What's the reason for the "over-18" story disclaimer everywhere?


"Alabaster," my ass
Nov 19, 2022
Maybe it's not everywhere. I skip the majority of story categories, but in EC and EV, one gets the sense that a disclaimer at the beginning of the story that "all characters are over 18" is obligatory.

What's the reason for this?

What's the consequence of not including it and simply letting it go without saying that the story adheres to the rules?
Im sure things could be implied or misconstrued. Or people would start testing limits and pushing boundaries and go down a slippery slope real fast. I would have thought that would be fairly obvious but I guess not and that’s why they do it.
The site has an iron-clad ban on under-18 sex. Period, no exceptions and complaints can get a story lifted. Some authors, if there seems to be any possibility of somebody thinking characters are too young, start off with a flat clarification. I’ve done that on occasion.
Sonething had to be done to keep people like luk in check.