What's the weirdest thing you are currently into?

Orange vanilla Coke from the Coke Freestyle machines. When I get out of work, there are only a couple options open where I can stop for a beverage to keep me occupied while I make the drive home. I know it’s not good for me, but it brings me so much joy.
I have become obsessed with my feet are killing me that's showing on tlc and discovery+.

I hate feet, so I have no idea why I'm watching it.
because you hate feet? some weird punishment vibe going on there :unsure::censored:.

That's one show i cannot bear to watch, as it makes me cringe as soon as a sharp object goes near those feet. I can watch (even enjoy on a 'this is so cool' kinda level) the whole excising of cysts and fat blobs and stuff... it's only the feet thing i have problems with. Could be i'd feel that same way if it was hands, too, having thought about it.
After my gf and I split up, she left a few of her toys here, which she told me to just throw out. I kept one, though. She had a pair of vibrating nipple clamps and being the curious primate I am I clipped them onto my balls (they're covered in a sort of rubberized substance so they're not bare metal). The moment I turned them on I was hooked. Holy shit. I've also started clipping one to my scrotum and the other to the tip of my foreskin with one half of the clamp between the skin and the head of my dick. HOLY FUCK does that feel good.
That one does look interesting. It's on my too watch list. I bet it makes you wonder since you have done the treatment.

I just finished the one on the Long Island Reactor.
That was such an interesting show. I guess I will stick with documentaries and conspiracy theories as well as murder pod cast.
I hate ear wax. I found out I was pregnant both times because I almost hurled cleaning a dogs ear. Now on my phone I get ear wax removal videos. Once you watch one it comes on again and again and again. I can't stop watching them now.
I hate ear wax. I found out I was pregnant both times because I almost hurled cleaning a dogs ear. Now on my phone I get ear wax removal videos. Once you watch one it comes on again and again and again. I can't stop watching them now.
Yes, that is seriously weird - get help! 🙄
My family and I were at a restaurant tonight and we overheard a person say that they had searched Google for images of various skin rashes earlier that day.
Bingeing on bear attack stories. I didn't go looking for them. One day a bear story popped up in my YT stream and I was tired of true crime stories at that point.