When Fed's fall ~ Ember's Protector {Closed}

She tensed but only briefly at the hug calming fairly quickly and hugging tight to him till he moved away.

Makzim... where is he?

One of the guards leaned his head it to make sure everything was okay. He was the one that knew what she had been close to the night before and had dealt with helping people like that before.

Makzim... is no longer a problem... his crew is contained... you two are perfectly safe
Nick nodded to him. "See Ember. You do not have to worry about him, or anybody else. From here on it is your life. You make the decisions." Nick paused for a second to look at her to see how she was handling the information about Makzim.

"We are only going to stay here for a couple of days. Then, we are going to move to a place I have that is about 90 miles outside of town. Nobody knows about the place, because I bought it when I got out of the military and have only been to it a couple of times. You can stay there as long or as short as you want." Nick knew he was throwing a lot at her, so, he decided to slow down and back away.

"It is just Mike and me here now. I will be here all the time. Come on out of the room when you are ready." Nick walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. Ember had a lot to process. Her life had totally changed in the last 24 hours.
It took most of a day but she eventually walked down stairs.. She looked warily towards Mike then looked around for Nick.

Mike braved speaking.

I think he is in the kitchen. the only reason I stayed here with him Ember is I have personal experience with someone who went through an ordeal like yours main difference was it was her husband not an employer.

She just nodded a little and tried to relax a little. Maybe that is why he stayed to help Nick understand.
Nick was in the kitchen pouring himself a cup of coffee. He couldn't remember how many cups he had, but it was well into double digits. Once the adrenaline rush from the night before subsided, he needed coffee to keep him awake. He was not willing to risk sleeping just yet.

Nick heard voices in the other room and instinctively reached for his weapon. He walked cautiously into the other room and saw Ember and Mike there. It had been Mike's voice that he heard. Nick made eye contact with Ember, "everything okay?"
She nodded.

He... has dealt with people in my former life. That is hwy you let him remain. He understands what will happen as I get used to this isn't it?

It seemed to help her relax a little more that it was just Nick and Mike there with her and that mike understood and Nick had not left here there.
Nick still wasn't sure why, but he was determined to make sure that nothing happened to Ember, and that she got whatever support she needed in making that break. Mike was definitely an asset. He was also a very good friend. He would stay around as long as he needed to.

"So, Ember. What can I get you to eat or drink? We have coffee, water, lemonade, and there is some type of soda in the refrigerator. As for food, well, we don't have much. There wasn't much time to prepare this place for use. There are some eggs in there, and there are a bunch of canned goods, and a loaf of bread. See, you can have a regular queen's feast." Nick laughed.
She bit her lip for a moment and shrugged.

Coffee is fine and just whatever about food I... doesn't really matter... never been one to eat much anyways.
"Well, you are going to eat something Ember. You are not going to starve your pretty Lloyd on my watch." Nick went over to the refrigerator and took out the eggs. He started to prepare scrambled eggs for all three of them. He was going to have to ease Ember back into being able to do things that were in her best interest notepad of what someone else wanted of her.
She bit her lip watching him the food smelled wonderful and she tried to smile a little.


Mike still trying to help draw her out of her fear laughed.

Nick... I think she just smiled....

He handed her a cup of coffee and she shook her head and laughed a little at his comment.
"Ember smiled? No way. I have never seen her smile. I don't believe it. ". He turned around to look at her as he continued to cook. He hoped that she really did. He wanted her to enjoy life, not just live. She deserved better. Nick was very impatient, and he knew that about himself, but he also knew he had to have patience with Ember. She didn't know what enjoying life was really about.
She was still laughing a little when Nick turned around.

Yeah I guess maybe I did.

Quickly sinking into drinking her coffee unsure about really how to react but she was getting comfortable around them even though she was unsure what to make of Makzim being gone from her life.
Nick saw her smile as he turned around. "Look at that, it really is a smile." He smiled at her, but then noticed that just as quickly as the smile came...it left. Nick knew that Ember must be conflicted. He knew she must be having a hard time. He wanted to go up to her, put his arms around her and hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay, but he didn't think it was appropriate....especially with Mike here.
Mike smiled to her and looking around mainly out the windows.

I am gonna go for a walk.

She saw his actions and began searching to see if she could see what he had to have seen to act like that and moved quickly over to Nick as Mike left the room and then the sound of the front door opening and closing.
Nick put his arm around Ember. "Relax, he left because he felt that we should have some time alone...not because there is something he is worried about. If there was a problem, he would have given me a signal."

He held her close to him. He knew that she would be concerned about anything that she heard, or saw. "You are going to be fine. I am going to protect you. Mike is going to make sure that we are both okay."
She nodded and smiled a little curling into his hug feeling safer there than she had in a long time.

If you are sure that everything is alright.

She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his waist almost snuggling in close which was big for her with her past.
"Ember, I would not have gone through everything I did and then try to deceive you. Mike would let me know if there was a problem, and I would let you know. In fact, if there was a problem, you would be in the safe room that has an entrance through the closet, and I would be standing here with my gun drawn. I would not be hugging you....not that I mind it."

He held her in his arms. He knew she had been through an awful lot in her life, and he was surprised that she was allowing herself to get this close to him. He did not mind it. He liked Ember and was willing to do anything for her.
You always were so different from the rest of them... maybe I should have suspected you were not what you appeared to be.

She stayed in his arms but moved her head to look into his eyes.

Like the night Makzim... gave me to you.

Her eyes were searching his for what she didn't know really herself. Some sign that this was an act or a dream or how he felt something she just didn't know what she was looking for.
He held onto Ember. He could sense that she was relaxing a little, but it was obvious that she still had questions. He didn't know how long it would take, but he was willing to see it through.

"Ember, that first night was about trying to gain your trust. Believe me, there was a part of me that said I should do what Makzim sent me in there to do. What man wouldn't want to have sex with a woman as beautiful and sexy as you. However, I wanted you to know that I was on your side. My only regret was that I wasn't aware of that animal who was watching. I knew someone was watching but didn't know about him."

He looked into her eyes. He could sense that she had questions. He wanted to be able to answer them all for her.
He was nothing... a wild animal like him can be predictable in how they handle situations. Its the handlers and the "society" clients and other people who have a lot to lose or a darkness deep down are the ones that you never know what will happen.

She listened and wondered what it would have been like if he had just done what Makzim expected. Biting her lip she watched his eyes wondering.
"You don't have to worry about any of those types of people any more Ember. I will make sure of that. I am going to make certain that you are safe." He continued to hold her to him. She hadn't pulled away, so, he was pretty sure that she was okay with it. His only reason for holding her at the moment was to make sure that she understood that he was going to protect her.

"Ember, I want you to know that you are not a prisoner here, or at the next house that we are going to. This is for you. You were held prisoner way too long. If you want to leave, just tell me. However, you can stay as long as you want. In the next house we are going to you will have your own bedroom and there is plenty of open space around the house for you to enjoy." He caressed her back lightly as he talked to her.
You will be there too right...

She was a little scared about leaving or leaving him. She did not know why she felt so safe with him but she did not want him to leave. she really had no idea show she felt other than she did not want him to leave.
"Yes, Ember I will be there. I will be with you there until you decide you no longer want to be there. You see, the next safe house we are going to belongs to me. It will be only you and me, but it is large enough that you don't have to bump into me at every turn." He was a little surprised at her reaction, so, he continued to hold her in his arms.
Finally slipping from his arms and begin to walk around the kitchen to get something to eat.

Your home? This should be an interesting little venture see just how different you are than the way you acted for Makzim. So I guess your wife... girlfriend... will be glad you are no longer undercover?
"The only thing about my role undercover was the way I wanted to protect you." He watched her walk into the kitchen. He wondered how long it would be before she wanted to fly the coup and get out on her own.

"There is no wife or girlfriend. I am glad I am not undercover anymore. I am also very glad that you are okay. My goal once I saw how you were being treated was to get you out safely. I didn't care if I blew the assignment."
From what they said about Makzim I don't think you blew the case. Sounds like someone else got him or something.

She shrugged.

I am surprised though that there is no one waiting at home for you.