Whats your favorite Girl Scout Cookie.....

whats your fave Girl Scout Cookie????

  • Aloha Chips "New"

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Apple Cinnamon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trefoils

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Do-Si-Do's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Samoas

    Votes: 11 31.4%
  • Lemon Drops

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Tagalongs

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • Thin Mints

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • I like more than one, but since tagalongs are KS's fave, and I think he knows all I voted for them.

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters
Nov 22, 2002
Aloha Chips with Macadamia Nuts
A distinctive and exotic taste that only crunchy Macadamia nuts and creamy white fudge chips can deliver.

Apple Cinnamon
A 30% lower-fat treat! A natural, reduced fat, apple and cinnamon cookie, shaped like an apple, sprinkled with cinnamon sugar.

"Lite and delicious" Short, tender, delicate-tasting shortbread made with butter and eggs. Guaranteed to melt in your mouth.

Oatmeal Peanut Butter Cremes "Naturally Good!" Crisp and crunchy oatmeal cookies with creamy peanut butter filling. No artificial color. No artificial flavor.

Samoas (One more cookie in the box or 7% increase in net weight)
"The World's most deliciously different cookie." Tender vanilla cookies, covered with caramel on top and bottom, and then rolled in toasted coconut and striped with a rich, cocoa coating. Made exclusively for the Girl Scouts. Samoas mean Girl Scout Cookie Time to millions of Americans.

Lemon Drops (2 more cookies in the box or 17% increase in net weight)
Natural Lemon Flavored Cookies. A luscious lemon cookie, tender and crisp, with creamy lemon chips.

Peanut Butter Patties "Two Great Tastes in One!" Tasty cookies topped with creamy peanut butter and covered with a luscious chocolaty coating.

Thin Mints
"A Girl Scout Cookie Tradition" A thin wafer covered with a smooth cocoa coating. EXTRA THIN, EXTRA CRISP! Made with natural peppermint

Tagalongs are my fave, but thin mints, and trefoils rule too.:eek:

Who the fuck drank the last of the milk god damnit!
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Thin mints!
I like the peanut butter sandwich cookies, but I don't see them on your list, Kills.
Thin Mints gotta buy a yrs supply for hubby otherwise I hide them so they last LOL thank god neice is a cookie diva and he can get all he wants :nana: ours are already in though :p
samaos, and edy's has a samoas ice cream now too. YUM YUM!
Rubyfruit said:
I like the peanut butter sandwich cookies, but I don't see them on your list, Kills.
I am soooo with you on this one....big glass 'o milk and the whole box can be gone...

I thought all they had were Thin Mints. They are the only ones that matter, anyway. ;)
JerseyBoy said:
I am soooo with you on this one....big glass 'o milk and the whole box can be gone...


There they are! Those things are so addictive. Those two pouches of cookies are each considered a single serving, right?
Rubyfruit said:
I like the peanut butter sandwich cookies, but I don't see them on your list, Kills.

It would seem that cookie availablilty is a regional deal....some available in certain areas kinda thing.

I remember helping a lady at a place I used to work at sell cookies for her daughter....it was a large place....and being that I am very pursuasive...lol....we sold a truckload....but I remember others trying to sell there at the same time, and ours were 3 dollars a box, and the others were 3.25 So each troop sets it's own price too I guess.

I dont think the methods of intimidation, and violence I used went along with the girl scout code, but I sold a shitload of cookies....lol
Samoas! Yum!
next in line would be the Aloha chips with macadamia nuts.

Hubby couldn't believe I bought 12 boxes from the little girls across the street. But he and our kids love the thin mints, so those accounted for about 1/3 of the purchase! lol

They're all gone now; sob! I saw a sign on a house down the street with the cookie sign on the door....keep thinking about going over to sneak some samoas! lol
THIN MINTS all the way!

(and to emphasize Chicklet sneezes all over her keyboard...whoops)
Chicklet said:
THIN MINTS all the way!

(and to emphasize Chicklet sneezes all over her keyboard...whoops)

<quickly hands Chicklet a tissue> Bless you!

Oh, and you might want to wipe off your monitor as well.
Tranquility said:
Thin Mints gotta buy a yrs supply for hubby otherwise I hide them so they last LOL thank god neice is a cookie diva and he can get all he wants :nana: ours are already in though :p

Better hid the bitches from me too baby. <snicker>

Thin Mints. OHHHHHHHHH how I love them. And I am NOT a sweets person normally. But DAMN those things are good.

I can't believe you started a thread with Girl Scout in the title. Got me chuckling.

I love the Samoas...frozen!
Thin Mints...thankfully they do not seem to get thinner as the years pass. BUT what's with those horrid costs?
Killswitch said:
<snipity snip>
I dont think the methods of intimidation, and violence I used went along with the girl scout code, but I sold a shitload of cookies....lol

Naawww that had nothing to do with it, it was the cute puppy dog look in your eyes.

I hope you got paid in the cookies of your choice.

calypso_21 said:
I can't believe you started a thread with Girl Scout in the title. Got me chuckling.

I love the Samoas...frozen!

Last night or well early this morning at like 3 am it's rumoured that I was discussing dish sets, and whether Dansk cookware is dishwasher safe.....ugh.

I'll be back in a bit I am going to buy some nylons, and some high heels.

calypso_21 said:

I love the Samoas...frozen!

Thats how I eat my thin mints, and tagalongs.....while we are at it lets discuss the proper way to eat a thin mint.

I bite off a very small piece, and take the rest and dip it in a glass of milk....exposed portion up so the milk gets inside, and then and ONLY then I eat.
