What sort of messages do people like to receive?

I like getting a message with a hint of sexual attraction. Something that says 'maybe'.
Depends on where you find the person to message, I’d say. If I’ve posted on a maturation thread, I’m expecting something that will help me explode. In other threads I’d expect something nice to initiate a relevant conversation (and not a dick pic).
I only seem to get "I like your post/thread" messages. It's nice to know people are enjoying my words, but a random titty would be lovely 😂
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Clarify something or Continue a conversation started in a thread.
An introduction.
A friend just sending a short note or not so short.
A sub looking for her daily instructions.
I like a message that honestly reveals a person's inner life.
I doubt there is a universal answer for this. I like receiving messages from folks asking me for site help since I’m a moderator. I like receiving messages referencing something I said in a thread or continuing a conversation in a thread. I hate receiving messages from guys wanting me to help them get off and I do not reply to these.
I doubt there is a universal answer for this. I like receiving messages from folks asking me for site help since I’m a moderator. I like receiving messages referencing something I said in a thread or continuing a conversation in a thread. I hate receiving messages from guys wanting me to help them get off and I do not reply to these.
Might be messaging about my first story in the making
As a newbie M and an “inhibited Brit” I would be interested to know what types of message members like to receive out of the blue. Is it plain vanilla or something more?
I love getting sexy messages! I like when I know someone wants to have ongoing fun, not just for the one time.