What sort of messages do people like to receive?

I've had many polite messages. They are great. I do my best to say hello back.

I've had just a dick pic... They do not get a reply.

I've had ones that tell me they are going to control my every move in my life. What I'm going to wear and eat. Not even a hello. They also don't get a reply.

My favorites are creative and have taken the 10 seconds to read my profile. A few have even written as if it's a story on Lit. Those are my favorite.
Me personally. Give me a hello, idea of whom you are and then move on to the reason of the PM. Mostly they are about sex so get to the sex. The more details the better. Set the scene. Not drop, suck and fuck. If not sex then express your interest and we will go from there. Give me something to respond to if needed.
I never know what to put in the subject line, and have not sent many messages that I have wanted to because of that.
I love to receive messages from my online lover telling me how much she loves me and can't wait to be with me. It's so nice to feel desired by her.
Anything that shows that the person has read my profile is a good start. I get that many profiles are empty, but just check in case. ✌️
Exactly. If you are going to have any sort of on-going conversation, it's importnt to know a bit about the sender - especially whether they can read and write coherently. :unsure:
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Like another poster said, it's all personal to the individual taste. I like directness, a bit of substance. I'm not on lit looking for anything other than dirty chat, and get lots of it, so while politeness is appreciated, I like to know in the first message what they want, if it's because they've liked something I've posted or something in my profile, so knowing that, telling me what they liked and asking a related question, or sending something dirty connected to what I've liked/posted. It can be a sentence or a paragraph or a long story. I don't mind if it's clear they're getting off, it's why I'm here too. "Hi how are you" on its own gets ignored.Not a fan of immediate requests for pics - loads of threads for that. Or cutesy stuff, I don't want a date. Or pushyness/aggression if they don't get a reply or a reply takes a while - almost guaranteed way not to get one.
Have fun.
Like another poster said, it's all personal to the individual taste. I like directness, a bit of substance. I'm not on lit looking for anything other than dirty chat, and get lots of it, so while politeness is appreciated, I like to know in the first message what they want, if it's because they've liked something I've posted or something in my profile, so knowing that, telling me what they liked and asking a related question, or sending something dirty connected to what I've liked/posted. It can be a sentence or a paragraph or a long story. I don't mind if it's clear they're getting off, it's why I'm here too. "Hi how are you" on its own gets ignored.Not a fan of immediate requests for pics - loads of threads for that. Or cutesy stuff, I don't want a date. Or pushyness/aggression if they don't get a reply or a reply takes a while - almost guaranteed way not to get one.
Have fun.
While I agree with much of what you say, as a guy, I find that the problem is that women receiving a PM vary so much in their expectations. If all women were like you, life would be much simpler. In my experience, most of them want to get to know their contacts reasonably well before they are ready for the conversation to transition to more explicit topics. :confused:
While I agree with much of what you say, as a guy, I find that the problem is that women receiving a PM vary so much in their expectations. If all women were like you, life would be much simpler. In my experience, most of them want to get to know their contacts reasonably well before they are ready for the conversation to transition to more explicit topics. :confused:
To quote a recent post from a woman on this thread: "Just a hello and a nice convo. Nothing sexual, thanks."

See what I mean?
Honestly…thirsty guys happy to call me a slut

To quote a recent post from a woman on this thread: "Just a hello and a nice convo. Nothing sexual, thanks."

See what I mean?
Yeah, all very much about individual preferences - no one size fits all approach that works.

*Edit, apologies to SavannaT, didn't mean to quote (but hot!)
Yeah, all very much about individual preferences - no one size fits all approach that works.

*Edit, apologies to SavannaT, didn't mean to quote (but hot!)
Thanks and that is exactly why I asked the question which seems to have gained traction and responses. I am now very carefully looking through both profile and posts before I start any conversation on here now. I hope anybody messaging me would have the courtesy to do likewise
Polite and friendly messages are always appreciated, and I will pretty much always reply.

However, what really catches my interest, is if someone asks me a question that makes me think. So, not 'Is it cold where you are?', but more along the lines of 'what are your thoughts on using sex toys together as a couple?' or something like that. Sometimes, this requires a bit of background from the one asking, but that's fine too :)

Nice thread by the way!