What's your mood today?

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Don't get sucked in. Escape, while you still have a life. Go write your filth, this lot will still be here when you get back.
3 Legged Donkey said:
Oh ok cool. Good girl. So, did it make you hot?

You know what.. the first draft usually does, but once I sit down and take it apart and fixing the goofs or changing some sentence structure, it is more like a fun pleasing work..but I send it to friends and I know for them, it's like the first draft for me.
RedHairedandFriendly said:
You know what.. the first draft usually does, but once I sit down and take it apart and fixing the goofs or changing some sentence structure, it is more like a fun pleasing work..but I send it to friends and I know for them, it's like the first draft for me.

Yep, my friends have a good wank over what I write, too. Except my friends went away and it takes me a year to write each story. Hmmm... I wonder if the two are linked...
My mood? Charmed and smiling.

I have just spent the most delightful half an hour with an 85 year old lady who I've never met before in my life. Bright-eyed, alert, sharp as a tack. And what wonderful memory.

I had an appointment to view a seafront flat (apartment), in a big old Victorian House, that was coming vacant. I was interested simply because of the position, nothing but the promenade between it and the sea, and the sitting room and one bedroom have windows at the front, with breathtaking views.

I arrived at the appointed time, found my way through the very overgrown garden to the stairs and the requisite flat. No sign of the agent who had called me yesterday to make the appointment. I assume the flat was empty, I had been told an old lady was moving out. I rang the bell, and was stunned and not a little disconcerted to be greeted by a beautiful old face the other side of a safety chain. I explained who I was, apologised for disturbing her, and said I'd wait outside for the agent. She opened the door, pooh-poohing, and said she knew nothing about any appointments, no-one had told her, but she was more than happy to let me have a look around.

The heat that hit me as she opened the door, nearly knocked me six. I had this almost overwhelming desire to rip my fleece jacket off before I melted,but I resisted.

My hostess threw the door wide, and as is the way of old folk, proceeded to tell me that she has asthma, so mornings aren't good, and that usually she comes home in the afternoon, and changes into her nightdress and dressing gown.......which she was. Very cozy. I took a quick look at her, not a lot taller than me (that's not difficult), stands straight, no bending or curvature of the spine. Bright eyes, beautiful silver hair, pulled back into a high pony tail, elegant hands. A clear, crisp, well educated and articulate voice. Very easy to talk to. I was enchanted by the flat......very old and ornate, absolutely crammed to the gunnels with memorabilia and memories. I felt very sad for her leaving.

Over the next half hour, we became buddies !!! I kid you not. Apparently the old Mat charm works even on the old'uns. But she was a delight to talk to. So much information about the original house, how it had been built by a lord (even had the 1880 photograph to prove it), as his seaside/sailing cottage. The sitting room was ee-nor-mouse.....ceilings that went on forever, huge picture window across the front and I just stood there mesmerised by the view.

She told me that she's a bit blase, but how when she and her husband first moved in almost 30 years ago, she would sometimes find him, in the night, just standing in front of the window, staring at the sea. Having stood there for only half an hour, I can well believe it.

She loves the house, and so would I. It's so quirky. Nooks and crannies, hidden corners, little steps up to magic places......I would love it.


The place is all but falling down. Which is so very sad. Its the main reason she's been persuaded by her sisters and children to move into a cottage.

Her husband died 9 years ago, so she's been there alone, surrounded by her whole life, she's sad to go, but time moves on. The place is either going to be pulled down, or completely refurbished, and after that, the rents will go through the roof, way beyond my purse.

We strolled through the apartment, looking at bits and pieces, telling me about them, her kids, her life, just as if we'd known each other for ever. Quite, quite delightful.

When we got back to the door, I lightly placed my hand on her arm, smiled, and told her what a pleasure it had been to meet her. I realised I didn't know her name, and asked her, she told me, I told her mine, we shook hands and laughed.

The house she's moving to is....wait for it......just around the corner from me. So now I'm urged to call and visit her when she's moved in.

And you know what?

I think I will.

That half hour has more than made up for the shit of the last 36. Its made me glad to be alive, and my pleasure in people even more renewed.

matriarch said:
My mood? Charmed and smiling.

That half hour has more than made up for the shit of the last 36. Its made me glad to be alive, and my pleasure in people even more renewed.


a :rose: and a :kiss: to you, Mat.

I am kind of relieved and yet still a bit bummed out. I spent an hour in theraoy today . .(like my therapist) but we talked about some stuff that is a little fresh inmy mind and brought up some recnet hurts. In one way I feel relieved to have it off my chest
in another it just makes me feel more worthless and unappreciated. Oh well.
elizabethwest said:
Cute AV. Coupling is a sitcom on BBCAmerica.

Thanks. It's just little old me. Oh, I see. Was it originally on the BBC in the UK or did BBC America make it?
3 Legged Donkey said:
Thanks. It's just little old me. Oh, I see. Was it originally on the BBC in the UK or did BBC America make it?

Susan: Some men were born lucky. Some men were born very lucky.

Sally: What was Patrick born?

Susan: A tripod.

This was before she referred to him as a "pole vaulter donkey man." ;)
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