I was watching TV coverage of the Republican National Convention, and a Ron Paul supporter was being interviewed, and the journalist said the idea of Paul's wing of the GOP bolting and starting their own party was "all over the blogosphere" (first I'd heard of it), and the Paulite seemed enthusiastic.
Now, I always thought of Ron Paul as a libertarian -- he ran for POTUS as the Libertarian Party candidate in 1988 -- and the Libertarian Party already exists. Why start a new one?!
But, thing is, this guy was talking about the real divide being between "creditors and debtors," and was decrying the power of the "international bankers" who control both parties, etc. That kind of RW-economic-populist rhetoric sounds less libertarian than paleoconservative -- anti-Washington and anti-Wall-Street.
But, the America First Party already exists, too. So does the Constitution Party. Both are paleocon, though the CP's emphasis is much more on religious-social conservatism.
So, what kind of party are they talking about?
Now, I always thought of Ron Paul as a libertarian -- he ran for POTUS as the Libertarian Party candidate in 1988 -- and the Libertarian Party already exists. Why start a new one?!
But, thing is, this guy was talking about the real divide being between "creditors and debtors," and was decrying the power of the "international bankers" who control both parties, etc. That kind of RW-economic-populist rhetoric sounds less libertarian than paleoconservative -- anti-Washington and anti-Wall-Street.
But, the America First Party already exists, too. So does the Constitution Party. Both are paleocon, though the CP's emphasis is much more on religious-social conservatism.
So, what kind of party are they talking about?