What's your mood today?

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neonlyte said:
Mildly pissed off that my bank wants to take 28 days to clear a 'euro' cheque in the UK. What is the matter with these F***er's.

We had the same problem when the wife wanted to moved the money from the sale of her house to a UK bank account.......they told us the best way would be to write a cheque, which she did.....to me....they then said it could take up to 28 days to clear. As the wife had no credit history here, they would have to send the cheque back to States to be cleared through her USA account before they could credit my account.

And yes, it took almost that time, and despite telling us they would let us know when it had been clreared into my account......I only found out by regularly checking my account on the internet....and 3 days later I received a letter confirming the credit. And they charged us £9 for the privilege.

What a ridiculous system. Why couldn't they simply scan the cheque, and fax it to the bank in States to verify account and funds??
Oh god........the first day back at work after 3 weeks off.........is very, very hard.

But I'm home with the wife, settled in me chair, comfortable with my lappie and a cuppa.

*contented sigh*

Oh....and its just started raining.
I'm feeling sick, sick, sick. With a cold, maybe. And I took cough syrup, so I could sleep... And I had ugly dreams that kept waking me up. My diaphragm is in a knot, it feels like a panic attack. :(
Take care of yourself. Hugs to you.

My mood today: content and pleased.
You know the Texas song that goes - "I don't want a lover - I just need a friend"? That's how I feel tonight. I'd like to be in bed with several female friends, watching a movie and feeling the warmth of their bodies around me.

Mood: totally relaxed for the first time in ages.
Harem of super hot lesbian friends.... where are you? :confused:

Actually, I'm not so sure if that little fantasy is so innocent after all.. :eek:
scheherazade_79 said:
Harem of super hot lesbian friends.... where are you? :confused:

Actually, I'm not so sure if that little fantasy is so innocent after all.. :eek:

This one is closing down and off to bed, perchance to sleep.

Fucking jet lag.
Morning world.

Tired, I don't think I slept well (I remember waking up several times) but I don't feel to bed for it so far. Gonna do some writing today if it bloody kills me -I really need to.
English Lady said:
Morning world.

Tired, I don't think I slept well (I remember waking up several times) but I don't feel to bed for it so far. Gonna do some writing today if it bloody kills me -I really need to.

You need to come over to my bed, EL. For the past few days it's had a magic spell over it that makes anyone who closes their eyes in it fall into a really deep sleep for at least 10 hours.

Ask me - I've been up for an hour and I'm still waking up :cool: :kiss:
scheherazade_79 said:
You need to come over to my bed, EL. For the past few days it's had a magic spell over it that makes anyone who closes their eyes in it fall into a really deep sleep for at least 10 hours.

Ask me - I've been up for an hour and I'm still waking up :cool: :kiss:

Are you trying to seduce me again? *eyes you suspiciously* though the 10 hours of sleep do sound very tempting... :D
G'morning, sexy smut-writing friends, sexy non-writing friends, and lurkers (who may or may not be sexy)! :kiss:

How are y'all today? Me? Gosh, thanks for asking. I'm ... well ... I'm pretending that everything's just peachy. I'm pretending that my soon-to-be ex is not again waiting to accost me with his latest attempt to salvage the aspect of our relationship that was deader than Elvis over a decade ago. (That would be the romantic aspect, BTW.) I'm sticking my fingers in my ears and chanting LALALALALALALALALALA ... because I'm just so fucking sick of hearing about what a fairy tale romance we once had. I'm covering my eyes and chanting YOUCAN'TSEEME ... in the hopes that he'll just GO AWAY! And I'm praying that my patience will endure so that I don't vent these frustrations in his direction, which would be like kicking a puppy.

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