What's your mood today?

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I think I'd feel more stable if I could find the time & privacy for either (a) a good cry or (b) a good wank or (c) both.
so glad you said that Thee... I would have forgotten. :eek:

I missed that show too.

I just wish that Grissom was still on CSI, or that there was something else to watch at 9pm. I need something to do between Bones and BURN NOTICE.
sad and worried about my friend, her husband died friday of a heart attack. I found out today from her mom asking me to call soon. *sighs* that's going to be one of the hardest phone calls to make:(
I just wish that Grissom was still on CSI, or that there was something else to watch at 9pm. I need something to do between Bones and BURN NOTICE.

Thee... are you checking out what I'm watching on my TV? We seem to be watching a lot of the same stuff... :)

I got hooked on Bones when my sister in law bought the first season on DVD. That's a pretty cool show. I'm a little squeamish sometimes, but overall, the characters are so interesting to me that I deal with it. lol
One day when the schedules get right we will be!:kiss: Come to my twenty year renuinion with me next year? Heh, I'd think it would be a blast to take a lit entourage with me!;):D

That might just be arrangeable. ;)

sad and worried about my friend, her husband died friday of a heart attack. I found out today from her mom asking me to call soon. *sighs* that's going to be one of the hardest phone calls to make:(

But undoubtedly of incredible comfort to your friend. :rose::kiss:
sad and worried about my friend, her husband died friday of a heart attack. I found out today from her mom asking me to call soon. *sighs* that's going to be one of the hardest phone calls to make:(

So sorry to hear that. It will be difficult!

*hugs* :rose:
sad and worried about my friend, her husband died friday of a heart attack. I found out today from her mom asking me to call soon. *sighs* that's going to be one of the hardest phone calls to make:(


Thee... are you checking out what I'm watching on my TV? We seem to be watching a lot of the same stuff... :)

I got hooked on Bones when my sister in law bought the first season on DVD. That's a pretty cool show. I'm a little squeamish sometimes, but overall, the characters are so interesting to me that I deal with it. lol

I only watch three or four shows anymore, depending on if they are on or not. Bones, Burn Notice (new tonight at 10:00 EST ;) ), 24, and Ultimate Fighting.

And I was accused of needing to get out more for wanting to see Burn Notice (new tonight at 10:00 EST ;) ), so badly tonight by someone on facebook. I'm out four nights of the week, and only watch three or four shows a week, and I need to get out more? What the hell?
Mood is somber.

The down turn in the economy (in particular with the Auto Industry) has sadly effected me personally. Just realized today that we will probably have to sell our home and uproot 3 kids. My heart is breaking.
Mood is somber.

The down turn in the economy (in particular with the Auto Industry) has sadly effected me personally. Just realized today that we will probably have to sell our home and uproot 3 kids. My heart is breaking.

I'm sorry. :rose:

If it's any consolation, you're not the only one this is affecting. While we won't lose our home, we've certainly had to tighten our belts more than is comfortable, even though my husband doesn't work in anything close to the auto industry. It's hitting everyone.
Mood is somber.

The down turn in the economy (in particular with the Auto Industry) has sadly effected me personally. Just realized today that we will probably have to sell our home and uproot 3 kids. My heart is breaking.

That really bites.
Good morning, pervs.

My mood is... edgy and overwhelmed. My workload and financial responsibilities are dragging me down BIG TIME. I feel like a host -- in the symbiotic sense. I've a household full of people, and they're feeding off me -- taking and taking and taking and giving back just enough for me to stay alive, but not thrive.

I'm at some form of work from 5am 'til I crash, with only the smallest of breaks for food (which must be coupled with leisure -- like right now) or exercise or a shower. And yet, everyone else has time to play. No one else feels the burden of the effort it takes to maintain the household, physically and fiscally.

Add to that stress is the fact that my dear friend and former lust crush -- the one responsible for most of my poetry throughout 2004-2005 -- is having open heart surgery this morning. While the crush is way dead, my concern for her well-being is still quite alive. If all goes well, I'll be sneaking chicken fajitas into the hospital on Sunday.


Happy Friday, y'all. Hope it's a good one. :rose:
Good morning, pervs.

My mood is... edgy and overwhelmed. My workload and financial responsibilities are dragging me down BIG TIME. I feel like a host -- in the symbiotic sense. I've a household full of people, and they're feeding off me -- taking and taking and taking and giving back just enough for me to stay alive, but not thrive.

I'm at some form of work from 5am 'til I crash, with only the smallest of breaks for food (which must be coupled with leisure -- like right now) or exercise or a shower. And yet, everyone else has time to play. No one else feels the burden of the effort it takes to maintain the household, physically and fiscally.

Add to that stress is the fact that my dear friend and former lust crush -- the one responsible for most of my poetry throughout 2004-2005 -- is having open heart surgery this morning. While the crush is way dead, my concern for her well-being is still quite alive. If all goes well, I'll be sneaking chicken fajitas into the hospital on Sunday.


Happy Friday, y'all. Hope it's a good one. :rose:

* Hugs * :rose:

I understand you, sometimes workloads get almost unbearable, and is anything more gets piled unto it, we almost break.

Take care :rose:
i've been cut down by a sinus thingie. damnit to hell!
i will sleep all flappin day if it means i feel better for tomorrow, damnit!


but otherwise, just ok. :rose:
I think I'd feel more stable if I could find the time & privacy for either (a) a good cry or (b) a good wank or (c) both.

Come stay with me. I spend all day every day by myself at the top of a block of flats. You can have a room to yourself if you want, or come and watch terrible DVDs with me... or play on the Wii. Your choice. I just want to know there's someone else around.

Kung fu class tonight is going to hurt. My knee still feels a little stiff from Wednesday, but I am determined to work through it! It's still going to hurt though :(
Annoyed with my builders.

They were due to start last Tuesday but delayed to this Tuesday. They started yesterday but had to borrow some of my tools. They've been rained off today so won't be back until next week - and the forecast is for more rain...

Vexed. I've been obsessing over a photographic project, and I'm at a stage where I have to make decisions on final images before I can move on to the next stage. And I just can't decide. There are so many different elements to consider. I need an hour or two with someone I trust, to chat them through it all. I'm so frustrated about this, I want to cry.

Alternative I need alcohol, large amounts of very rough sex, and to cry my heart out.

I need to cry. Did I mentioned that?
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