What to do when chapter not published as part of series?


Dec 3, 2020
I recently published my story System Failure Ch. 03.
Despite specifically putting in the notes to the admins that it is a sequel to System Failure Ch. 02 and should be published as part of that series, it wasn't.

How do I fix that?
Send a direct message (envelope near the top right of this page) to Laurel, and tell her what happened.

You will also want to make sure that you have direct messaging enabled in your account options. Otherwise she won't be able to reply to you even if she wants to.
Give it 24 hours. The chapter compilation process is automatic, and might take a server refresh cycle for it to work. If it doesn't fix itself, PM Laurel, as NotWise suggests.

She probably won't reply, but you should see a fix.

Occasionally though, the process cocks up. I've got a duplicated chapter story listing, one list correct, the other list with errors, that I gave up trying to get fixed, three years ago.