What's your mood today?

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Fallenfromgrace said:
But I know just what it feels like
To have a voice in the back of my head
It's like a face that I hold inside
A face that awakes when I close my eyes
A face watches every time I lie
A face that laughs every time I fall
(And watches everything)
So I know that when it's time to sink or swim
That the face inside is hearing me
Right underneath my skin

Ever get that feeling when you know you can do something, but you're not sure how, or exactly what it is, but you know you can do it really well once you figure out what it is?

Thats how I feel.
Salvor-Hardon said:
Ever get that feeling when you know you can do something, but you're not sure how, or exactly what it is, but you know you can do it really well once you figure out what it is?

Thats how I feel.

c'mere, let's find it.
cloudy said:
c'mere, let's find it.


and just to expedite matters, I know I'm a good cook, and I kick ass at Scrabble. Anything involving either of those actions are just wasting time ;)
Absolutely fabulous. Haven't felt this good in ages. :D

Can't stop smiling, can't stop sighing, can't stop giggling.

Is this how people feel when they're high?
On the edge of a funk, too tired to go there knowing that over the edge is a precipitous drop. Feeling numb and lifeless
Not sure yet.........very foggy which is unusual for me who normally wakes *click*, and I'm up and about. Not this morning.

At the moment mellowing to some music on the earphones, a quite wonderful aria from Madame Butterfly...........................a cuppa, then I must get the wife up. We have much to do today in the house. Don't wanna, but it must be done TODAY!
*hugs* all round.

Morning world. The sun is out and as long as it stays out long enough to dry the washing on my line I'll be happy :D

It'll be a typically busy sunday. CHurch in an hour, then I have to finish off the cottage pie for tea at mums. Then off to mums to hear yet more about her visit down south, she rang me last night and endd up on the line for 40 minutes just to ask if i'd got her message about making cottage pie :rolleyes: It'll be lovely.

Mood: chilled out, a little sad that i'll have to ecord my match later'cos of being at mums but, hey ho -I can cheer them on without seeing the match or knowing the score *L*
English Lady said:
*hugs* all round.

Morning world. The sun is out and as long as it stays out long enough to dry the washing on my line I'll be happy :D

It'll be a typically busy sunday. CHurch in an hour, then I have to finish off the cottage pie for tea at mums. Then off to mums to hear yet more about her visit down south, she rang me last night and endd up on the line for 40 minutes just to ask if i'd got her message about making cottage pie :rolleyes: It'll be lovely.

Mood: chilled out, a little sad that i'll have to ecord my match later'cos of being at mums but, hey ho -I can cheer them on without seeing the match or knowing the score *L*

Oh, so it's YOU who have the sun!! Hmmpff.
We have grey skies and rain. Again.

Enjoy the day.
matriarch said:
Oh, so it's YOU who have the sun!! Hmmpff.
We have grey skies and rain. Again.

Enjoy the day.

I don't see the sun lasting all day if I'm honest, but it's nice to see it for a bit at least :)l
English Lady said:
I don't see the sun lasting all day if I'm honest, but it's nice to see it for a bit at least :)l

We have to go out later...*sigh*.........this kind of weather makes me want to hibernate.

OK, time to get the wife out of bed, time is passing far too quickly.
matriarch said:
We have to go out later...*sigh*.........this kind of weather makes me want to hibernate.

OK, time to get the wife out of bed, time is passing far too quickly.

I know what you mean, whilst it's been cold and wet I've had next to no energy at all. Have fun ;)

Morning Fem *hugs*
No sun here, either.

Mood: On fire - still. Two hours in bed with myself this morning didn't even make the flames flicker...

This is reaching serious proportions, and I still haven't heard back from Jim'll Fix It. Things are looking bleak. I might explode from lack of sex soon.
Had a long chat with the ex.
Kissed the wife. Several times.
Made breakfast
Switched on the iron.
Sorting out what absolutely needs doing and what can be left.

Still raining.
Still have to go out sometime. Argos beckons.
I do NOT like ironing.
Done some.
Stopped for now.

Dressed, lunched, ready to go out in the rain.
Good service at church -got a real sense of Joy as I sung one song. I pictured a smile, a real big bellowing laugh of a smile and knew it was Jesus and as I stretched out my hands, absorbed in my song, I felt him take them and twizz me round, you know like you do when you're a kid and when you let go you fall on your bum? yeah, just like that. It was amazing :)

Cottage pie assembled, egg (for the sticky toffee pudding mix we're making), brocolli, carrots and a bag of allsorts (for mum) all ready and waiting to go -just mooching about till my sister comes to pick us up in about 20/30 minutes time.

Mood: joyful.
up until 3 chatting and drinking with friends.
im up at 8 because? :confused:
oh, thats right, im a loser.

and now all i can think about is going to the grocery store for bread, cheese and milk so i can make everyone breakfast.

happy sunday all
vella_ms said:
up until 3 chatting and drinking with friends.
im up at 8 because? :confused:
oh, thats right, im a loser.

and now all i can think about is going to the grocery store for bread, cheese and milk so i can make everyone breakfast.

happy sunday all
Loser? What have you lost? Can I help find it - though I can't honestly believe you're missing anything. :kiss:
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