close. "We do whatever you want to do. We don't have to have a long-range plan. We can take it a day at a time."
I think I like the idea of one day at a time.

She smiled and as if realizing she had been there in his arms so long she moved to back up a little.


Leaning in to kiss his cheek as if to thank him for holding her she bit her lip and was glad to see the news was over.
"There is nothing for you to be sorry about Ember. I am here for you. If there is anything I can do to help you, I will do it. If there is anything you want or need, I will do everything in my power to give it to you."

His phone rang. He looked down at the caller id....it was Mike. He answered and acknowledged the information he was given, and then hung up. "It was mike. He said it is okay for us to move to my place tonight. He is going to leave us a vehicle in the back alley. We will wait until it is dark....just one last precaution.
Okay I guess thats fine...

She smiled.

I still wonder if this is some kind of dream that I am going to wake up from.
Nick could still sense her hesitancy, but decided not to say anything. He figured it was only natural considering that she had spent so much of her life under the control of a man that was not concerned about her other than the money she was making him.

He went and prepared to move to his house. Nick went into the bedroom and put all of his stuff into a small bag. He traveled light, and would not have much to take. When he came back out of the bedroom, he said to Ember, "the next phase of your life is going to begin very shortly. It is not a dream. This is your new reality."
It is still a little hard to believe but I am slowly figuring it out. So where do you live? Where will we be and when would going out shopping or out to eat be possible?

She smiled watching him feeling safe and comfortable around him and maybe a little more but that could just be because he rescued her. Yeah that is what it had to be... that's all it could be right?
"I live out in the country. The house is big. There is plenty of land so that you will not be disturbed, but it is also not very far from the town. The town isn't all that large, but it is large enough that we can go out to eat. There are several restaurants, including one that is very upscale. It is easy enough to go into town to go shopping for food and anything else you need, and, yes, they have stores in which you can get yourself a new wardrobe."

Nick was going to have to get used to a female being around. He was going to be living with her, but they were not living together in the sense that they were in a relationship. That didn't, however, mean that Ember didn't occupy a spot in his heart and mind.
She smiled to him thinking about all of this and wondered how long he would want her to stay around.

It sounds wonderful Nick. It will be nice to be able to pick out some normal clothes for once.
"Ember, you will get to go shopping for whatever you want, and I will be happy to escort you on your shopping excursions. I think we will have a good time together, and when you want to go on your own, I will make those arrangements."

Nick was really looking forward to helping Ember get back on her feet. He hoped that she would not leave too soon.
I don't understand why I would want to leave but if you eventually want me to I can.

She smiled at him unsure about what all she was saying but just did not like the idea of leaving him.
As soon as it got dark, Nick told Ember that it was time for them to leave. He walked outside and there was a vehicle that was left by Mike. Mike was parked down the block a little and flashed his lights to let him no the coast was clear. Nick got Ember and they got into the car and headed off. It was a couple of hour drive and Mike would keep his distance most of the way to make sure there was no tail. When he was certain, Mike would peel off and it would just be the two of them.

Things went as planned and they pulled up in front of the he house. Nick checked things out inside before letting Ember enter. "Here it is Ember. Home sweet home."
Getting out of the car she smiled and walked with him towards the house. Staying close to him she did glance around and smiled.

Its lovely in the moonlight and I bet even better during the day.
"I think you will enjoy it here. Tomorrow we will go into town and pick up some groceries and you can do a little shopping. Then, we will spend the rest of the day relaxing and you can enjoy the first day of the rest of your life."

Nick went out and got the few things they had brought along out of the car and carried them inside. He called Mike to let him know they arrived. He told Mike it would be at least a month before he was ready to take on an assignment with the group. "I need to make sure Ember is settled and comfortable here." He hung up the phone and went to see if he could find them something to drink.
She wandered around the house with a smile feeling more an d more relaxed the further she got away from Makzim and that life. She was so happy that Nick was with her though which seemed strange to her that she would want any male near her from her time with Makzim even if he was some undercover agent to take out Makzim. It was comforting that he had wanted to protect her even over the assignment.
Nick allowed Ember to wander around the house without any interference. He wanted her to feel comfortable and not to feel like she was being watched all the time. He walked outside and sat on the porch. It was a beautiful evening, and he enjoyed the fresh air and the quiet.
Finally making her way back outside she looked out the door a little hesitant but finally stepped out onto the porch.

It truly is a lovely house. I still can't believe you are all alone here though.
"Thank you Ember. I like it here and I am really looking forward to spending some quality time out here. I am here all alone, because I have never found anyone that I wanted to share this with. You are the first woman that I have ever brought here. Mi guess you must be special." He laughed a little....hoping that his comment wasn't misconstrued and that Ember didn't think he was being inappropriate.