Anyone Else Ever Dealt With a Toxic Boss?


Oct 22, 2023

I got a new job this September and was hired in September first as a parttime Cake Decorator.

I love the actual cake decorating part, the bakery manager is something else...

I am trying to grin and bear it but I'm starting to wonder if I'm cut out for the job. Ever since I started working there I have been criticized by the bakery manager. They have had issues with the manager with this kind of thing before. I hear she and others are mean to certain other people who have been there years longer than I. It takes a lot to ruffle my feathers but I am reaching my limit.

Each day I fear when I go into work that I have done something wrong without intention.

I am trying to be nice as possible to the manager when I go into work but I just feel defeated and deflated whenever I start my day, which doesn't help the creativity process.

I feel like she looks around at my decorating station to LOOK for things to criticize over when I come in. I think I have only received THREE compliment on her to "keep up the good work" and those are half-assed I feel like. The manager is only ever happy when she finds something to criticize.

When my coworkers are around all I hear is bad gossip about them when everyone is older and retired and work part time one to two days a week. I'm pretty sure the bakery manager gossips about me and another girl when we aren't there.

I am going to see how this week goes I think and go from there...They seem afraid of loosing their cake decorator so we will see what happens...I have already had to threaten to file a harassment form for the bakery manager in my first month in and have had to had one of the lower-upper-manager who hired me in to speak with her.

I am someone who likes getting along with everyone and could give two shits about gossiping about others. I am trying to decide if the parttime job is worth keeping with the environment...I am reaching my limit of being discouraged constantly.

:( :( :( :(

I got a new job this September and was hired in September first as a parttime Cake Decorator.

I love the actual cake decorating part, the bakery manager is something else...

I am trying to grin and bear it but I'm starting to wonder if I'm cut out for the job. Ever since I started working there I have been criticized by the bakery manager. They have had issues with the manager with this kind of thing before. I hear she and others are mean to certain other people who have been there years longer than I. It takes a lot to ruffle my feathers but I am reaching my limit.

Each day I fear when I go into work that I have done something wrong without intention.

I am trying to be nice as possible to the manager when I go into work but I just feel defeated and deflated whenever I start my day, which doesn't help the creativity process.

I feel like she looks around at my decorating station to LOOK for things to criticize over when I come in. I think I have only received THREE compliment on her to "keep up the good work" and those are half-assed I feel like. The manager is only ever happy when she finds something to criticize.

When my coworkers are around all I hear is bad gossip about them when everyone is older and retired and work part time one to two days a week. I'm pretty sure the bakery manager gossips about me and another girl when we aren't there.

I am going to see how this week goes I think and go from there...They seem afraid of loosing their cake decorator so we will see what happens...I have already had to threaten to file a harassment form for the bakery manager in my first month in and have had to had one of the lower-upper-manager who hired me in to speak with her.

I am someone who likes getting along with everyone and could give two shits about gossiping about others. I am trying to decide if the parttime job is worth keeping with the environment...I am reaching my limit of being discouraged constantly.

:( :( :( :(
A job that kills your soul isn't worth it. I quit a job/career a few years ago with no back up and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Good luck!
That's where I was at.

I quit just this Thursday. The bakery manager wouldn't supply me properly (taking my order sheets to the proper person for cake decorating supplies) and two months of being criticized for anything and everything almost daily.

She was definitely squashing my creativeness and things just boiled over.

Thank you for the luck!
Yes. It got so bad that I called the psychologist that the company used. He confirmed that the boss and I were completely different personality types and they hoped I would help the boss change his ways. It didn't work, and it was actually making me have some mental issues. I quit and found a better job with higher pay.
Had a mental break and left my job I enjoyed this last Thursday.

Two months of negativity would kill anyone's creativity.

Not too mention when the bakery manager wouldn't take cake decorating supplies over because SHE wanted me to use up fucking sprinkles FIRST. Pretty sure I had the job to decorate the cakes. NOT to be told HOW to decorate them.
Worst boss I ever had was when I was working as a motel housekeeper. This one winter, I got called in on my days off to fill in for workers who called in sick. I had no problem filling in, I needed the money..
But, a few days later, I got sick.
When I called to get the day off, she yelled at me, and finally told me to "JUST STAY THE FUCK HOME THEN!"..
I did stay home that day and quit shortly after.
Quitting ended up being a better career move after all.
That's where I was at.

I quit just this Thursday. The bakery manager wouldn't supply me properly (taking my order sheets to the proper person for cake decorating supplies) and two months of being criticized for anything and everything almost daily.

She was definitely squashing my creativeness and things just boiled over.

Thank you for the luck!
Good for you! You should never stay in a job that kills your soul! I'm sure you can find a cake decorating job easily. I can't imagine there are tons of people with your skill! Good luck! 🫂💞
Yes. It got so bad that I called the psychologist that the company used. He confirmed that the boss and I were completely different personality types and they hoped I would help the boss change his ways. It didn't work, and it was actually making me have some mental issues. I quit and found a better job with higher pay.
Not your job to change the boss! WTAF!! Glad you quit that job and got a better one! 🫂💞🫂
Life is too short and too precious to waste it in a stressful, toxic work environment.
A doctor can easily sign you off with work-related stress and you can use that time constructively to find a more fulfilling career choice elsewhere.
My experience has taught me that far too many management types have been promoted way beyond their professional capabilities and have no idea how to successfully manage and motivate a happy and productive workforce.
Wholesale redundancies in many sectors have added to the stress, allowing so many of these miserable, toxic managers to trot out to the old line "You're lucky to have a job".
My biggest nightmare scenario at work followed my experience as a whistleblower. I first complained about being lied to about wages and other benefits that failed to materialise. This individual was authorising payments to his family members for fictitious work assignments but when I reported him to the management for this obvious fraud and general incompetence they took his side against mine.
I had one so bad as an intern ( working for free!!) it made me start my own agency when I graduated. I never worked for anyone else for 27 great years. Then took an offer I absolutely couldn’t refuse and retired.
Yep! One who laid down a comprehensive list of must-dos (mainly keeping the litho platemaker clean in the printshop) then when I was halfway through doing the must-do cleanup, "nah stop that, we need to get some plates made now". Suggesting it'd be better if I finished the job properly before making any plates just got me a gobful, led to a standup row over inconsistent instruction making doing my job well nigh-impossible, and me being told "there's another hundred people down the jobcentre if you won't do things my way."

Same guy did countless little acts of micro-aggression and control-freakery, and it was a bigger relief than I'd have expected, after I'd interviewed elsewhere and got another offer, to walk in and say "I'm off, don't want or need to work out any notice so you can take on one of those hundreds of unemployed to train up and take your shit for £9/hr."
I had one that broke my balls often. In the construction world you have to be careful because if a guy flips out someone's going to bleed.
I threw a 24 oz framing hammer at this asshole & I missed and hit his truck. He stopped and I told him if he talks to me like that again I'll kill him!
Never bothered me again.
I had one that broke my balls often. In the construction world you have to be careful because if a guy flips out someone's going to bleed.
I threw a 24 oz framing hammer at this asshole & I missed and hit his truck. He stopped and I told him if he talks to me like that again I'll kill him!
Never bothered me again.
Had a family friend frame our house . I knew him since I was a child . Was always nice and pleasant to me in a social setting etc .

He was an absolute tyrant to his workers . I was embarrassed by his behavior to his employees …..
I had a boss who was okay until some dude in a bat outfit pushed him into a vat of toxic chemicals.

After that his hair turned green, his skin was pasty white, and he always had this crazy grin. He kept coming up with insane ideas that made him dangerous to work for.
Most people leave their jobs due to bad boss's.

Just about everyone has had at least one bad boss in their lifetime.

I had one at 19 that was a total control freak and demeaning ass. Was already in his 60's and always talked about, - "well, in my days".

I worked in a small grocery store and was in charge of the frozen food & dairy section. Plus, I was in charge of the receiving dock. Couldn't do all three as it was just too much.

Receiving deliveries all day long, stocking the dairy section & the frozen food was just too much for one person. I repeatedly asked for help for over 3 months. Never got any and he always belittled me for not being able to handle it. Anytime that the dairy or frozen food got low on the shelf he was quick to come and give me a stern talking to, even while he saw me doing something else - whether it was receiving or stocking one of the other departments.

I quit and within a week he had 2 people covering the jobs that I was doing by myself.

So, yea, lots of bad bosses out there.
Isn't that the way it is? I had a job where I was continually asking for help. I finally transitioned to something else. My old boss had to hire 4 people to replace me. That's when I realized my worth and vowed never again!
I had a tyrant boss who thought I would put up with his shit because I had young kids and a stay at home wife - wrong.

I’d taken the job because the company was subcontracting in a new field I was wanting to break into. It was a golden opportunity to get my foot in the door and make valuable connections in a budding specialty. I was hired as a journeyman tradesman to work under an experienced supervisor but the supervisor hated the boss and quit during the first week of a three month project.

I ended up being the default supervisor while they unsuccessfully tried to hire a new one. I received all of the manufacturer’s specialized training. When the boss got shitty with me half way through the project I told him I would walk off the job if I had to work with him. He was dependent on me at that point, there was no way the project would get done in time without my knowledge and the contract had a huge liquidated damages clause, so he stayed off the job site and let me get the work done.

I’d already applied for and received my own contractors license and this project got me connected in the industry, so as soon as the project was finished I quit and started my own company, taking the contacts I’d made and some of the other employees with me.

I was one of only a few experienced contractors in my industry for several years.. Success was the greatest revenge. 😊
She wanted me to use up fucking sprinkles FIRST.

I'm just gonna be real here. I'll take a steady stream of non-stop criticism from a bloviated windbag. I'll even wear a colostomy bag to keep from having to take a bathroom break. There are, however, some lines I won't cross. "Using up sprinkles first" is one thing I will never do.......EVER. Fuck her and her goddamn bakery.

I got a new job this September and was hired in September first as a parttime Cake Decorator.

I love the actual cake decorating part, the bakery manager is something else...

I am trying to grin and bear it but I'm starting to wonder if I'm cut out for the job. Ever since I started working there I have been criticized by the bakery manager. They have had issues with the manager with this kind of thing before. I hear she and others are mean to certain other people who have been there years longer than I. It takes a lot to ruffle my feathers but I am reaching my limit.

Each day I fear when I go into work that I have done something wrong without intention.

I am trying to be nice as possible to the manager when I go into work but I just feel defeated and deflated whenever I start my day, which doesn't help the creativity process.

I feel like she looks around at my decorating station to LOOK for things to criticize over when I come in. I think I have only received THREE compliment on her to "keep up the good work" and those are half-assed I feel like. The manager is only ever happy when she finds something to criticize.

When my coworkers are around all I hear is bad gossip about them when everyone is older and retired and work part time one to two days a week. I'm pretty sure the bakery manager gossips about me and another girl when we aren't there.

I am going to see how this week goes I think and go from there...They seem afraid of loosing their cake decorator so we will see what happens...I have already had to threaten to file a harassment form for the bakery manager in my first month in and have had to had one of the lower-upper-manager who hired me in to speak with her.

I am someone who likes getting along with everyone and could give two shits about gossiping about others. I am trying to decide if the parttime job is worth keeping with the environment...I am reaching my limit of being discouraged constantly.

:( :( :( :(

Yes I have had this also. I was very professional and did my best at work and had great reports all my life. All of a sudden a change of manager and I was the worst worker ever. I could not do it right for doing it wrong.

After I done research, I found it was a thing about my religion and my soccer team and he was a bigot.

I went to the guy above him and explained the problem and requested he keep an eye on the situation, as my work life was becoming unbearable. And if need be I would resign and sue the company.

A few weeks later the problem manager went on holiday. It was great without him and myself and others were very productive in a better atmosphere.

A week later my stand in manager called me in for a chat. He informed me that the problem manger (only 50’ish) had died in his sleep while on holiday 🙈

It was no cause for celebration. Despite the fact he had made my life a misery, I never wished him to die. But all of a sudden the atmosphere changed.

So hold on in there mate and have a great time.