What's She (or He) Saying? Redeux


"What do you say...about the size of kiwi?...kumquat?"

Sorry folks, apparently my original pic was over the top!
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I say 'Read the Rules!!'

We don't want the thread shut down.

Ah...right. Let me change it. Thank you! Don't know why it did not occur to me that lips on balls would put the thread at risk. Sorry everyone!

"Yuck. Can you go somewhere and shave your back first, mister."
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"Ssssh ... I said no talking, remember?"

We were in Vegas for the conference "Making Him Joyful Without Any Mess"
and we're so ready to try what we learned...

"Wow. That's the sixth time in a row that a first date has fainted as soon as the door opens. I think this dress is working a little too well."

"Do you honestly think I'm going to take this dress off for anything less than a penthouse? Are you kidding me right now? You're going to have to drastically improve my view if you want even a chance of improving your own view!"

"I think the springs on this bed might be a little stiff. What do you think? Do you like the bounce on this mattress?"

"This is your own homemade salad dressing? Mmmm, it's really good. A bit tangy but very tasty. Got anymore of it for me?"