What's He or She Saying?


My badge? You want to see my badge?
This one's been making the rounds of the threads and I'm not sure where it originated but to borrow and modify the line attributed to Linda Evangelista ....


"I don't get into bed for less than $10,000.00"

This is the window that needs fixed and then
perhaps we can figure out why my bed squeaks so much...

"Your wife ask me to come over and make a deal with you.
You know I love Lizzie and I'd do anything for her so ....."

What's you being old enough to be my father have to do with anything ??
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What do you mean check your front pocket for the car keys...

I thought you were going to teach me how to drive ??

"Look, you can't just discriminate against me when holding interviews for your future bride. Sure, I'm young, illegal, slutty, and bi, but...."

"Wait, did you just say that you're slutty and bi? Do you ever share your girlfriends? Because that's the only thing left to make you the perfect second wife."

"Sure, I'll share my girlfriends, but only with you. And my being an illegal alien?"

"Are you a dreamer?"


"You're practically an American now, anyway, aren't you?"

"Then it's settled. I'll be your new wife. You just need to put an anchor baby in me."
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"Okay, so we don't share tastes in coffee and I'm a bit young and wild, but I would love to sleep with you and your wife set up us on this blind date to be a possible unicorn. What's not to love? I'd be a great unicorn for you guys, I swear."

"Well, you are very persistent and I like that in a girl."